Chapter 241 The day of Monday will disappear!

It was Monday again in a blink of an eye.

This day is really not a good day for the brothers and sisters who have been playing at home for two days.

“Xiao Mai, I’ll get up soon for breakfast, yawn~!” On this day, even Tujian Zouwu was a little sleepy. Fortunately, I can make up for it in school.

“Euny sauce, destroy things like daytime, no, you can’t ruin the daytime, then ruin Monday this day, let Monday be a legal holiday!” The hamster lay on the bed like a salted fish, his mouth Suspiciously, he just didn’t get up.

“No, even if it’s me…” This request made Soma Tama a little embarrassed.

“O’Nichan, why do we have a Monday like this? Human beings are really busy creatures, like other animals, they don’t care about Monday or Monday…” The hamster lost his focus when his eyes were buried, and he was about to fall asleep again. .


Doma Sougo stepped forward and flicked a certain group’s forehead, awakening her from the sleeping curse.

“Other animals also have their own difficulties. Human beings have legal holidays anyway. Those animals try their best to survive every day. How can they give themselves holidays!”

The hamster covered his head and said, “Eunni sauce, how do you know that they have their own difficulties, and not every animal does its best to survive!”

“For example?” Sougo Tama asked, and handed over the school uniform that the dumpling was going to wear today.

“It’s like an animal in a zoo. I just lie lazily every day, and someone will pass things over.” The hamster buried his clothes and said:

“It’s like a panda, and there are professionals waiting…”

“Small burial, the more you get, the more you lose. Like a panda, it loses its wildness and bravery. Moreover, the panda will be forced to take X to breed offspring.” Sougo Doma, full It is malicious.

“Hey, Ernie Chan, don’t talk too much about this topic, but the panda has lost its bravery?” Hamster buried deeply suspicious.

“I’m stupid, what’s your tone of voice, pandas are called iron-eaters, and no matter whether it is explosive power, strength or speed, they will not lose to any kind of bear clan. Okay, Come out for dinner after you change your clothes…” Doma Sougo said as he walked out of the door.

“Hey, aren’t many people deceived by the appearance of pandas? They seem to be harmless to humans and animals, and so cute, but there is a powerful force hidden in the body!” The dressed lady buried.

“It’s not a deception. Who makes humans be visual creatures? And, compared with pandas, those who hide themselves under a weak and harmless appearance, but actually have extremely vicious minds, are the most terrible… …” Somatomo said with emotion after eating breakfast.

“Euny sauce seems to mean something!” Hamster Muy also finished the last taste of the soup.

“For example, Kaoru Gongyuan is very vicious in his mind. I would have let her faint in place if I knew it, ah~! She obviously saved her, but she still pestered her sister. What a damn!” Zou Wu’s eyes are fierce.

“Oni sauce, Xun sauce is just because I like music too much, so I want to worship Xiaomai as a teacher.” Mujian said: “Moreover, it’s not because O’Neill didn’t take a closer look around after he discovered that the person was fainted. I lost someone else’s violin after saving someone…”

“Why should I pay attention to a violin? Also, using music as a thank you gift, isn’t this nonsense? Give the money directly, and the money will not be over!” Sougo Tama’s malice became more and more intense.

“Euny sauce, in fact, I feel like it’s better to wait for Eunice sauce to wake up and mess up other people’s body. Even the hair is full of leaves, which is the smoky temper. Okay, I didn’t blame O’Neill, and the violin of Xunjiang really played well, almost catching up with Xiaomai’s level when he was 12 years old…”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Before you know it, it seems that this dumpling has been filled with a wave?

Mujian said while changing his shoes: “Speaking of which, O’Neill made a mess of other people’s bodies, so Xiaobuy had to come forward and give some guidance to O’Neill. Otherwise, the smoked sauce would definitely not be so easy to accept. His clothes were torn, his shoes were missing, his hair was full of leaves, and his violin was lost, and a series of sad realities.”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

I had known that I would just get that guy into Tokyo Bay and sink it!

“I’m going out!” While thinking about this, Sougo Tama opened up, and followed Yi Mo Duo together.

As the saying goes, Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrived. Just after he walked, Sougo Tama wanted to go back to the house and bring the RPG rocket launcher on him again, and give the guy in front of him a shot.

“Senior Mujian, buried senior sister, it’s not right, today I must apprentice successfully, buried master!” The blonde girl Kaoru Gongyuan said hello with a bright face.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

How many times is this special?

“The smoked sauce is really energetic, but it doesn’t matter if you go to a teacher or something, after all, I am still a student.” The hamster responded decently.

“Of course, I’m full of energy every day, ooh…” Kaoru Miyazon just made a muscular gesture, but felt that his head was starting to feel dizzy. He quickly ate the prepared candy and said, “Live again. That’s it!”

“Smoked sauce and sugar are really heroic. In other words, is it really okay to eat this way?” The hamster was a little embarrassed. This method of replenishing vitality is really unique.

“Don’t worry, eating like this is most likely to cause tooth decay or something. When the time comes, open your mouth will be a watery rotten tooth…” Sougo Morama joked.

Kaoru Miyazono:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

What a vicious idea, senior earthman, is this your true purpose? No, I’m shocked by eating candy!

However, even so, Kaoru Miyazona, who is decayed, will be grateful to you for a lifetime. Thank you for the mystery-senior Morama, thank you for making her life full of hope again.

“Xunjiang, does your school take this road too?” Looking at Kaoru Gongyuan with a frightened look, Buried in the earth quickly turned away from the topic. O’Neill is true. Xunjiang suffers from low blood sugar when he is so young. Ten years has been hard enough, and it scares her so much.

“Not at all! I came to inform Senpai specifically when I received the news. Have you heard that? The Violin Concert Hall is going to hold a violin competition. Should Senpai participate?”

“When music is caught in a ranking dispute, it is no longer pure. Therefore, Xiao Bui will not participate in these competitions!” Knowing how many salty fish he is, Zou Jianzuo didn’t need to wink, he already rejected it.

“Huh?” Kaoru Miyazono was a little confused.

“So, if you are excited when you hear about the competition, you can’t worship your teacher!” Sougo Tuma affirmed.

“Why, how could this be?” Kaoru Miyazon was a little irritated, and didn’t participate in the competition, so how to convey the music? Communicate your feelings!

“Xunjiang, I agree with my brother on this point, so if you are in a big competition, you can do your best!” I know how to use the dirt of the donkey under the slope to shake his fist and make a cheer.

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