Chapter 207 Hurry up and find a time machine

“Woo~!” The side effects of drunkenness made Kirisu, who had just woke up from a coma, felt a tingling in her brain. She hummed and opened her eyes, um, strange ceiling…

who am I? where am I? What did i do?

Although she regained her consciousness, the side effects of alcohol still made Kirisu Madong lose her mind. She combed through her memories. By the way, today is her welcome party.

Because Sougo Tama’s behavior of “contacting” the principal privately made her feel bad, and the welcome party did not warm up much. At that time, it seemed that a colleague named Sayuri gave her a cup of tea. What is it called?” “Long Island Iced Tea” comes, and the final image is that the cup of tea is bitter and sweet, and a little spicy.

So, what the hell is the “Long Island Iced Tea”, where is it, and what happened, Kirisu Masuu, memory is blank.

After regaining her consciousness, she quickly checked herself, her clothes were still neatly dressed, and she hadn’t been touched by anyone. It was fine, and it seemed that people were safe for the time being.

Next, you have to figure out what this place is.

Mr. Kirisu started to survey the surrounding environment lightly. The soft lighting in the room was a big help. At least, she didn’t need to touch the dark to move.

Pushing open the sliding door of the room quietly, Kirisu Masuu sighed again in his heart. No matter where it was, the other party didn’t seem to be malicious to her, otherwise he wouldn’t even lock the door.

However, we can’t relax our vigilance, after all, this is a completely unfamiliar place.

Kirito was still moving tiptoe, trying not to make any noise to herself, in case she really ran into some bad guy, it could still be before the other party didn’t react.

She had just moved a few steps when she heard a conversation.

“Kill her! Quick, kill her quickly!” The voice should be a girl, but the content of the words made Kirisu’s creeps for a while.

Kill her? who is she? Don’t you have entered a murderer’s house, Kirisu?

“I. I try my best. This guy is a little skater.” This is another female voice.

“Guru!” Tongsu Zhendong swallowed his saliva. So, there are accomplices?

“Quickly, take advantage of the fact that she doesn’t have any weapons on her body, just use a knife to stab her. There are many weapons here. Be careful, don’t let her pick it up and kill her.” Urged.

Kirisu Matsumoto, rebellion, rebellion? Many weapons? Wait, isn’t this a secret organization used to train killers?

No, no, no, how could there be any killer organization? It’s too much, it’s just a murder and resistance incident, haha…no! What should she do when she is not giggling? A murder and violence are happening there, and the victim is resisting fiercely. Should she go in and help if she hears it?

As an educator, does she want to die? After Mr. Kirisu touched his chest and asked herself, no, she couldn’t do it. This kind of murder happened in her ears…

“Huh, finally killed.” This voice should be the violent person.

Kirisu Midu: “!!!”

Kill, kill, kill? For a few seconds she has been tangled here, the other party has already killed people? A living human life is so gone? No, there is still a chance for rescue, if it can be treated in time.

“Great, great! We can go out and kill another person!” The female voice at the beginning suggested again.

Kirisu Midu: “!!!”

Go out and kill another person? They are coming out? Is there anyone else in this house? Wait, the so-called other person, wouldn’t it be her?

Damn it, what do these demons think of human life? She can’t bear it anymore. They will find it if she stays here, so it’s better to rush in and fight with them!

Mr. Kirisu touched her body. It was great. She seemed to be a novice. With the phone still there, she first calmly dialed the police call.


Suddenly opened the sliding door of that room.

Loudly: “Hurry up and stop your criminal behavior!”

Shiyu Kasumigaoka, who was playing the game, turned back at the same time: (?_?)

Kirsu Matsumoto: “Are? Kasumi, Kasuga, classmate Kasugaoka?”

“Ms. Tongsu hasn’t woken up yet?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu blinked.

Kirisu Masuu: “Huh? Wine…”

There was also a call from the phone: “This is the XX report center, do you need any help?”

Mr. Kirisu broke out in a cold sweat: “Ah, Ale?”

So, what is the situation now, who will tell her! !

ten minutes later.

Kirisu Matsumoto suddenly felt that his life had come to an end, he wanted to die, he wanted to die very much!

Misconduct, it is too misguided. She would actually get drunk from drinking “tea” at the party, and the ugliness after drinking was clearly seen by the students. What kind of face does she have to educate them! A major mistake in life!

“Speaking of which, Teacher Tongsu directly called the police when he woke up, and he realized that he was very strong!” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu said with some playful abuse.

Kirisu Matsumoto: “Hehe…”

It’s normal to call the police if you two play the game. She will definitely not tell you this. Please let her leave the last trace of dignity. Bar?

“I didn’t expect to meet classmate Xia Zhiqiu, that is to say, this is the home of classmate Xia Zhiqiu, then this classmate is the sister of classmate Xia Zhiqiu! Ahem, although a little cliché, but In the case of games, it’s best not to indulge in it. By the way, the teacher was not seen by others today, right?” Finally, it’s the point.

“Hey~!” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu sighed, “I disappointed the teacher. This is the home of classmate Tujian, this is the sister of classmate Tujian, buried in the soil.”

“Hello, I am buried in the soil, may I ask, are you the class teacher of my Oni sauce?” Buried in the soil →_→, Xiaobuying just writes on your face as a class teacher like you.

“Yes, that’s the case. It turned out to be the younger sister of Tuma classmate?” Ms. Kirisu wanted to grit his teeth. If it hadn’t been because Tuma Sougo told the principal privately that she was being trained, she would not be in low spirits. Others Nor would she give her any “Long Island Iced Tea”. Without that cup of “Long Island Iced Tea”, she would not be drunk and would not be ugly.

Now, this ugly state is not only seen by classmate Xia Zhiqiu, even the problematic student has also seen it, Damn it, this gives her any face to carry out education work in the future! Moreover, it is obvious that the culprit is her brother, why did she look at me with suspicion, but…how distrusted by the student’s family, how embarrassing she is!

“Xiaobui, Mr. Tongsu should have a good relationship with his classmate Tujian. After all, after Mr. Tongsu was drunk, he spotted his classmate Tujian. No one can pull it, and he desperately said that Mr. Tujian is himself. Oh, the proud disciple.” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu said on the side.

“Hehe…” Kirito smiled awkwardly.

What kind of proud disciple, who would pass her and go directly to the principal to give a small report, what is she thinking about after she was drunk?

What should I do at this time? Time machine, yes, hurry up and find a time machine! ——Tongxu really winter, there is no love in life.

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