Chapter 274 Why was Tuma Sougou’s plan rejected?

In this country, students are strictly divided into different levels. Without discussing the middle, just talk about the bottom and the top.

The bullied are the lowest level creatures. After being isolated and repelled, even if they eat lunch at noon, they can only hide in the toilet to eat, so called toilet meal.

Correspondingly, it is the existence at the top level-presenting, which is different from isolation and rejection. Presenting is enjoying the pursuit of everyone, focusing on people’s sight, surrounded by friends and goodwill.

And what the bullied person yearns most is this kind of life. Of course, human inferiority will also make the bullied person feel uncomfortable with the incumbent because of jealousy.

Ako Tamaki: (ㄒoㄒ)

Now, the current one… Doesn’t it mean that good people tend to live more painful lives? Current charge-I am envious, jealous and hateful, I really want to cry.

It’s just that before she can brew tears, Sougo Tama has continued:

“Then I can ask again, do you want to change? Ako Tamaki?”

“Me, can I?”

“Oh, it should be okay. If you can accept it, what’s your answer now?” Doma, it’s okay to leave it to me, Sougo.

Yuzhi Yazi hesitated for a while, and finally got the courage, clenched his fist and said, “Yes, I, I want to change!”

Four to fifty minutes later, Yu set up in front of Yazi’s house.

“Azi, I’m too picky. This is not okay, that’s not okay, it seems that I can only use the last plan!” Sougo Tama said with one hand covering his face.

Ako Tamaki: !!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

Is it her problem? Is it really her problem? It’s really not because the plans you came up with are too weird, she didn’t dare to move, she didn’t dare to move!

Tōma Sougou’s plan one: Tōma Sougo personally hypnotizes and creates a second personality for Yuzhi Ako. This personality is proficient in various skills such as communication, acting, and frame-up. As the first personality, Yuzhi Ako is here. Look well inside the body, study hard, and when you learn it, you will fight with the second personality, destroy the second personality, and re-occupy your body.

Of course, this is a little risky. For example, if the second personality takes the upper hand when Sougo Doma is not paying attention, it will destroy Ako Yuki’s personality-Sougo Doma will avenge her, um. …

At that time Ako Tamaki: !!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

Fight? Killed? revenge? Dare not, dare not…

To this, Sougo Tama expressed regret. If she chooses this one, Yuzhi Aiko will be able to go smoothly, cough cough, and surely survive, then what she learned in the second personality will definitely benefit her for life.

However, he quickly came up with the second plan: let Shaqiang look for the black material in Yuzhi Azi’s class on the Internet, and let her change from being bullied to bullying.

Ako Tamaki: !!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

Let’s not say what the hell she is going to bully others, just the means is very illegal! Dare not, dare not…

In this regard, Sougo Tama once again expressed regret and quickly gave a third plan;

Let Jidao…

I was rejected when I spoke.

Ako Tamaki: !!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

It is the Jidao organization, what this guy wants to say is the Jidao organization! ? Dare not, dare not…

Tuma Zougou subsequently gave dozens of plans, but they were all rejected by Yuzhi Azi. This made Tuma Zougou feel helpless. People nowadays really want to change and don’t want to pay.

Yuzhi Yazi: -_-|||

This is not a question of giving or not. Each of these plans is either walking on the edge of the law or probing repeatedly between life and death. She is just an ordinary JK! The kind with internet addiction! Really, I can’t stand such a big stimulus…

If Yako Tamaki was in this mood at the beginning: (☆▽☆)ヾ(Ő∀Ő๑)ノ Very good

Is she finally going to say goodbye to her past self? Is she finally going to make friends? Friends in reality!

After a while.

Yazi Yuzhi felt like this: -_-!-_-!

In fact, there is no need to change that much!

Up to now.

Ako Tamaki has: ▄█▀█●

I am addicted to the Internet and I can’t tell the difference between reality and virtuality. It doesn’t seem to be a big deal, ha ha ha…

So, in front of the door of Yuzhi Yazi’s house, Tama Sougo said: “There is only one last plan left.” Shi.

Tamaki Ako actually felt subtly saved.

“Yazi, I didn’t even want to mention this plan at all…”

Yuzhi Ako: (﹁﹁)

Actually, you don’t need to mention it.

“After all, the core of this plan is-evasion is shameful, but useful…”

Yazi Yuzhi raised his head: (☆▽☆)

No, no, no, maybe this is the most suitable plan for her. She likes to do something to avoid.

“It’s just that the atmosphere of bullying has already been created. If you don’t use some special methods, you can only use thirty-six counts. Just like you did at the beginning, you won’t play with them anymore, but why? Would you escape to the house instead of transferring?”

“It’s useless, it’s useless. Small groups are already divided at the beginning of school. Even if they change schools, they can’t enter other people’s circles. They will be treated like air.” Yuzhi Yazi shook his head.

“How about coming to our school? The private Toyonosaki, although I just transferred to school, but the atmosphere is good, there is nothing to stop talking.”

Yuzhi Yazi blinked and was stunned. After a while, she covered her mouth and said, “How can that kind of school accept people like me!”

Indeed, compared to Maezaki High School where Ako Tamaki is located, the private Toyonosaki is a prestigious school, although there is still a gap with a top school like Xiujien…

Generally speaking, these prestigious schools are very picky about their students, and it is absolutely impossible for a girl with internet addiction like Yuzaki Aiko to transfer to the private Toyosaki, but that’s just a general situation.

“Don’t think about the question of whether or not, then, Yazi, do you want to turn around? If we turn around, maybe we can still be classmates.” Sougo Tama asked.

“Same, classmate!? But, is it okay? Is it really possible?” If you are classmates with UMR, you won’t be bullied, right?

“Well, of course, let’s go in first, but the most urgent thing is to explain to your mother what happened during this period and apologize.” Sougo Tama nodded and rang the doorbell of Yuzhi’s house.

“Ding Dong, Ding Dong, Ding Dong!” After a few bells rang, a female voice that sounded rather haggard asked in it.

“Who can I look for?”

“Mom, mom…” Yuzhi Yazi whispered.


The door opened quickly.

“Yazi, Yazi, where have you been all this time? Nothing happened, right?”

Yuzhi Yazi bowed his head: “Yes, right…”

“Excuse me, this must be Yazi’s mother, Mrs. Yuzhi, who is always enlightened in Xia Tujian, I am here today to apologize for the trouble my sister brought to your house.” Tujian, polite, Total enlightenment.

Mrs. Tamaki: (☆▽☆)

Husband, madam, someone called her madam, that’s an elegant address, this young man is really polite!

“Excuse me, who is your sister?” Mrs. Yuzhi who was biased by Tuma Sougo.

“Oh, it should be the original elopement of Ling Qianjin…” Doma Sougo turned his head, why is this statement so awkward?

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