Chapter 228: What a big deal? shallow!

Chiba Prefecture, in a café not far from Soubu High.

“Let’s not say that students should focus on learning, and shouldn’t think about financial independence first. Just talking about running away from home is definitely not correct!” Because you have to wait for your sister to come, during this time, Yukino Yukino under Xuexia Still obsessed with the correctness of running away from home.

“I heard that Miss Xue Na is renting an apartment outside by herself?” Sougo Tama asked rhetorically.


“So, is the apartment outside your house? You haven’t stayed at Yuukishita’s house? Isn’t this kind of behavior also running away from home?” Sougo Doma continued to ask.

Shizuka Hiratsuka: “…”

Snow under the snow: (⊙ˍ⊙)

The two sighed at the same time: Does this guy have any misunderstandings about running away from home?

“How could this be the same, and the apartment was also rented by my dad, and I would always contact my house!”

“Woo!” Sougo Tama said, touching his chin, “Could it be that I moved from home to the house I bought, can’t it work? I have to let the old man come forward to buy the house first? And, if you contact, it’s not that often. , But occasionally I keep on the phone, but it’s very troublesome to lose my pocket money…”

Shizuka Hiratsuka: “…”

Speak out, speak out! As an abandoned son who was offered a reward by the family, he even contacted the family from time to time. Sure enough, the Tujian family is in the next big game, Yang Nao, can he really get out?

Xuexia Xuenao: “Sou Jian Wu, you don’t run away from home at all!”

“What’s that called? I moved out of the Tujian family after all!”

“You’re just called boarding. If you really run away from home, you want to cut all contact with your home…”

“That’s not okay, Xiaobu occasionally wants to see the old man, how can I do if I don’t contact?” Sougo Tama looked embarrassed: “Moreover, the pocket money is stopped. Doesn’t it count as running away from home? It’s so desolate that Little Buried Krypton will not dare to go too far…”

Xuexiaxue Nai tentatively asked: “Your so-called key to running away from home is not having pocket money, right?”

“Isn’t it? If it weren’t for running away from home, I wouldn’t lose my pocket money. If I didn’t lose my pocket money, I wouldn’t be down. Still pay attention to money first…”

“Enough!” Hiratsuka stopped Sougo Doma’s speech. As a teacher, she felt that she had to say something. If the second young master of the Doma family was not performed, he would have been completely corrupted. It’s broken. If it’s a performance, she can’t let this corrupt thought pollute her students.

“The earth…Forget it, I will just call you the earth. In this world, things that are more important than money abound, such as love, friendship, hard work, and victory!”

Doma Sougo: “By the way, Hiratsuka-teacher, you don’t know how to watch Hot Blood Manga after a lot of age, right?”

Shizuka Hiratsuka: “#^_^”

It feels like a crit!

What is a lot of age? Is she very old? Besides, can’t watch the blood run at an older age? If it wasn’t for this guy who seems to have a conspiracy hidden in his body, it’s not easy to do it, Damn it, if it can, she has to let this guy understand what is the iron fist Hiratsuka Shizuo, bah, it is Jing teacher’s small punch.

“Furthermore, the so-called love, friendship, hard work, victory, aren’t all things that can be exchanged for money?” The earth is depraved, so enlightened.

Shizuka Hiratsuka: “Nonsense, money can’t buy love…” Otherwise, how could she be single for so long?

“So, do we want to take a gamble? Whether money can buy love or not, it just so happens that it will take a while for Miss Yang Nai to come over…” Mu Jian, still depraved, always enlightened!

Yukino under the snow: “…”

Shizuka Hiratsuka: ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ)

What the hell? Can this kind of thing be tried?

“What do you want to bet on?” Just so, Hiratsuka didn’t think he would lose.

“Betting on other things is too vulgar, let’s just gamble…” Mujian Zougou, who just barely wrote the lack of money on his face, smiled.

Shizuka Hiratsuka: “…”

This guy is really rotten! The kind that can’t be reversed!

“No, I don’t want to bet at all. Moreover, betting with love is an insult to love.”

Doma Sougo: “Miss Hiratsuka really means innocence, ooh, it’s better to say that innocent is cute.” She’s also stupid and cute. If it weren’t for a little burial next to him, this kind of guy would be able to fool him into bed in one night. Back!

Shizuka Hiratsuka blushed slightly: “No, don’t tease adults, cute…”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Really stupid! It’s really a miracle that this kind of woman hasn’t been tricked away!

While he was sighing, Xuexiayangna’s familiar figure walked into the cafe.

“Tuma Sougo!” She first watched Doma Sougo gritted her teeth, and then quickly turned her gaze to the side Yukoshita Yukino. Seeing that it was all right, she let out a breath of relief.

It was the people from Yeshan who told the whereabouts of Yukino to Sougenzu Doma, right? She remembered it!

Ye Shanzhe felt that there was something more on his body again!

“Master Tuma, what did you promise when we cooperated?” This was said with a smile, but Tuma always felt a little murderous in it.

“Miss Yang Nai, after all, I was just visiting my old classmates, and it didn’t affect anything!” Sougo Tuma blinked slightly innocently.

“Sister, why would you cooperate with this kind of guy?” Yukino Yukino said from the side.

Yukino smiled: “Xuno, this is a secret belonging to an adult. I have already told my mother about this matter…”

“Mother she…” Xuexia Xuena turned her head slightly, but she didn’t have the desire to speak.

“Huh? Did Miss Yangnai tell the family about the cooperation with me? Tsk tsk, it seems that Miss Yangnai still wants to make wedding dresses for others.” Sougo Tsuchima said on the side.

Xuexiayangna: “…”

Shut up, I have already seen the conspiracy of your Tujian family a long time ago, and I’m almost crazy. If you don’t discuss this kind of thing with your family, do you really believe in your evil and run to death with you? Ah? By the way, this guy doesn’t know what she is going crazy…

Oops, if this guy jumps over her and talks about cooperation with her mother, should the Xuexiajia refuse or agree? If you agree, you will be completely confused with the Tujian family. No, you can’t give the Tujian family any chance. First of all, you have to stand on the side of reason! Fortunately, this guy also made a mistake today.

“Master Tuma, I remember you said that it won’t bother Yukino. Could it be that Master Tuma was telling the truth at the time, and he liked the type with small breasts?”

Snow under the snow:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

Hey, hey, have you really talked about this kind of thing? Moreover, she said it in front of her…

Is it great? shallow!

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