Chapter 180

Xuexiayangna has thousands of knots in her heart, and countless thoughts floated in her mind, but she always regarded Tuma’s cooperation invitation as a plot of the Tujian family. She is also thinking about whether she can follow Bite a bite of fat in this conspiracy until:

“Ahem, Miss Yangnai, I’m talking about 3 million…”

Xuexiayangna: “…”

Sorry, excuse me, goodbye, she really wants to apologize directly to Sanlian, but when I think about it, this is really her apartment! She is really a little dizzy. What is Sougo Tama’s saying? The Tama family wants to dominate the cooperation with 300W, and she wants the Yukoshita family to become the target of public criticism?

I have to say, the Tujian family thinks too beautifully, right? ?

Wait, why is it 300W? Xuexia Yangna found the point again.

“Master Tujian, these three million won’t be blackmailed from me just now…Isn’t it #^_^?”

“Eh hey? You found it!” Duma, Meng Wu, always tilted his head, holding the back of his head with one hand.

Xuexiayangna: “#^_^……”

Empty glove white wolf?

f*ck, this is no longer simply a public target for launching the Xuexiajia, but a vain prostitute who doesn’t even want to pay! No, white prostitution is better than Tujian’s practice. At the very least, other people don’t take things away, don’t they? The Tujian family was thinking about not paying a penny, but also trying to gain fame and fortune afterwards. What did they think of their Xuexiajia and Chiba’s famous families?

Wait, Tujian Guilong shouldn’t be so straightforward. Is it to release the connections and resources of the Tujian family? If this is the case, it is not considered to be sincere, no, it should be said that it is very sincere. Ask first.

“Master Sougo, if we reach a cooperation, what will the Tujian family do?”

Doma Sougou pointed to himself: “Doma Sougou paid the BOSS behind the scenes, that is, I, Sougou Tuma!”

Xuexiayangna: “…”

The scene fell into embarrassment for a while, until–

“Ding Dong!”

The door bell rang for life-saving, which broke the embarrassing atmosphere.

“Someone is here, do you need me to find a place to hide?” Just as Yukoshita Yono got up to open the door, Sougo Tama said from the side: “By the way, I am familiar with all the hiding of third parties when they are caught and raped. Point, as long as I want to hide, no one can find me. There was a time when a netizen surnamed Wang in the country across the sea was arguing about this every day and wanted to worship me as a teacher.”

Yang Nai under the snow: “#^_^”

My mother is innocent with you, you hide a wool! And, why is it unnecessary to be proficient in all third-party hidden points, right? Can someone still get into your house?

“Master Zongwu wants to be a third party. Tsk tsk, can it be said that Master Zongwu actually treats me…”

Tuma Sougo raised his hand: “Oh, I just find it troublesome, otherwise it’s okay to stop talking!”

Xuexiayangna: “…”

Wait, why is it involved?

“Since I want to establish a cooperative relationship with Ms. Yang Nai, before we start to act, don’t let people know that we have been in contact, otherwise, I feel it will be very troublesome!”

Yukoshita’s mood at this time is roughly like this: anger (ノ`ー´)ノ・・・~~┻━┻

MMP. So, even the second young master of the Tujian family has to pick himself out? Cooperation, cooperation! Fortunately, she thoughtlessly, nodded when she heard the Tujian family wanting to cooperate.

There was a lot of anger in his stomach, but Xuexia Yangna still kept smiling and opened the door.

“Ms. Yangnai, this is the clothes you ordered…” Outside the door, a slightly cautious pink-collared clan, she handed out the clothes in her hands, and said with emotion: “If it is the ones in the company The gossiping guy knew that Miss Yang Nai asked for a set of that kind of men’s clothes. She didn’t know how many chins would be shocked, and she didn’t know who was so lucky to be caught by Miss Yang Nai.”

Xuexia Yangna clearly knew these thoughts. After she took over her pocket, she leaned close to the pink-collared family’s ear and said, “I don’t want to hear about it in the company about seeing me today, do you understand?”

The chill in the words caused the stern pink-collared tribe to shudder, and quickly said: “Yes! I won’t say it!” Even Miss Yang Nai would have times of loneliness.

“You go back!?”

“Yes, Miss Yangnai, please come on too!” As if to show favor, the little pink collar left and fisted at Xuexia Yangnai to cheer.

Yang Nai under the snow: “#^_^”

She adds a ghost oil, she just wants to send the evil star away now!

While thinking about this, Xuexia Yangna locked the door again, and then: “? _? What about people!”

Whoosh, a figure jumped from the ceiling: “No way, since Miss Yang Nao doesn’t want to die, I can only hide and talk about it. After all, we are in the early stage of cooperation…”

Xuexia Yangna: “Master Wu is afraid that it is not a misunderstanding, but I have never admitted that I want to cooperate with you.” You Tujian family is not in the first place, and you want to push the Xuexia family out. She is really stupid. ! If there is anything, she will go back to the famous door of United Chiba, if the Tujian family wants to maintain their reputation, it is impossible to shoot them.

Tuma Sougou: “Miss Yang Nai, I came to cooperate with you with the utmost sincerity, don’t you really think about it?”

Xuexiayangna: “#^_^……”

Cooperation is impossible. Even if the Xuexia family goes bankrupt, even if it is destroyed, it is impossible to do such a thankless cooperation with the Tujian family!

“Don’t talk about cooperation in advance, Master Wu, this is a new dress for you, you are not satisfied with it.”

Sou Wu Tama took a breath and was surprised: “When?”

“In the bathroom.”

“Sure enough, the girl’s bath time is even more elusive than Schrodinger’s cat!”

Xuexiayang is again: “#^_^”

Bastard, if it wasn’t for you, she would have been lying in the bathtub comfortably and relieved of fatigue. What happened to the girl’s long bath time? I have never heard the famous saying from the Heavenly Dynasty: “Are all women made of water?”.

However, she bears it! The most important thing now is to send the guy in front of you away, and after passing a bank card, Yukoshita Yonoi continued.

“In addition, this is the remaining compensation, 62W of clothes, 2.38 million inside, and initial password 000000.”

“Tsk,” Sou Wu Tujian sipped lightly: “Is it all ready? Sure enough, the power of capital in this country is capable of doing whatever you want. It’s really enviable that people want to have more capital, right?”

Yang Nai under the snow: “#^_^”

Bastard, you are the least qualified to say this!

“Master Zongwu, do you want to change this dress now? Or take it back to change it?” Hurry up and leave, she swears, she will retreat from the Tujian family again in the future, and go from the Tujian Guilong to the Tu It can be seen from Jian Zongwu that this is a family with thick faces and black faces!

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~!” Guilong, who was lying on the gun inexplicably, sneezed.

“Patriarch, are you okay?” The butler stepped forward.

“It’s okay, maybe that guy Sogo is talking about me again.”

Mujian, back pot type, Sougo goes online, and then slips away.

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