Chapter 265

Earth house, living room.

Toma Sougou, URM is buried, Shiina is really white, and Yuzhi Ako has already sat down around the coffee table.

There are also fragrant tea, coffee, and other beverages.

If it weren’t for the wrong atmosphere, it would look like a friend came to the house for a party.

for example.

Mou Yazi: “It’s really rude. I have to trouble Master O’Neill to bring us tea. Originally, these should be the wife’s doing.”

Buried in the soil asks for help, his eyes swept across the soil: →_→

O’Neill, help me!

Sovereign Enlightenment of the Earth: (@﹏@)~

What can he do? He is also very desperate. The most important thing is that if this matter involves a lot of his own waste, he will have scruples. What if he uses too much force to leave a psychological shadow on Xiaobu? What about his gentle and kind-hearted image of Oni sauce? That dumpling would definitely say: “I didn’t expect Ernie sauce to be this kind of person!”.

so what should I do now! ?

“What should a wife do?” Shiina was a little confused. What is a wife? Why did Sougo do what his wife should do?

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Enough, don’t make trouble at this time, fortunately, he already has ideas to solve these things.

Troubles need to be dealt with one by one, and they can’t be put together, otherwise, it will easily become constant cutting, and the reasoning will be messed up!

First, give Xiaodi a look (¬_¬).

You ask for your blessing first!

Then immediately got up and went upstairs, talked to Ryunosuke on the phone, and asked Chihiro Chihiro to come over to pick up people, so as not to reveal the fact that he was not actually ready to pick Shiina Shiina. After Shiina Shibai was sent away, he would try his best to solve it. The question of Yazi Tamaki.

It’s perfect.

“Moximosi, Ryunosuke? This is the prisoner Doma Sougo!”

“Master Tuma, what the hell do you want to do? How can someone call someone who is called a prisoner?” Akasaka Ryunosuke, who only answered the phone for a long time, couldn’t help but vomit because of Sougo Doma’s sentence.

“Yes, isn’t that the kidnapper?” Sougo Tama gave an example.

Akasaka Ryunosuke: -_-|||

Is this a crime statement? But, kidnapping is just a matter of kidnapping, as long as you don’t kidnap him, anyway, kidnapping has nothing to do with him, and he doesn’t care too much about it, wait!

“Aren’t you the smart maid who kidnapped me?”

Summa Enlightenment: (⊙ˍ⊙)

Is this guy crazy? What is he doing with that thing, but it seems very interesting, try another day?

“Don’t think about it, I just kidnapped your cousin of teacher Qianshi, please inform her, prepare 7,982 yen, and then come to my house to pick up someone! Just tell her the address directly.” The money for the Baumkuchen must be returned. what.

“This joke is not funny at all!”

“This is a fact. If you contact the Senshi teacher now, you will understand that what I’m telling you is the truth.” This way, the speed of sending Shiina Mashiro will speed up.


“Hang up really fast.”

Very good, I have already done something similar to a crime declaration. Even if Shiina Mashiro’s cousin is unreliable, she will immediately rush to take Shiina Mashiro away from here. One trouble is solved, it is perfect.

Two minutes later, the mobile phone rang, and Tama Sougo connected the phone decisively.

“The total enlightenment of the Tujian family?” Chihiro Chihiro said puzzledly.

“It’s me, Sengoku Obasan, if you don’t want your cousin, Miss Shiina, you can bring 7,982 yen…” Sougo Tama continued to confuse himself. However, just halfway through the conversation, Chihiro Sengoku became angry. Interrupted.

“Asshole boy, who do you say is Obasan?”

“Well, Miss Chihiro, your cousin…” Sougo Tama feels that Chihiro Chihiro’s focus is not right. Okay, can he change his name?

“It turns out that Zhenbai was picked up by you? No wonder I let people go and didn’t find anyone! But hahaha, great, it looks like Zhenbai is still the original character, I was having a headache, I didn’t expect to meet you… …” Chihiro Chihiro’s voice was full of smiles.

“Miss Chinishi, let me remind you that I kidnapped Ms. Shiina directly. It’s a crime!” Sougo Tama felt that something was not right.

“Is it kidnapping her heart? Or the love kidnapper? Then, Mr. Kidnapper, please take your responsibility!” Like Chihiro Chihiro who lost a hot potato.

“Miss Qianshi, I am definitely not joking with you. If you don’t come to my house with 7,982 yen to pick up Ms. Zhenbai, I will tear up the ticket!” The earth is full of anger, always enlightened.

“Tear it, tear it, I don’t care anymore, goodbye Mr. Kidnapper!”


Summoning the Earth: #^_^

This is too unreliable!

He gritted his teeth and dialed the phone back again: “Miss Qianshi, you don’t want me to send someone to Sakura Village, it’s too much! I don’t want the ransom, you hurry up and take Zhenbai away, OK?”

“I’m already called Zhenbai? It seems that you are getting along well!”

“Come and take Miss Shiina away, OK?”

“What are you talking about? I can’t hear it, the signal is bad…”


Summoning the Earth: #^_^

Do these guys want to die again?

At the same time, Chihiro Chihiro, who hung up the phone, said to the sky, “Hurrah, someone actually took the troublesome ghost away. It’s really great. I can’t even work on blind dates. How can I have time to take care of that? The kid of common sense of life!”

“Wait, the guy said to send Zhenbai over, no, I can’t let him succeed!” As if thinking of something, Chihiro Chihiro picked up the phone again and dialed abroad.

Earth House, second floor.

“The number you are dialing is on a call…” Listening to the busy tone on the phone, the expression on Sougo Tama’s face became more and more correct. Chihiro Chihiro, the old woman, really doesn’t care about her cousin’s life or death?

Does he have to send people there himself? It’s really a trouble…

It seems that you can only change the steps first, get rid of that Tamaki Ako, and then get rid of Shiina Zhenshi.

Then, if the steps are changed, first go downstairs if nothing has happened.

Immediately drank the tea that had just arrived in one sip.


“Ahem…” He coughed twice and motioned to Yuzhi Yazi to let her make tea!

The next thing is the important point, young girl, even if you regard virtual reality as reality, marriage is definitely not as simple as you think. First of all, the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law will make people feel broken. Since violence cannot be used, let him Come play the evil mother-in-law, destroy Yuzhi Yazi’s fantasy about marriage, and want to marry into the Tujian family, no way!

snort! snort! Very good, now, tell Xiao buried the plan.

“Ouni-chan, Xiao Mu feels that you are just satisfying your evil taste, what the hell is the evil mother-in-law! Can’t you let Yazi realize that virtuality is different from reality?”

“It will take a lot of time not to talk about it, and it will be very troublesome. Moreover, as long as she destroys her fantasy of marriage, she may be able to wake up from the virtual and return to reality!”

“Evil mother-in-law? Marriage fantasy?” Shiina tilted his head, his face full of confusion.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Let this trouble go first!

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