Chapter 301

Enthusiasm or something. In fact, An Yilun himself does not believe in such words, but this does not prevent him from speaking out. All he needs is a reason to make people think that he is just too fanatical about the second element. Some extreme behaviors can be forgiven and understood;

Of course, An Yilun is not stupid. First of all, his extreme behavior does not involve the fundamental interests of the other party. Second, if he wants others to do something for him, he can always create him by taking a seat. It’s a weak person, he is reasonable, he has already taken his seat, so it’s okay to promise some requests that are not excessive, right?

What’s more, the people who grew up in this country care about their own personal reviews, so in the past, An Yilun also used the trick of taking a seat in the ground to ask and persecute people, and he had succeeded.

This is also the way An Yilun was able to settle down and recruit younger brothers in the past…

Of course, there are no tricks that can be tried and tested (such as today). If someone ignores An Yilun’s grounds and still insists on his approach, he can turn into a fanatic house with “reasons.”

At this time, almost everyone will choose to settle for peace. After all, no one will care about a fool who is addicted to the two-dimensional element!

It is precisely because of many encounters that An Yilun did not panic at all even if his hair was caught. Instead, he found various reasons to explain. Of course, those seemingly ridiculous reasons were not for defense, but for people. Knowing that he is just a fanatical house, a weak one…

An Yilun is even sure that the guy holding his hair will only push him away after listening to his speech. He is…

“Oh, you guys have so many parents. Are they the shared son after sharing bicycles and sharing lovers?” Obviously, An Yilun also predicted the error. Tsuchima Gotami never doesn’t care what the other party is. People, so after An Yilun also turned himself into a fanatical house, Sougo Tama not only didn’t let go, but instead asked very kind questions.

“Huh!?” An Yilun was also a little flustered, how could this person care so much!

“Because everyone sees your enthusiasm, they will naturally agree to your request? Your enthusiasm is related to everyone’s shit? So many people are willing to help you, then I seriously suspect that you are the child of everyone, which is commonly known as There are hybrids, miscellaneous repairs, and miscellaneous…” I want to force myself to use a lot of waste materials in a way that is not good, and the soil is always fragrant.

Fortunately, Doma Sougou is already squatting on the ground and holding An Yilun Ye. His elegant and easy-going side is not noticed by anyone other than An Yilun. Others don’t care, he is afraid of ruining that waste. There is so much material.

“If you call too much, I will call you Zaxiu for the time being, Zaxie, no matter how much you want the author’s first signature, since it’s already late, it proves that you missed it. Don’t you think you have to sit down with a dirt , Can you get everything you want? Well, plant it!” Doma Sougou was full of good-natured expressions.

“I, I’m not…” An Yilun also seemed to smell the breath of the predator, and she stammered. The guy in front of him was different from the people he had been in contact with in the past! Besides, isn’t it called miscellaneous repair? Why did you change three titles in one sentence?

“Miscellaneous repair, listen up, I don’t bother to listen to your excuses and reasons for such a fanatical house like you…”

An Yilun also heard that he was certain that even if there was a mistake in front, he still let him go like everyone else?

“No way, I suffer from a severe aversion to zealotry. For zealotry, if you get too close to me, I can’t help but shoot him to death! Just like this!” Sougo Tama has no other hand. It was an omen that pinched An Yilun’s neck.

At first, An Yilun only thought that Sougo Tuma was joking.

After 30 seconds.

An Yilun: (⊙ˍ⊙)

He wanted to struggle, but his body was weak. Only then did he react.

This, this guy is serious, the evidence is that he is almost out of breath! In the absence of oxygen, he even felt that his brain began to dizzy and his vision began to blur. He wanted to ask for help, but no one swept his eyes. It wasn’t until he felt that he was suffocating that the hand locked on his throat was released.

“So, this fanatical house chop, do you want to stay here and continue to enjoy the treatment you just received, or how far are you thinking and how far are you going?” There are too many people on the scene, and there are too many wastes, which is really not suitable for downloading. Killer!

“Cough, cough, cough…” An Yilun also knows how to protect herself. Just after catching her breath, she hurriedly left from the side of Tujian Zouwu in an embarrassing posture.

“Well! Xiao buried, people still have to be reasonable. After I analyzed a wave of his wrong behavior with that and so, he hurriedly apologized and left!” An Yi who didn’t dare to stay for a second Ren Ye, Doma Sougo stood up and reported.

“Huh?” Mujian was a little confused: “Euny Chan, how did you persuade An Yi to leave? Xiao Mu thought it would be difficult to persuade that kind of person. It was the iron-headed baby that Oni Chan had said before. .”

“So, why do you have more than one touch, and I am Ounichan, because Ounichan has a rich life experience, and he is particularly good at convincing people with reason (force?), even if it is a fanatical home fan, Under Jiang’s persuasion (threat), he will also change his mind…” After driving away the flies, Tuma Zougou started the boasting mode.

The murderous spirit has been withdrawn, and a mild atmosphere spontaneously emerged. The scene suddenly became warm and people resumed communication.

“Eh a lot? Do you think something happened just now, it suddenly felt so cold for a moment.”

“Do you feel that way too? I actually do too…”

“You are too sensitive to pull, so I don’t feel anything. Anyway, what about the boy sitting in the dirt?”

“I don’t know, by the way, why on earth does that guy want to sit down? Looks so perverted!”

“You said, is it a confession? I can only think of this reason…”

“Ah, it’s too shy to fall in love, right, did the boy succeed?”

“It shouldn’t be. If it succeeds, that guy won’t run away…”

“Hey, it’s a shame that I didn’t see the process of confession…”

Hearing this discussion, buried in the soil: “…”

Well, it’s better to confess than to argue that she has something to do with that guy. Anyway, the love letters she received at school are enough to fill the closet, and the confession she faces are countless, and I don’t care about one more, but O’Neill really It’s amazing. Just a few words persuaded the teacher An Yi to leave the school.

With this mentality, when faced with Sougo Doma’s boasting, Xiao Bui just smiled and smiled, and when Sougo Doma finished boasting, she said with a certain face: “Ouni-chan. Super awesome. Oh!”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

After being said by Xiaobui, he was embarrassed to pull his face, but this is not wrong! He is the perfect Oni sauce, Sougoto Doma!

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