Chapter 270 The sixteen-year-old shouldn’t bear this!

“Doma Sougou, if you have something to say, you should come down first!” Hiratsuka Jing is panicked now, very panicked. She just said a lunatic, and Tōma Sougou jumped over the barbed wire on the rooftop, what else did she say? :

“Ms. Hiratsuka, your words hurt me, so I decided to jump off the building!”

Shizuka Hiratsuka: !!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

Is this guy’s heart so delicate and sensitive?

“It’s useless, I’ve already suffered irreversible damage…” The earth is extremely fragile, Sougou.

Shizuka Hiratsuka: ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ)

Wait, what should I do at this time? Is she so good? Isn’t it just a rant? Why did you get to this point? By the way, this kind of situation seems to have been played in the TV series…

“Tama Sougou, if you have any request, the teacher can promise you, you come down first!”

“I don’t have any requirements, Hiratsuka-teacher, in fact, you are right. I am a lunatic, and I have a doctor’s certificate.” Tuma, always having fun on his own, is always enlightened.

Shizuka Hiratsuka: Anger (ノ`ー´)ノ・・・~~┻━┻

Did she commit a lunatic this year? No matter how the guys I met had the potential to be mad, Yang Nao, and Xue Nao, too, now it’s alright, Tuma Zougou seems to be even more mad. Of course, now knowing that this doesn’t work, she has to continue to persuade her.

“Sougenzuo Tuma, you come down first, no matter what you ask, the teacher can promise you!”

“Teacher Hiratsuka, you don’t understand how painful a lunatic is when he is awakened by someone he likes to be a lunatic. Therefore, I will not come down, I will only jump down!”

Shizuka Hiratsuka: !!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

What do you mean by the person you like?

Before she could figure it out, she heard a sound.

“Then, goodbye!”

With a little toe, Tuma always jumped downstairs in front of her.

Shizuka Hiratsuka: (⊙ˍ⊙)

Jumped! He jumped! He really jumped! What should I do? In one sentence, the second young master of the Tujian family is said to be dead. Can this be regarded as seniority? Haha, she seems to be over!

Moreover, this bastard hasn’t made it clear what the person he likes means!

Is it too late to make an ambulance call now?

It must be full of people below, right?

Something happened! ! !

She shouldn’t have come to Toyonosaki. If she didn’t come to Toyonosaki, she wouldn’t meet Sougo Tama, and she wouldn’t be a teacher who would let students jump off the building in a word.

No, you can’t just be in a daze. You have to go and see the situation first. Hiratsuka, who quickly walked to the barbed wire fence, was mentally prepared, however, when she looked down.

“What about people?”

The soil in front of the shoe cupboard said: “I feel comfortable, just play a prank, and I feel that the pressure caused by the two troubles has been reduced a lot. Not only that, the blood accelerated by the secretion of hormones has also calmed down. It is really a beneficial activity for the body and mind. what……”

“However, that guy is right when he said it. I did it on purpose. The body has reached the peak of hormone secretion. There will be the illusion that the little maid is actually really fragrant. If you are cared for a little bit, it will accelerate the blood. This is the hormone. The worries of the secretion stage, wait, as a celestial traverser, am I losing the face of the seniors?”

“The body in the hormonal secretion stage didn’t think about opening the harem, but drove people out. What am I thinking about!?” Sougo Tama, doubting in life.

“It’s no wonder that Xiao Mai will call me salted fish, wait…it really is the peak period of hormone secretion, if this messy thought is known to Xiao Mai…”

“Haha…” The earth, with a sorrowful smile, always enlightened him.

After wiping the cold sweat that didn’t exist, Tuma always realized that he changed his shoes and skipped class again. The two troubles in the family were still there. In order to grow up healthy, he couldn’t leave it alone!

The illusion of peace in the house of Doma was adjusted by Sougo Doma in the middle.

When Doma Sougo went to school, the peace of Doma House…

In fact, it’s still peaceful.

At the very least, when Sougo Tama returned home, he only saw True White sitting on the sofa without wearing anything, his eyes were very confused.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Help! He is now out of the stage of life with a high level of hormone secretion! Although I knew this guy had no common sense for a long time, why did he see this situation when he got home? What was he trying to make? Fortunately, Xiao Buried came back!

“Zongwu? Where did you go?” While Tujian Zouwu had a headache, Shiina Zhenbai turned Danfeng’s eyes around after finding out that he was back, and staring straight at him.

“School, you have to go to school tomorrow, by the way, really white, why are you here? Stupid strong?”

“Teacher Shaqiang said that appropriate relaxation is good for the plot, and let Zhenbai come out for a walk, huh!” Shiina Zhenbai clenched his fists.

“What about the clothes?” Relax too much!

“Clothes, I don’t know how to wear them.” Shiina Masashi bowed his head.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Forget the lack of common sense of this guy, no matter how good the silly Qiang is, it is impossible to help her get dressed! And if he and Xiao Qian are not at home, no one will assign Yuzhi Yazi in the name of the village head.

“Sougo, help me!”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Why are these guys pushing him one by one? He, Tuma always realized that even if his heart is clear, but this body is only sixteen years old. It is just the age when the blood is strong and the hormone secretion period is the most vigorous. No way. , You have to put on this guy’s clothes before the blood speeds up again.

“It’s really white, go back to your room first…”

Xiao buried, come and save Ounichan.

“Yeah!” Shiina nodded really white.

Two minutes later, Shiina was really white in the room.

“Miss Zhenbai, can you tell me why I can’t wear this fat word?”.

“Yesterday Yazi wore the same kind of fat words for me. You can’t wear the same kind of fat words for two consecutive days.” It’s really white who is very particular about fat words!

Summoning the Earth: #^_^

He was too lazy to complain about how this common sense was developed.

“What about this one?”

“Not cute enough.”

The soil is always enlightened: #^_^##

Don’t buy it if you don’t think it is cute!

“This one?”

“Not suitable for today’s mood.”

“Hoo~!” After trying countless times, Shiina finally got Makoto dressed, and Soma Tama was so knowledgeable, he couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

At the same time, there is another layer of gratitude for Yuzhi Yazi. If it weren’t for this sick-headed guy, the peace of Tuma’s family would have been broken long ago.

At the very least, Xiao Mu will never be indifferent when he sees the true white just now.

“Guru.” At the same time that Tama always realized the random thoughts, Shiina’s white belly made an untimely protest.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Should I say, did he come back in time?

“Zuo Wu, hungry.”

“What do you want to eat?”


Sending cakes to Shiina Mashiro and lunch to the dead house Tamaki Ako, the peace of Tamaiya finally lasted.

Sometimes, a false peace requires effort to maintain it.

Forget it, thinking that all of this is for the healthy growth of that waste material, Tuma always endures it, and the top priority is to solve the problem of Yuzhi Ako first.

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