Chapter 221 The Prologue for the Opening of the Game

Human beings will do nothing to improve the evaluation of others. For this reason, even if they step into the mud!

There are more and more rumors about Sougo Doma. After confirming that the guy in Tuma really won’t refute, the name of the girl named Rongyuan Nanako once again appeared in Sougo Doma’s ears.

“Have you heard? The newly turned gloomy face confessed to Nanako, but was rejected. In fact, if he were more cheerful, he would still be very handsome…”

“Nanako is really getting more and more cute. I heard that it was after the gloomy face was spotted that she insisted on confession.”


Tuma Sougou: “…”

Are these bear kids really elementary school students! ?

The malice of wanting revenge is even greater! Sougo Tama gave a deep glance at a certain girl in the crowd. That guy really dared to say it.

Thinking about the handles collected in his hand, Doma Sougou feels normal again. Today’s elementary school students are really terrible. Not only will they steal other people’s indoor shoes, they can also spread rumors about others. The purpose is only to demean others. Elevate yourself, even if it is just the image of others.

By the way, through the investigation, the rumor that the second lady of the Xuexiajia sold her own indoor shoes also came from the Rongyuan Cai Nanako.

Rongyuan Nanako herself actually stole Yukino’s indoor shoes from Yukoshita and sold them to a male teacher. These bear children, through the command of Sougo, negotiated with the male teacher. The truth came out, so, after saying that Xuexia Xuenai sold his own indoor shoes, they said that they couldn’t believe it…

This once again proves Zongwu’s view that as long as enough people speak, the false will become true.

“Huh~!” Now, this rumor came again, and it came to Sougo Tama, which made him a little sigh, but arguing with the child that this kind of thing was too low in price, so he was still silent. Fortunately, starting tomorrow, the name Rongyuan Nainako will disappear from the school!

Yukino Yukino was very strange. It was the first time she had seen someone who could be isolated by the whole class in a short period of time. She felt something was wrong. This guy was not a talent with this kind of personality.

This is a guy that is so weird that even my sister can hardly fight it. Moreover, Yukoshita Yukino glanced at the inconspicuous Rongyuan Nanako, this guy would confess to such a girl? What a joke!

“When someone else talks about it like this, don’t you say something?” Yukino Yukoshita still said while hesitating.

Tama Sougo: “I hate meaningless arguments, especially when it comes to participating in a bunch of kiddies.”

Yukino under the snow: “…”

This is also called a meaningless argument, it has already involved fame, okay?

The soil is always enlightened-the code name of Rong Yuan Cai Na Zi will disappear tomorrow, which is really meaningless.

“This method of handling is incorrect!” Xuexiaxuenai suddenly said.

“There is no right thing in this world! Right kid…”

Yukino under the snow: “…”

No, even if it is not absolutely correct, there are relatively correct methods. Why would this guy choose the most wrong one, not even willing to refute, and just let others talk about his rumors?

While Xuenai was silent under Xuexia, Sougen Tuma whispered:

“Besides, the game is about to begin. As the protagonist, she enjoys a little light in advance, and it is understandable.”

“Game? What game?” Xuexiaxue Nai was a little confused.

It’s just that Somatomu has returned to his taciturn state, and there is almost nothing written on his face, don’t pay attention to me.

The next day.

After getting the order of Sougo Tama, the children of the bears acted one after another, and they also began to discuss.

“Little husband, the guy in Rongyuan is not like what she showed. It’s so good for classmate Tuma to beat her directly. Why do you want to play some game!?” The bear child will still be angry after being deceived, about The more you lack something, the more you want to show what, the skinny bear boy asked the bear boy who developed earlier.

“Why don’t you ask classmate Tujian about this kind of thing?” the little husband said.

“I don’t dare!?” The thin man said physically and boldly.

The corners of the little man’s mouth twitched. This is because he is tall and fat, so he is not afraid of being beaten, right?

By the way, because they have the handle of most people, the status of these guys in the class has risen rapidly after a few friendly consultations. Sometimes threats can improve their status more than being friendly.

After the status of the class was improved, these bear children had a vague desire to be the leader, and the husband, that is, the developing man, also began to show his different side.

Facts have proved that humans are creatures with great potential. If you don’t force yourself, you don’t know how much you can do!

The little husband forced himself to win over half of the bear kids who were there at the time, and faintly challenged his mind to become the leader of the class.

Sougo Tama, who was aware of this, said that this is really great! Only when the bear child has desire, he can control it more easily!

So, he began to calmly point to the husband, how to cause the topic and how to answer others will become the central figure. The facts have proved once again that the husband is doing a good job. Unconsciously, the thin bear children and others. The husband has begun to be the mainstay, which makes the middleman in the class very happy!

Now, the bear children will habitually ask the husband for many questions, and they have unknowingly accepted the guidance of the husband. The husband has a sense of satisfaction as a teacher.

For example, today, because the more handles they have, the more they can discover the duality of the little girl Rongyuan Nanako, not to mention the rumors of Xuexiaxuena selling her own indoor shoes, and even some rumors in the class about chasing shadows. Almost there is the shadow of Rongyuan Cai Nanako, and even a certain bear child is still a victim of rumors.

It is said that a thin bear boy wanted to confront the original rumors, but time passed too long. At this time, even the bear boy knew the fact that the evidence was in the hands of Sougo Tama, unless He is willing to take it out, otherwise…

As a result, beating the Rongyuan Garden became the wish of a thin bear boy. However, Tuma Zougou didn’t want to make a move. He really couldn’t do anything to beat up elementary school girls!

The thought of not only being unable to beat people, but also playing boring games with them, bears children’s grievances even greater!

Is that game so fun?

Facts have proved many times that the game is really fun!

Especially with the participation of most people in the class, this game is even more fun.

“Yomiko, let’s go to the cafeteria together after class?” A girl was cautiously tentative. In fact, she couldn’t figure out why she wanted to participate in this boring game, but when she thought of bringing the dog to school as a prank, If the matter of instructing the puppy to take the indoor shoes under the snow is exposed, then she doesn’t need to be a human being!

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