Chapter 186 Since I can’t resist, it’s better to enjoy it

“Well, the novel is not in a hurry, Shiyu, instead of entangled in the plot, let’s think about the delicious food for a while. Today, the library is for you, but it has paid the blood.” ,Learn about.

“Delicious food?” Shiyu Xiazhiqiu was stunned. If she had heard this in the past, she wouldn’t have too many thoughts, but after tasting the bento made by Tōma Sougo, the delicacy began to manifest in her heart. , The memory triggered the rapid secretion of saliva.



Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu swallowed saliva.

Machida Sonoko: “…”

This is not the Shiyu Xiazhiqiu I know!

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

Want to die, want to die, want to die, my image~! Blame that guy, why is it okay to make the bento so delicious?

The scene fell into an inexplicable embarrassment.

“Ahem…” Fortunately, Machida Yuanzi is also a master of the field, and quickly changed the subject: “Shiyu, why don’t we go to the venue.”

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu stepped off the stage, but when the two of them had just got up, she saw a fancy-dressed young man walking in with two pieces of cake.

“Toroma Sougo!” The guy who caused her to swallow her saliva appeared, but Shiyu Kasumigaoka didn’t know why she chose to gritted her teeth, pulled Machida Yuanzi up, and returned to the deck again.

At the beginning, Machida Yuanzi “?_?”, when he looked in the direction of Kasumigaoka Shiba, the flamboyant Doma Sougo also entered Machida Yuanzi’s line of sight.

“Shibaji knows that boy?” As if thinking of something, Machida Yuanko suddenly approached Kasumigaoka Shiba with a playful look.

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

Know, how can you not know? There were few gaffes in her life, and they all contributed to that guy, but it made her say something.

“That’s a new transfer student in our class!” In a seemingly ordinary introduction, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu picked herself clean, anyway, she didn’t lie, Tuma Zougou is indeed a freshman who has just transferred. Based on Machida’s understanding of her, this kind of transfer student is equivalent to a stranger.

“Is Shibamo still not wanting to expose his identity?” Sure enough, Machida Yuanzi found the most reasonable explanation.

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

No, it has been exposed, it has already been exposed, and it was exposed under teasing, but can she admit it?

“I just want to write a story quietly.”

Machida Yuanzi: “But Shiba, since your classmates have found Undying Chuan Bunko, you will probably submit your paper. If you submit your paper successfully, you will be considered colleagues. Are you sure you don’t want to say hello to him?”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

It’s really possible! This guy is a monster who wrote mystery a few years ago, isn’t it…

“Furthermore, Shiyu, you are not an obscure little transparent now. You are the teacher Xia Shizi who has been praised by all the god tongues.” Machida Yuanzi said with pride, this is the little cabbage under her hand!

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

Yes, that’s right, the book review was sent to the adult by the guy in front of you.

“Shi Yuxie, you are not so transparent at the beginning. As the teacher of Xia Shizi in the fire, it is probably impossible to imagine keeping a low profile as before, so it’s better to take this opportunity to come out generously.”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

Is this what she cares about? What she cares about is the status of the maid now, that bad guy can’t be sure…

“Oh, Miss Maid.” Sougo Tama felt that the world was so small that he could run into acquaintances wherever he went.

Listening to the familiar ridicule, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu secretly said: “Yes, that’s right, I’m not sure that guy will call me a maid or something directly.”

and many more!

Nani, was discovered by that guy?

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu: “#^_^##”

Machida Sonoko: “…”

Shiyu, didn’t you mean the transfer student from your class? Why is that guy familiar with you at first glance? What kind of COS game is Miss Maid? Shi Yu can play like this in private?

Machida Yuanzi hasn’t finished thinking about it.

Doma Sougo had already arrived in front of the two of them.

“I didn’t expect to meet my exclusive little maid after school. It’s really a fateful encounter. Would you like to have a piece of cake to witness it? Although usually, it is the maid serving the food for the master, but today it is a special case. NS.”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “#^_^”

The encounter of fate should be used for the first encounter, right? Who would want to have a fateful encounter with you, and, to witness the encounter, actually eat cake? It’s just that she hasn’t waited for her to speak.

On the side, Machida Yuanzi turned to look at Kasumigaoka Shiyu and said, “Special, exclusive maid? Shiyu, did you play like that in private?”

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu first covered her head with her hand: “Miss Yuanzi, please, don’t believe what others say…” Then, she turned her head and looked at Tama Sougo: “Outside…”

Soilma always comprehends nuclear good smile: “Huh?”

“Sougo Tama, now outside the school!”

“Huh?” Doma Sougo sticked his index finger to his lips and said, “Is there any difference?”

“The bets made in schools are naturally only implemented in schools.” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu is righteous, and if it weren’t for the movement of taking a half step back and being noticed by the soil, he would really believe it.

“Miss maid, we didn’t say that when we bet, it’s only in the school, right?” Sougo Tama leaned forward slightly, feeling full of pressure.

“This is a common unspoken rule among students!” Xia Zhiqiu said nonsense, Shi Yu.

Machida Yuanzi on the side has already: “!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ”

This is definitely not the Shi Yujun I know! Wait, Tuma Sougou, this name is so familiar, where did you hear it? By the way, just a few days ago, Shi Yujie said that she hooked up with Sougen Tuma…

Machida Yuanzi felt that there must be something strange in this, so she decided to observe it for a while.

“So, Toyonosaki has such hidden rules.” Sougo Tama, as if persuaded, took out the phone and said, “It seems that I have to call and ask the guys in Fujikami. What kind of rules do you follow…”


Shiyu Xiazhiqiu grabbed the hand of Sougo Doma’s dial, and said with a smile on his face:

“It’s a drug-testing maid, not an exclusive maid.”

“So, it’s okay to admit it at the beginning, Miss Maid, why bother? If you know you can’t resist, why not enjoy the fun of being a little maid?” Sougo Doma took back his phone and turned to look at Machida Sonoko Said: “This young lady, you said, am I right?”

Machida Yuanzi came back to her senses, but she didn’t expect that there was still something with her. She subconsciously glanced at Xiazhiqiu Shiyu: “Shiyuyan, who is this one?”

“In front of the beautiful lady, I forgot to introduce myself first…” Before Xiazhiqiu Shiyu could speak, Tuma Zougou said first: “I am Tuma Zougou, a classmate of teacher Xia Shizi, at the same table. And master…”

Machida Yuanzi——Shiyu, others even know your pen name, and you said that you can’t martial… ahem!


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