Chapter 223 Everyone is Starting to Enjoy the Game

Humans who have nothing to do with food and drink will always fantasize about being different.

Rongyuan Nanako has a well-known little “secret”. On the surface, she is just an ordinary elementary school student. In fact, as long as she arrives at school, she is a super-popular beautiful girl Miura Yuko.

Although she didn’t know who Miura Yumiko was, it didn’t affect her enjoyment of everyone. After trying the treatment of beautiful girls, Rongyuan Nanako even hated her status outside the school. If she had always been How nice it is Yuko Miura!

So, she tried to change. From people’s depictions, she imagined Miura Yuko’s appearance. Then, she directly dyed her hair golden, put on light makeup, and even began to imitate people’s depictions. Miura Yuko’s words and deeds made her scared. She was afraid that when she wakes up, she will become the ordinary Rongyuan Nanako…

Habit is really a terrible power!


Humans like to impose their own ideas on others.

The bear children who were originally forced to play games after dyeing blond hair in Rongyuan Nanako seemed to have discovered some new world. They seemed to have found the fun of the game. It turned out that the game allows them to deal with a person according to their own ideas. Make a transformation…

What a wonderful idea it is to transform a person into what they like to see and hear. It is really, really interesting.

People who originally had some complaints about the game became addicted to it, Miura Yuko, but it was a product of their co-creation.

In Chiba Shenye Elementary School, after the physical education class, a few bear kids were too crazy to play. After sweating, they didn’t want to move, so they found a warehouse to rest and chat.

“Rong, that guy Miura is so funny. I just said that she studies so well. This test will definitely be no problem. As a result, her face changed immediately. Wouldn’t she really have to study hard now?”

“Hahaha, Rong, that fellow Miura can study? However, I haven’t seen her after school for a long time recently, so nothing will happen…”

“What can happen, this is just a game, a game, besides, even those teachers are very happy, don’t the Chinese teachers often order Miura to answer questions? Every time I praise the guy in Rongyuan, it’s Miura! ”

“Haha…that’s it, too, but no one really reminded her? I remember there are still a few people in the class who haven’t negotiated with us.” The thin bear child looked at the husband with a puzzled look.

“Um~!” When mentioned this, the corner of the little man’s mouth twitched, and he finally understood what the words of Sougo Tuma mean. The so-called atmosphere is people’s conformity. No one wants to make himself look special. Stand alone, those classmates who haven’t negotiated with them, but behave more positively than them.

Some of the settings of “Miura Yuko” are still circulated from the classmates who have never negotiated.

“Didn’t you guys still want to beat that guy in Rongyuan? You care about her so much now?”

“Cut, who cares about the guy in Rongyuan, I care about Miura, and I want to make Miura look more like that! I don’t want others to ruin this game…”

The little husband nodded: “After all, they are everyone’s beautiful sons. Right now, only Xuexia and Ye Shan are not involved in the class. As long as they don’t tell the truth, the game can continue.”

“You don’t need to worry about that guy under Xuexia. That guy doesn’t care about people at all. It’s mainly Ye Shan. I saw him trying to remind him the day before yesterday. Fortunately, the guy at the table was clever and called that guy away.”

Yukino Yukino is very confused, because she looks too cute and is jealous, but she is not good at words. She has been squeezed out and isolated a long time ago. Some malicious pranks often happen around her. Indoor shoes are even worse. I stole more than forty pairs, and the clarinet I used often went missing, and the surroundings were full of malicious gazes…

She originally thought that this situation would continue until graduation, but she didn’t expect that since Rongyuan Nanako was called Miura Yuko, the malicious eyes around her began to diminish, and she was almost on the verge of disappearing.

The reason is that most people focused their attention on “Miura Yuko”, but ignored her. Some even asked her with a smile (probing) what they thought of “Miura Yuko”. Well, who knows who that Yuko Miura is…

Yukino Yukino had just watched the beginning of a movie at that time, but it ended suddenly. Others asked her how the plot felt. She didn’t understand at all. Why everyone called Rongyuan Nanako Miura Yuko because of her parents. Divorced? still? Moreover, it was just a change of name, and there are too many people following it!

What’s wrong in this, after all, what’s wrong?

and many more!

Yukoshita Yukino glanced at her tablemate, and sure enough, this guy was not at all curious at all, and before Rongyuan Nanako became “Miura Yuko”, this guy said: “The game is about to begin. As the protagonist, she enjoys the glory in advance, and there is nothing wrong with it…”

game! ? This is just a game?

“Let me just ask, Miura Yuko or something is your ghost?” Yukino Yukino asked tentatively for a clear answer.

“Isolate the whole class…” Sougo Tama picked up a card in his hand and pointed to the words on it.

Yukino under the snow: “…”

Go the other way! Obviously, you have achieved the achievement of being isolated by the whole class within a week after you transferred, and rumors are flying all over the sky. Why do you say it seems that the whole class has been isolated by you?

“Childish, childish!”

Sougo Tama turned his head and said, “Only the naivety I can’t agree with. It’s because I don’t want to play a dating game with a group of naive guys, so I chose to isolate the whole class and don’t reverse the cause and effect!”

“So, you just let your own rumors spread?” Yukino Yukino frowned.

“Are there still rumors?” Sougo Doma said, lying on the desk.

Yukino under the snow: “…”

gossip? There are no rumors! As one of the parties involved, Rongyuan Nanako has become “Miura Yumiko.” The name Rongyuan Nanako has almost become a taboo in the class. Even the unsocial person knows it. The evidence is that she just mentioned one. In Rongyuan, the girl who was talking to her changed face immediately and left quickly.

“What the hell did you do?” Yukino’s face was a bit complicated, and she always felt that something was wrong.

“Giving flowers, applause, attention and stage to the vanity is such a small thing.” Sougo Tama also said without raising his head.

“This is not correct!” Xuexiaxue intuitively felt that there was something wrong, but didn’t know how to explain it, so she could only say again.

“So what?” Sougo Tama tilted his head and looked at her blankly.

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