Chapter 199 This kind of trouble has to be thrown out.

Studies have shown that people who play stupid often do not suffer.

“When asking if there is such a person, can someone turn their gaze around?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu embraced Yuexue’s mouth with her hands, her toes lightly touched the ground, and she looked at someone pretending to be stupid with unkind eyes. She was wrong. Now, this kind of guy should be Tianzhu!


Tuma Sougou never knew how to write the words, although the little maid’s face looked cold, but so what.

look away? He turned back directly (⊙o⊙), and then.


Then he slapped with a boxing: “I was the one who spoke.”

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu: ( ̄︶ ̄)

Just admit it, edit, you continue to edit.

“But in the final analysis, this trouble is indeed caused by the lady maid.” Toma, insisting on throwing the pot, Sougo pointed to Kirito Masuu who was still pulling his own life and boasting.

Shiyu of Kasumigaoka: ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ)

From start to finish, she only said no more than ten sentences. Can this also hit her? Moreover, more than half of the ten sentences are to remind Kirisu to pay attention to the influence. Although she finally played GG, she has resisted anyway. It’s like Doma Sougo. Since the clothes were tightened, she began to take the initiative. pot.

Doma Sougou——In order to prevent RPG, AK47 and other weapons from falling out, is it easy for him?

“Actually, I have already said, what is Mr. Kirisu? Our class does not have a teacher Mr. Kirisu.”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu:…(⊙_⊙;)…

Teacher Kirsu is still holding your arm to praise you, if she would cry sober, she would cry!

Kirisu Matsumoto: “Do, Tuma’s clothes are just fancy and beautiful. They can and will match them. The teacher is very satisfied…”

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu: (¬_¬)

That means, look, she is still complimenting you now!

“If the maid hadn’t been recognized by Aoki Bald Teacher, I must have been confused.” Sougo Tama always had his own reasons, but someone called Aoki Bald. This is because I want to be bald. Thinking back about that person, Sure enough, he was bald.

Hearing the name, Shiyu Kasumigaoka knew that someone had misunderstood: “It’s Teacher Aoki, not Teacher Aoki Bald.”

Summoning the Earth: ( ̄ー ̄)

Isn’t he bald if he isn’t called bald?

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

Seeing Tuma Zou Wu’s sneer, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was indifferent, but after thinking about it, it seemed that it was really because she was recognized by the bald head of Aoki that she afflicted the drunk Matsumoto.

“Xia, classmate Xia Zhiqiu, you are my most and most optimistic student, look, this waist, um, is not thick!” Shiyu Xiazhiqiu was silent, and Shinobu Kiryu approached her.

Shiyu Kasumigaoka:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

What’s the meaning? What is the waist is not thick?

Tuma always go happy to watch the excitement: “Miss Maid, the so-called wrongdoer, the debtor, it seems that Mr. Kirsu is drunk, but he also knows who to rely on.” began to shake the pot.

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

What does it mean to be wronged, and to be credited? Is it her fault? Besides, come, touch your conscience to say such things, if you really want to rely on her. Will you come first, the waist is not thick?

“Furthermore, the maid, as the most optimistic student of Mr. Kirsu, I believe she will take good care of Mr. Kirsu, then…” Although it was Mr. Kirsu’s drunken remark, it did not prevent Sougo Tama from taking it away. Pot, he just wants to—вyeвyЁ

You can slip first.

Hold on.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu squeezed Tuma Sougou’s clothes: “Although I was recognized at first, it was you who said to send Mr. Kirsu home?” He refused to take the pot or let it go.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

After the little maid was entangled by a drunk person, she was still able to find him. The logic was clear and organized, and it was not easy to fool around. It was time to change her style.

“Miss maid, it’s not impossible for me to send Mr. Kirsu home, but if something happens to Mrs. Kirsu, won’t you feel guilty?” threatened.

It seems to work.

“Huh.” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu sighed: “After all, the owner has reached the age of strong hormone secretion, and it is inevitable that he will want to shoot the opposite sex…”

This poisonous tongue made Tuma always realize a joy: “The analysis is very reasonable, and it is about Mr. Kirsu. Although he has just taken over our class, do you have the heart to let her fall into my devil?” Crazy self-defeating.

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

Isn’t it time to show your innocence and establish loyalty? As long as Mr. Kirsu really asks him to send him back, what’s the matter with his innocence speech, Mr. Kirsu, hurry up and sober!

“Adolescent boys are really scary. As a master maid, it feels dangerous to be unexpected…”

Is this doubting the professional ethics of Soma Sougoto?

“Don’t worry, as long as you do the maid’s job well, you will be safe.” Sougo Doma.

Not a lie,

The ranking table in the hearts of Soma Sougo:

The first level of beauty, self, small buried;

The second level of beauty, Nagiri Erina, Yukoshita Yono, Akasaka Ryunosuke, Little Maid, Kirisu Matsu…;

The third level of beauty, Yoshida Saki, Yamazaki Retreat, GAY (fake hair)…;

The lowest level of beauty. Toma Ohira, Toki Shiro, Kondo Ton.

The above rankings are in no particular order.

For the appearance value below the first level, the soil is really not greedy!


Although the ranking adds a thick layer of multiple filters, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu obviously doesn’t think so. Is she safe? Is this true or false, but she didn’t wait for her to figure it out…

“Nonsense! Xia, classmate Xia Zhiqiu has such a thin waist, very attractive, very attractive!” The drunk Tongsu Matsumoto.

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

She thanked her, she couldn’t continue like this, otherwise it would be endless.

Sougo Tama also thinks so: “Leave aside other issues. The most important thing now is to send Mr. Kirsu home. Miss maid, since you caused the trouble, and Mr. Kirsu was also hooked by you, then Can you be responsible for sending Mr. Kirsu back?”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu rolled her eyes, but didn’t write the words you are teasing me on her face. Why did she hook Mr. Tongsu? It was Mr. Bronze who found her by himself, and tightened his hands again. This is also the prerequisite for her to roll her eyes at Tuma Zou Wu.

After all, someone couldn’t run away without letting go of her hand that grabbed Sougo Morama’s clothes.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

The little maid has broken her studies and won’t let it go. It seems that this trouble can’t be shaken off for a while, what should I do?

At this moment, Kirisu Matsuya shifted his target.

“Very well, then let’s work together, let’s send this guy home first.” Pointing to Mr. Kirisu again, Tōma Sougou said with a righteous expression.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu let go of her hand. She wanted to turn around and leave. However, after looking at the drunken Kirito Matsumoto, she couldn’t bear it after all, so she nodded in agreement.

“The question is here, where is Mr. Kirsu’s house?” Sougo Tama spread out his hands.

“You don’t know?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu looked dumbfounded: “Then why did you dare to promise that you could safely send Mr. Tongsu home?”

Tuma Sougou: “I thought you knew…” I don’t want to fool around. The ammunition is about to fall out. In the future, let’s go out less with these things.

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

The scene fell into embarrassment for a while.

At this moment, Sou Wu Tama and Shiyu Xiazhiqiu are in a deadlock!

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