Chapter 201 Whoever caused the misunderstanding, who should explain clearly

Bring Mr. Kirsu back to your home? Shiyu Xiazhiqiu really didn’t think so. After all, based on the strength and physical strength of a girl, it is impossible to bring the drunk Mia Winter home with her alone.

Not to mention that now, the comatose Mr. Kirisu is even more unable to carry her.

Therefore, to bring Mr. Kirsu back to her home, it means that someone needs to help, at this time. The only person who can help is Sougo Doma.

Ha ha.

If this is to go to her house, I think of the fat food, stockings, and hoods that have just been replaced in the house and have not had time to pack, hehehe, as long as you go to her house, then they will all be exposed to the eyes of the soil. ?

Then the high-cold image she established in front of people will surely fall apart in the eyes of the earth because of the exposure of her residence. As long as the situation is thought of, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu feels that she wants to die, she will definitely want to die, absolutely will I want to die!

She must not let that happen.

“Master, generally speaking, this kind of time is a time for boys to express themselves. As a maid, how can I seize the opportunity of this kind of performance with my master? What’s more, taking responsibility for what you say is a man’s performance. Or does the master think he is not a man?”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Did the little maid actually learn to run him? What is not a man? He has to…

Before he could make a madman in his mind, the melodious cell phone rang.

“Oonni sauce Ooniya sauce Ooniya sauce Ooniya sauce Ooniya sauce ♪”

Five minutes later, on the tram.

Sougo Tama covered his face with one hand: “Why do I have to take this drunk teacher home?”

“While the boy was walking around, he came across a drunk beautiful teacher and took him home to take care of him. During this period, the two burst out emotions that transcend the mundane. It is really like a light novel. Don’t know the master. That’s enough.” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu said on the side.

“Only you are the least qualified to talk cold words? Why, why do you guys suddenly speak nonsense when I am talking on the phone.” Sougo Tama glanced at a murderous look in his eyes.

“Aren’t I telling the truth? Master?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu blinked.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Haha, yes, it is a fact, but it is a partial fact, or the most misleading part of the fact. He is a tall image of O’Neill! Probably, it has been ruined, right? Ha ha……

She stared at Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu next to her again.

If it weren’t for this guy who suddenly said, “Sougo-kun, if you promised to take good care of Zhen Dongjun, I still remember clearly when Xiaodi called, but now you’re not even willing to take her home?”

The little buried at that time absolutely misunderstood, absolutely absolutely misunderstood! Otherwise, the sound of the waste material will not suddenly cool down, and it will say “Has Ernie Chan already found someone to take care of? Is it because the little one is buried, so it makes it difficult for Ernie Chan to make it?”

Depend on! Depend on! Depend on!

God found someone to take care of. This kind of remark clearly meant that he was messing around outside. Is he that kind of person? The waste material was so many that he didn’t give him a chance to explain. He just said, “Xiao Mu will be very good, so I’d better bring it back and let Xiao Mu have a look.” Then he hung up the phone.

There is suffering in the earth.

As the culprit, the little maid didn’t even know how much sin she had committed, and she looked like she was going to argue with him. Really, it was true that he would not be able to lead a good person by eating fast and reciting the Buddha? But now he still has to expect her to go back and help Xiao Mai explain the misunderstanding clearly, so he can’t move it at all!

The raging anger can only be extinguished by himself, even if it is past, Tuma Zougou can only comfort himself like this.

But now, the little maid is still talking such ridicule, he, he, well, he bears it! No way, I was expecting this guy to go back with him and explain it to Xiao Mu.

“However, the master unexpectedly took the initiative by inviting the girl to my home like this.”

Doma Sougo: “Miss Maid, isn’t it reasonable for you to serve at your master’s house as a maid? What’s more, do you want to be a personal maid? Miss Maid, this is an opportunity for you to act, so The master decides to promote you in advance, then the personal maid, is the master very good? Do you want to behave well?”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

That’s enough, I knew it was better to be a poison maid.

The two gaggle to the point that time is passing quickly, and the tram has arrived at the station without knowing it.

“Hey!” With a sigh, Sougo Doma casually mentioned Mia Winter Kiryu, and as soon as he gave it away, he placed her on his back.

“Although I just watched it just now, do you want to be so proficient in backing people? Teacher Kirisu passed out, why does it look like she is cooperating with you.” Shiyu Kasugaoka walked out of the tram. , One side said.

Tuma Sougo sneered: “Heh~! It’s just a man on his back, a creature like a man, as long as he is willing, let alone a person, even a mountain can be carried on his back.”

Would he say that this was practiced when he was buried in the back? Certainly not!

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu: “It is a man who can bear the responsibility and pressure like a mountain? In other words, is it really good for you to understand this metaphorical description as actual? And, this is completely different from your proficiency, right? ”

Doma Sougou shook his finger: “Miss Close Maid, that’s just your girls’ understanding. Real men should bear everything on their backs, whether it’s pressure, responsibility, or true You can carry all the mountains on your back.” The most important thing is to carry a lot of waste materials on your back.

“Can you carry the mountains on your back?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was surprised, is she still acknowledging it?

Tuma Sougou: “No!”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

“I mean a real man, by the way, I am still a boy.”

“If you divide it this way, there would be no men in this world.” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu said.

“Who said that, I will eventually become a man.” Sougo Tama turned his head back confidently.

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

So, this guy is serious about trying to carry a big mountain on his back? Can it be done? No, no normal person can do it, or in other words, it is impossible for a normal person to have such an idea, right?

“In fact, I have been thinking, what kind of education did you receive in the past?”

“Of course it is the education of Teacher Octopus!” Sougo Tama said solemnly.

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

What the hell do you call Mr. Octopus? Don’t be so perfunctory!

Tōma Sougo shrugged his shoulders, and he knew that no one believed the truth. Five years ago, on the night of the memory riot, he faced the education of Teacher Octopus and the education of the void. Although, that memory is not very good. Just enjoy it.

The two became silent for a rare time. Fortunately, the journey was not long, but after a short silence, they had already seen the house.

“I’m back!” Pushing the door open, Sougo Doma felt a little relaxed, and said in the meantime.

Then, after secretly looking in, Tama Sougou began to sweat coldly on his body, and immediately afterwards, he swept across with murderous eyes… His own toes, before explaining clearly, can’t offend the little maid. what.


Buried in the soil.

The eldest lady’s form, sitting tightly, with a serious expression and a sense of oppression!

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