Chapter 293

Under the constant troubling (flicker) of Sougo Tama, the matter seems to be about to be resolved. Judging from the current situation, as long as Shiina Zhenbai introduces herself well, he will be able to confuse this farce. That’s it, she might as well talk nonsense!

“Sougo, did Zhenbai get into trouble?” Like a telepathy, Shiina Zhenbai, who was constantly spitting out in the bottom of his heart, spoke at the right time, looking confused.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

You have to quickly let Silly Qiang build up this girl’s common sense!

“No trouble, everyone is caring about the truth…”

Shiina really white nodded, she understood again, everyone was embarrassed, so…

“Sougo, I have a plan!”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Wait, there is no need to plan at this time. This guy listens to him first and introduces himself honestly. Is it so difficult?

“I kill everyone with Zongwu, and there will be no more things that make Zongwu embarrassed.”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

The whole class: “…”

Isn’t this guy actually a supreme girl? Why can she say such horrible things without changing her face!


Even if he just recalled what happened that day, Tōma Sougo still wanted the corners of his mouth to twitch. He deeply doubted whether Shiina Mashiro had any trouble-making system…

Of course, there is no need to tell Xiaobu about these things. As for why Xiazhiqiu Shiyu is not willing to talk more, it is probably because Xiazhiqiu Shiyu always defies Zhenbai repeatedly.

I remember the first rooftop dinner of the three.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu launched an attack at the beginning: “Unexpectedly, Zongwujun is still a voice-controlled madman, he can actually find a voice that is so similar to others, but as a genuine me, my tone is much more than Sanwu!”

Shiina was really white with an inexplicable face: “Sougo, what is voice control?”

“Miss maid, you can’t guess the master’s XP casually, really white, you don’t need to know these useless knowledge.”

Shiina nodded, “I see, Sougo!”

The well-behaved appearance made Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu gritted his teeth: “Men are really animals that only see the newcomers laugh. How can I hear that the old people cried animals? Zong Wujun who has done such things to others can’t even say a word of voice control. Yet?”

While talking, Shiwa Kasumigaoka was also observing Shiina’s reaction. If Shiina’s reaction was intense, she would use this as an attack method…

Shiina Mashiro: “Sougo, the Baumkuchen you made is gone…”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

What a powerful opponent!

“It’s really white, I’ll have some food without cake, and the maid, what I did to you, I’m very curious.” There will never be a Shura field in the soil, and Zou Gou said with a benevolent face: ” How about you say it now and let us experience it again?”

Shiyu Kasumigaoka:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

I forgot that Zongwujun is not the Asashi male protagonist who can only explain desperately after being misunderstood. If she makes any other explosive remarks, she is afraid that she will be eaten and wiped out on the spot, although she doesn’t mind very much. , But at least let Zongwujun confess!

No, no more weird things, just find a reason…

“In the comics, didn’t Sougo-kun portray the black long straight literary girl as a sand sculpture girl? It’s really too much. The old woman Machida Yuanzi kept asking me, in reality, is I just that virtue, I…” Still digging a hole, Kasumigaoka Shiyu wanted to test whether Shiina Mashira knew the hidden identity of Tuma Sougo.

“Manga? Is Sougo drawing a manga too?” Before Kasumigaoka Shiwa could finish speaking, Shiina interrupted with interest.

“For the time being, I’m painting.” By the way, you can also let the idiot guide the creation of really white comics. Although it is an individual with a mental retardation, if the guidance is really white, it should be enough.

“Sogo is really amazing.” That’s what I said, but it sounded a bit disappointed. There is no way, her manga manuscript has not been passed until now.

Shiyu Kasumigaoka also heard this loss. She felt that she was a little better. Look at it. As far as the level of understanding of Sougo-kun is concerned, you are still far away. Little sister, at the same time she is satisfied, Shiina is really white. Suddenly said.

“Sougo, teach me how to draw comics!”

Shiyu Kasumigaoka:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

This, this guy came up with a straight ball, it’s too messy! Wouldn’t you be embarrassed if you were rejected? Wait, if Zongwujun agrees, what’s the matter with her Xiazhiqiu Shiyu?

“Shiina-san, drawing manga is not that simple, whether it is the painting skills polished since childhood or the requirements for painting…”

“Miss maid, don’t tell me, you probably don’t know the true identity of Zhenbai?” Think about the maid under your own hands, Doma Sougou feels, or don’t let her be beaten and embarrassed…

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu: “Huh?”

“This guy Zhenbai is a world-class artist. He was summoned by the Queen of England because of his paintings…”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu didn’t hear clearly the following introduction. She was stunned when she heard that the painting was summoned by the Queen of England. It’s a lie, it’s a lie!

Nothing, Shiina’s white appearance is too deceptive. Who would have thought that a guy who didn’t even know common sense would be a famous artist in the world? Wait, you are already an artist with such a high level of accomplishment, why on earth do you want to learn to draw comics?

What’s more, with the common sense control ability shown by this guy, can he really draw comics? So, what made Shiina really want to draw manga for nothing, and if there is, that is Sougo-kun!

Shiwa Kasumigaoka felt terrified when he thought about it. Shiina Shiro didn’t know where he got the news, and knew that Sougo-kun was drawing comics, so she deliberately approached Sougo-kun for the reason of drawing comics.

Originally, Sougo-kun’s identity as a manga artist was hidden, Shiina Zhenbai didn’t dare to make it clear, because that would expose her purpose. However, the stupid Shiyu Xiazhiqiu, who was beside her, became a man. Assisting the pusher, so Shiina Mashiro can take advantage of the trend to ask about manga…

Sure enough, this girl who seems to have no expression and sanwu is actually a scheming girl, and she put her along without any expression. She Xiazhiqiu Shiyu thought she was on the third floor, and the sanwu girl was at most the first floor. , Where do you know, Shiina Mashiro is already on the fifth floor!

Shiina Mashiro standing on the “fifth” floor: “Sougo, can you? Teach me comics!”

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu’s heart: No, Zong Wujun, don’t agree! What stupid things did I do!

“Go back and talk about it.” Still wanting to push Shiina Mashiro to the silly and strong Sougo Morama, he said.

“Yeah!” Shiina nodded really white.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu——Does she even have the power to know the result?

The first confrontation.

Kasumigaoka Shiwa VS Shiina Mashiro.

Shiina really won the victory. Although she was at a loss as to how she won, she was always a victory.

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