Chapter 23-I’m Not a Devil

Let’s move the time forward a little bit.

Sougo Doma, who has just been dropped out of school by Tomosuki, is doing an inspection tour (walking around) at Doma’s main house with nothing to do.

“Dididi, Didididi (♪)” humming a tune that no one understands. Although he is very cautious by nature (counseling), Tuma Zou Wu is always so happy. He always has fun on his own, if there is wind. Accompanied, he can become a happy wind man, E returns to heaven.

Soon after wandering, I saw a big house.

“The Chamber? A bunch of old guys nonsense, boring.”

As soon as I was about to leave, I heard the dispute coming from inside.

“The young master of the Si Gong family is good…”

“No, the young master of the Suzuki family is the best choice.”

These remarks made the smile on Tuma Zougou’s face even more philosophical, until the person who separated the family from Tuma came out to talk, and he finally broke in.

With his hands in his pockets and kicking at the door with one foot, he was gloriously lit up in the chamber of the Tujian family.

In the words of 2nd point, it is:

The soil is always enlightened, so come here!

The huge shock made the meeting hall-the heads of the big families looked over.

Look at the people coming.

The first to react was the group of people in the division: “Master, Master Wu.”

Doma Sougou with a smile on his face: “Oha, guys, I heard that you guys are talking vigorously, so I’m uninvited, so, what are you talking about?”

Some Patriarchs also reacted, and they whispered one after another:

“He is the soil, Tujian always realizes, the shame of the Tujian family?”

“I heard that it’s an idiot who learns nothing, and does nothing.”

“Master Guilong doesn’t worry about him less.”

“Did you lose even the etiquette?”

“How about breaking into the chamber? Even Master Daping wouldn’t dare to do this.”

It’s just that someone shuddered when looking at Sougo Morama with a smile on his face…

“So, Master Sougo, what does he want to do? Rebellion?”

“If Master Guilong knows…”

In the end, the old guy who split the family came forward.

“Master Zongwu, this is not a place where you can mess around, if you are known by Master Guilong…” In the words, there seemed to be a feeling of bullying.

But before he finished speaking, Sougo Doma palmed his hand with a boxing:

“Hey, it turns out that you still agree with Guilong in the earth.”

The voice fell, and Tujian always realized a sudden advance, and he has moved behind the branch: “Since you still recognize the Patriarch of Tujian Guilong, how dare you discuss the marriage of Tujian’s “treasure” in private?”

“Old, old man didn’t…”

“Relying and selling old guy, I know you, your name is Toma Renhe, right? As a separation, it’s just a matter of guarding the main house, with a bunch of small characters trying to persecute the main house…”

Sougo Doma suddenly increased his hand while speaking.

“No, Master Wu…”


A crisp sound!

“After all, they are all from the earth, and I am not a demon, so I will break your arm.”

The crisp sound of broken bones and the words of the earth’s total enlightenment caused all the Patriarchs in the chamber to tremble. Why did he dare to do this?

Why would he dare to do this?

Even if Morama Ohira is here, it is impossible to do such a thing! To put it in flattering terms, all of them are decent people in the eyes of others.

There is no answer to this question.

The reason is that Renhe Tama with his broken arm yelled on the ground: “Ah, hand, my hand…”

Tuma Sougou’s smile did not diminish: “Don’t worry, it’s just a broken bone. I always say what I say, but if you continue to hum, you may just…”

“Tu, Tujian always realized, even if it is Guilong-sama…”

“Bang!” Before he could finish speaking, Sougo Doma stepped on his foot again: “Really? That old man is really softhearted.”

After stepping on, he raised his head, Tuma Zougou’s gaze swept over everyone present.

“General, Master Zongwu, I, we are not…” Someone took the lead and couldn’t bear the sight, and took two steps back.

However, before finishing speaking, the earth, with a face full of philanthropy, Sou Wu interrupted: “I know you, the Patriarch of the Murakami family, I heard that your recent construction business is doing well?”

What’s the meaning? Patriarch Murakami stepped back again and thought: “Master Sougo is joking, small business, small business…”

“In other words, I also want to play in the construction industry. The Murakami Patriarch thinks, do I need to destroy the Murakami Construction Company first?”

“No…” Although I thought that Sougen Tuma couldn’t do it rationally, I didn’t know why. Looking at the smiling face, the Murakami Patriarch felt a palpitating heart.

Sougo Tama suddenly stepped forward and whispered: “Chiba Bridge and Sixtian Square, it seems that Murakami Group is in charge? I heard that these two transactions are a lot of bad debts.”

“Boom, boom, boom!”

This time, the Murakami Patriarch took a few steps back: “You, how could you possibly know.”

Tama Sougogo stepped forward again, approaching the Murakami Patriarch and said, “Hey, you said, can I destroy Murakami’s family with this information?”


“No, don’t do this!”

“Oh, it’s really an insincere request.”

“I beg you!” As he spoke, the Murakami Patriarch made a gesture of asking for a seat.

However, a hand stopped him.

look up.

It was Tuma Sougou’s smiling face: “Don’t worry, as I said, I am not a devil. If you break an arm, you can just break a leg.”


There was another crisp sound of broken bones.


Everyone at the scene took a breath. The Patriarch of the Murakami family had his leg broken just like that. What did Sougo Tama tell him?

“Ah~!” The pain of the broken leg caused Patriarch Murakami to let out a scream. However, what made everyone more disturbed was that Patriarch Murakami apologized for the broken leg: “I’m sorry, sorry…”

“Don’t worry, I’ve said that I’m not a devil, so who should I change next?” Sougo Tama looked up again.

The decent people backed away in fright.

The shame of the Tuma family? Who on earth said this?

Shame is not shame they don’t know, but this bloody and brave man is really scary! Think they don’t want to resist? But Tama Sou Goku’s figure that hurriedly moved behind Tamaru Renwa-it made them resist!

At this moment, they missed their own bodyguards so much, why didn’t they allow them to bring bodyguards at the meeting?

After waiting for about ten seconds, Doma Sougou spoke again.

“No one speaks? Then I’ll change to Mr. Songqi this time.” He pointed to a fat person in front of him, smiled and said, “Today is Mr. Songqi’s lucky day. Among so many masters, there is no one among them. It’s lucky to be drawn.”

Patriarch Song Qi: “…”

My luck is your brother-in-law, the luck you said is the opposite, right?

“Mr. Song Qi is a catering…” Sou Wu Tama paused: “Good food, there is an old saying in the empire that food is the heaven for the people, and Mr. Song Qi’s processing makes the ingredients delicious. Cooking is really a great contribution, a great achievement…” It’s a bit exaggerated.

Even the Patriarch Song Qi on the side felt embarrassed: “Excessive reputation, excessive reputation.”

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