Chapter 231 Xuexia Family’s Woman Calls Themselves? That’s all rumors!

Chiba Prefecture, Yukoshita House Villa.

“Sorry, I was a little distracted just now, and I was a bit rude to Master Sougo!” Mrs. Xuexiaxia had just recovered from the report of Yukino Yuukixia. The professional team of Xuexiajia’s family has analyzed it and if it makes up for the plan. The missing key points in the book, then the possibility of its design is as high as 50%.

Even if you don’t make up the key points, you can still get a glimpse of the possibility of success through the clues inside. Until now, that plan is still being analyzed. If it weren’t for a confidentiality agreement, these guys would have to deal with Tamagui. The dragon has worshipped, and he deserves to be the god of commerce who has brought the family of the territories to the present day.

“Oh, it’s not a rude. At first, I suspected that Miss Yang Nai was not sincere in cooperation, and planned to kidnap the second young lady from your house. That’s rude, haha…” Not surprisingly endlessly.

The corner of Mrs. Yukoshita’s mouth twitched: “Master Sougo is quite good at joking.” Is this guy really cultivated by the Tujian family? Master Guilong worked hard to help this guy earn a fortune that is not lost to the Tujian family? It seems that every family has hard-to-read sutras!

“No, I’m actually ready to implement it, but I was stopped…” Sougo Tama squeezed his face and said.

Mrs. Xuexia: #^_^

Fortunately, her two children did not turn out to be like this. Mr. Guilong’s business talents can be described as blessed, but in terms of education, please tell me that she disagrees!

“However, I never thought that Miss Yang Nai was so sincere and called Madam directly. Does this mean that I can use the resources of the Xuexia family with full authority, ooh, the plan seems to have to be revised…”

“No need to modify!” Mrs. Xuexia interrupted aloud, regardless of her manners.

Are you kidding me? Fully use the resources of the Xuexiajia family. This is a way of directly beating the annexation. Moreover, that plan is very good, and the investment is not too much. Even if it fails, it will not hurt the Xuexiajia family. Loss of movable bone.

“Huh?” Sougo Tama raised his head.

“Master Zongwu, don’t bother with Master Guilong specially, and, step by step, it should be more in line with Master Guilong’s wish.” Mrs. Xuexia explained.

“Why do I have to follow the old man’s wish…” Tuma was a little weak, and these guys all seemed to have misunderstood something. He must explain.

“And, I, I can’t wait to develop Xuexiaxia and crush those guys who dare to offer me a reward!”

Mrs. Xuexia’s mouth twitched. By the way, isn’t your Tujian family the first to offer a reward? Sure enough, Guilong in the earth has a set of things. He offered a reward to his children on the face, and he gained face and convincing others, and secretly supported his children, and got a lien. He even had the face and the lien, but…

Don’t you care about your child’s unabashed character? Do you not teach the behavior between families?

Doesn’t he understand that if others know that the Xuexiajia family is backing him, the Xuexiajia family will immediately become a target. Unless the Tujian family is willing to take action, otherwise they will be raised by the crowd if they have not developed yet. Attack it, completely wiped out!

By the time……

At that time, this guy seems to be fine. As long as Guilong in the earth is not dead, this guy can turn his head and find another partner! The more I thought about it, the more Mrs. Yukinoshita felt wrong.

No wonder Tujian Guilong would give such a great gift, so why regard their Xuexiajia family as the grindstone of this guy, and the destruction of Xuexiajia family will only make this kid in front of him be polished.

No, this kind of thing must not be allowed to happen, you must first stabilize him, and then, step by step according to the design of Guilong Tujian, Xuexiajia will never become a whetstone!

“As for the reward, I think it should be the experience designed by Master Guilong for Master Zongwu. Master Zongwu doesn’t need to care too much about this.” After Mrs. Xuexia made up her mind, she tried to calm the guy in front of her. .

“Actually, I don’t care about offering a reward!” Sougo Doma replied.

“Then Master Zongwu cares about…” Mrs. Xuexia was somewhat puzzled.

“What I care about is that both cats and dogs can offer me rewards, especially when I see some guys who dared to invest one or two million yen in them, madam, can you understand what I was feeling at that time? In counties and cities, with so many families, the reward amount is less than tens of billions. This is to look down upon someone!” Sougen Tujian was slightly hideous.

Mrs. Yukoshita “…”

Master Guilong, what kind of education do you usually do!

“After listening to my unwillingness, Mrs. Xuexia must understand how much I want to develop the Xuexia family now, right?” Sougo Doma tilted his head and said.

Mrs. Yukoshita: “…”

No, I can’t understand it at all! Don’t just think of yourself as a loyal talent cultivated by Yukoshita just because of such a small matter!

“So Madam, give me all the capital of the Xuexia Family to operate. We will make a quick decision. When I get the profit, I can receive the big red envelope,” Tsuchima Zougou sincerely suggested.

However, Mrs. Xuexia shook her head in fright: “Sorry, because the capital and resources of the Xuexia family have always been in charge of the outsider, even me…” Still a quick decision? I’m afraid it’s not a quick fight! Yukoshita’s family will be extinct! At this time, it was much more convenient to have a husband.

“Eh, isn’t Yuukixia’s wife in charge?” Sougen Tuma was slightly puzzled.

Mrs. Xuexia’s face was calm: “Rumors, they are all rumors from the outside world…”

Don’t recognize it, don’t recognize it!

“We don’t care about those rumors, Master Wu, in fact, Master Guilong’s plan is well done. Just follow his plan…”

Doma Sougou: “Excuse me, it’s a plan I made!” After all, it will be a cooperative relationship in the future. It is still more sincere, and it seems that I am sincere!

Mrs. Yukoshita: “Yes, Master Sougo did a good job in his plan from the beginning, why not take it step by step, isn’t it more sense of accomplishment?”

Could you write the plan? Stop it! Isn’t it just that you don’t want to expose your relationship with the Tujian family? Or, the Tujian Guilong just wants to exert his strength in the dark. Who do you want to deceive about this matter?

“It doesn’t matter if you have a sense of accomplishment, and the plan is bad. After all, only the support of Miss Yang Nai was considered at the beginning, so I didn’t dare to ask for too much capital when I started the investment…”

Mrs. Yukinoshita: “Billion yen? To be honest, Yang Nao should not be able to come up with this huge sum of money…”

Tuma Sougou: “No, I have estimated that if you add embezzlement of public funds or something, Miss Yang Nai can still collect the money…”

The corner of Mrs. Yukoshita’s mouth twitched again, embezzling, embezzling public funds?

You are really a little clever ghost——Recovering like Mrs. Xuexia, you can’t help but turn on the roaring mode in your heart!

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