Chapter 203 Getting along, starts from playing games.

“The girl’s relationship is really fast.” In the kitchen, Sougo Doma, who is cooking, glanced at the two people in the living room who were talking and happily, and said with emotion.

It was originally a misunderstanding. After Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu explained it, buried in the soil, she understood very well, so she said, how could Ernie Chan directly find the person she wants to take care of behind her back.

As for Teacher Xia Shizi, such a person full of literary and artistic temperament, how could it be possible to snatch Ooni sauce from her, it’s impossible!

Facing the idol, the fan had too much to say, waved his hand, Xiao Mai directly sent Sou Goto Tama to cook.


It’s Xiaobuian’s star chasing time.

“Teacher Xia Shizi, in the end it was Naoto and Sha Yujia, or Naoto and Zhenwei. I actually said that it was Sha Yujia and Zhenwei that matched the plot style in the end.”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

What kind of plot style is that?

“Woo, if you want to spoil it, don’t let it go, and the development of the story is interesting when everything is possible, isn’t it?”

Buried in the soil:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

“It won’t really be the same as Ounichan said. In the end, Sa Yujia is with Zhenwei, right?”

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu: ^_^! Khan

The focus is wrong, right? Why keep paying attention to the heroine? The actor was eaten by you? Moreover, the development of that kind of plot, as long as she is not stupid, it is impossible to write it down like this! However, as a creator, not being spoiled is professional ethics.

“This is also a possibility. The so-called creation is not to create a lot of unknown future for the work.”

Buried in the soil: “So, it’s like the red-haired four emperors who had broken their arms in Fengche Village.”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

This analogy is a bit subtle and overwhelming.

“By the way, that guy, cough cough, classmate Tujian mentioned that Xiaoying is very good at playing games.”

The smile buried in the soil was slightly stiff: “Ale!”

Ernie Chan is too much. How could her hidden identity be exposed so easily? Teacher Xia Shizi would definitely think that she only likes playing games and not doing business.

Xiao Bui’s face made Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu understand that she herself was a hidden house. To be honest, the exposure of her Xia Shizi’s identity was even more subversive than playing games.

Of course, with the achievements she has achieved now, it is probably amazing, but if it is a small transparent period, people will probably be said to pretend to be cold, and the whole love brain. If it is not like this, how can you write that shameless Light novel?

It is precisely because of understanding that Shiyu Xiazhiqiu understands the idea of ​​burying in the soil.

“Actually, I also like to play games, but I didn’t play very well…” This is not a lie. As a hidden house, how can I not dabble in games, but Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu’s talents are probably point to literature. , And no one to guide, so for the game, she is a real rookie.

Buried in the soil: (☆▽☆)

“Teacher Xia Shizi, do you want to play games together?” It’s great to play games with idols. Long live O’Neill who invited Xia Shizi to come home!

“Huh?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu didn’t expect to be invited as soon as he mentioned it.

“”Biochemical Life Corpse”, “Dance of Wushuang”, “Dragon Jade”, “Heart of Universe”, “Battlefield of Life and Death”…Even the recently released “Akasaka Fireworks” Ouni sauce has been bought back.”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

Yes, should you say that you are a great player? She has heard of the exposed games, and they are all classics in the classics, but they are also extremely difficult. Can her handicap be rejected?

Xiaodi stepped forward: “Teacher Xia Shizi, which one do you want to play?”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

She wants to play a game that can be cleared only by choosing.

Moreover, those games with strong operability, she will soon be eliminated, when the time comes, the opponent will definitely be disappointed.

After all, the other party is her own fan, but if she doesn’t accept it, isn’t she, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu will be said to be indifferent to fans and unwilling to play with fans, so should she first tell the fact that her hand is disabled? What a shame!

at this time.

Doma Sougo was still dealing with cooking in the kitchen.

ten minutes later.

“Teacher Xia Shizi, avoid, avoid! Someone is coming behind you!”

“Big, little buried, where should I hide?” Shiyu Xiazhiqiu, who controlled the game characters with a handle, turned around.

“Listen to my command, now run to the left quickly, press and hold the left button to add +○.” Tujian, command, bury.

“Yes, sir!” Xia Zhiqiu, game rookie, Shi Yu.

“I don’t see the warehouse, yes, it’s over there. Look to the right this time, is there a spot shining.” Buried in the soil, the sister-in-law.

“Sir, see the shining spot!”

“Very well, bring out the backpack, put the time bomb in, and I will cover it.”



With the last headshot sounded, Xiao Di ended the game cleanly.

“Teacher Xia Shizi, this game is simple, isn’t it?” Tujian, the leading sister-in-law, buried his face full of triumph.

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

It was really simple. She ran on the map and ran until the end. She installed a time bomb. The bomb hadn’t exploded, and the game was over, announcing that they had won.

So, what is the use of the time bomb she put down~!

“If I just missed it, I would have to rely on teacher Xia Shizi’s time bomb to detonate to make a comeback. Thanks to teacher Xia Shizi, I could kill unscrupulously.” Tujian, a sister-in-law, naturally knows that this is the time. What to say.

“Yes, is that so?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was a little dazed, her role is so great?

Seeing Xiazhiqiu Shiyu’s unconfident appearance, Buried in the soil nodded affirmatively, and then said: “Hey, is it the first time for Teacher Xia Shizi to play this game?”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu nodded.

“No way, teacher Xia Shizi cooperated so tacitly with me. I thought it was a master who played for a long time. If there was no teacher Xia Shizi deliberately selling flaws, this one would not have won so easily.”

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu blinked, is she so strong?

“Well, let’s cooperate a lot. Teacher Xia Shizi is responsible for killing people.” Tujian, the leading sister-in-law, clearly knows how to lure someone into the game.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu: “Can you?”

“Listen to me!”

“Yes, sir!”


Doma Sougou, who was cooking, looked in the living room, and the two of them really complemented each other…

anyway. Isn’t Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu his maid? Why is the master cooking and cooking while the maid is playing games on the other.

Is there something wrong with it?

Thinking of this, Doma Sougoku’s hands shook with salt.

Burger meat. Failure product, level LV5, experience -0.0000001.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Depend on!

This experience value can’t be reduced directly. In vain, he also deliberately shakes the salt. It used to be LV4, but today it has become LV5. It is really MMP!


Looking at it, he is obviously a maid, but he can play games happily. As the master, he is cooking here?

This is really the opposite!

Fortunately, he can entertain himself.

Turn on the phone.

Play the video and speed up the progress until the screen is pulled to the moment when I just met Mr. Kirisu.

The so-called going out is like facing an enemy.

If he doesn’t even have the means to secretly videotape, how can he be ashamed to say that he is the little prince of Wanquan?

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