Chapter 205-Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu Hits Wang Zhan

“Why does this guy want to be a good person at this time!” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu wanted to vomit blood, and Tuma Zougou’s words were reasonable, as if he was thinking about her, not to mention that he had eaten it beforehand. The stuff is also her own.

However, she didn’t know that she would be hungry so fast, and why did those foods look so fragrant? They were just ordinary home-cooked meals, but they looked more fragrant than those high-end dishes at the Undead River Banquet!

What should she do now, do she honestly say she is hungry? No, she had just said that she had eaten food, and now she said she was hungry, she would be ashamed to want to die.

How to do? What should I do?

No, you can’t sit and wait for death, you have to find a topic, and then eat at the table without a trace. The reason is that if Xiao Mu eats too much at night, it will be difficult to digest. That’s right, that’s it-Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu made a decision.

“Xiao Bui…” First, she changed the target to Xiao Bui, but just as soon as she spoke, she heard the Taoma Zou Dao.

“Actually, I’m pretty confident about today’s dinner. Otherwise, Xia Zhiqiu can taste something casually and give me some suggestions?”

“Heaven, heaven, angel! This guy must have fallen into the mortal dust and protected me, otherwise, how could he save me from embarrassment.” Sougo Tama’s opening was like Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu at this time. Tian Lai, because of this, when she looked at Tu Jian Zou Wu, she felt that this guy had his own holy light, so she hurriedly followed the boat.

“Since Tuma-san said so, let me taste it.”

So, here comes the question, is Tuma Sougou so kind?

I could have gotten used to the darkness, if I had never seen the sun!

When Xiazhiqiu Shiyu looked at the two small plates that Sougo Doma had divided, she even wanted to vomit blood, a small plate of miso soup, and a small plate of “exquisite” cuisine.

This is not enough to feed the birds!

“Student Xia Zhiqiu, I won’t make you feel embarrassed. If this is a little bit, even if you have just eaten something, you should be able to taste it.” Toma, thoughtful of people, Sou Wu.

I don’t know why, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu always feels that she is a little violent. She actually has the urge to smash the dish in her hand, and smashes the thoughtful face of Tujian Zouwu.

She wanted to not eat it, but her body’s eating instinct made her involuntarily drink the small dish of miso soup.



Shiyu Xiazhiqiu felt a hot current rising from her body. She didn’t seem to be in Tujian now, but on the island of Hawaii. The slight sea breeze was blowing slowly, and the blue sea was by her side. The ocean exudes warmth, just like mother’s. Hug, which made “she” couldn’t help but jump down.

Surrounded by sea water, however, she didn’t need to use force or make any movements. The warm sea like a mother’s embrace lifted her up, as if she was a mermaid, and that sea is her home. !

Immediately afterwards, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu’s pretty face suddenly turned pink, and that “she” really became a mermaid, receiving the caress of the ocean mother.


Then there is no more.

As much as a small plate of miso soup can be consumed, a small bite is gone. Seeing the empty small plates, Shiyu Xiazhiqiu feels even more hungry.

Fortunately, there is a small dish, including hamburger meat that is not as big as a nail shell, a few corn kernels, and a few diced ham that are about the size of corn kernels.

The instinct of biological feeding made her unable to control herself, first of all, a few corn kernels entered her mouth.

Cang Dang!

The lush fields replaced the sea. A Nong family based on this field. They fed pigs and sheep, raised chickens and ducks, and planted in this field. Their painstaking work would pay off in the end. Finally, this farmer won. With the joy of the harvest, before Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was happy with them, the dishes in the small dish were gone.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu felt that she was even more hungry.

I could have gotten used to the darkness, if I had never seen the sun.

You can lie to yourself before you taste the taste, maybe it just looks and smells delicious, and it tastes bad, but after you taste it…

“Student Xia Zhiqiu, didn’t you embarrass you? Don’t worry, I won’t add a burden to you anymore.” Tujian, thinking of others, Zou Wu.

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

You are embarrassing me!

“Ouni sauce, your level today is about to catch up with your peak half a year ago! It’s a pity that Teacher Xia Shizi has already eaten.” Xiao buried also said on the side.

The corners of Tuma’s mouth twitched: “…”

This guy Xiao Mu actually tasted it, and said that Kuole potato chips are the first delicious? However, the cooking level just reached LV5 half a year ago, and I can do whatever I want. Now I can only deliberately make failed products. Can it be compared?

It’s just a pity?

Tama Sougo raised his head and glanced at the reluctant, and the even more tangled Kasumigaoka Shiyu-it’s not a pity at all!

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

Xiao Qian, as a fan of hers, let’s say a few more words. If you say a few more words, she will take the topic smoothly, and then ask to eat without a trace.

“Gurulu~” The idea was very good. The stomach didn’t give her a chance, and the body protested again. This time there was a lot of movement, and the three people at the dinner table could hear clearly.

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

I want to die, I want to die, I really want to die, who will give her a knife and save her from this embarrassment.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Damn, is this guy in this set?

Buried in the soil: “…”

For a long while.

“Xia, isn’t Teacher Xia Shizi really hungry? Just playing games with me consumes a lot of energy, or else, should I have some?” Mu Jian, empathetic, buried.

In Xiazhiqiu Shiyu’s heart: “No, I’m a fan of mine, even the existing reasons have been found for me!”

“Xiaobui, you are embarrassing classmate Xiazhiqiu, just now it was just…” Mu Jian desperately wanted to shirk, Zou Wu.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu——Understood, Tuma Sougou was absolutely deliberate. He had noticed her embarrassment a long time ago, so he has been…no, he can’t let him continue.

“Allah, since Xiao Mai has said so, then I will accompany Xiao Mai to eat and taste the craftsmanship of Tujian.”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Damn, this guy said it directly, no, I have to find another reason.

“Student Xia Zhiqiu, eating too much at night will affect your figure.”

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu: “I don’t mind.”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

This guy actually has the attributes of a foodie? Don’t care about anything just for stuttering?

“Or, does Tujian really care about my figure?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu shot Wang Zhan.

Buried in the soil: “???”

Why does teacher Xia Shizi say that? Is it possible that Ernie sauce him(﹁﹁)~→ His eyes swept towards Tuma Sougo.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Xiao buried, what is your look? Is Ernie Chan the kind of guy who cares about other people’s figures? O’Neill cares…Wait, what do you want to do now?

Tama Sougo turned his gaze to Xiazhiqiu Shiyu.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu: ( ̄︶ ̄).

Didn’t expect it?

“Hey~!” Toma Zou Goku sipped lightly, underestimating this guy.

Sure enough, since this guy turned on a certain switch, he has been running farther and farther on the avenue called Losing Ethics!

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