Chapter 171 Don’t you have my flesh and blood in your body? (Thanks Long for the monthly pass)

Except for the Tujian family, no one can figure out what they are thinking, but their actions can always get the resources they need.

This sentence is circulated in the upper circles of this country, and many people agree with it, but in the eyes of Xuexia Yangna, it is a sick sentence, let alone the Tujian family, even if it is one of the four major chaebols. There are traces of what the Si Gong family wants to do.

After all, while a big family has a big business, it also means that there are many people.

However, when she started investigating, she knew that this sentence was true.

For the Tujian family-the people who separated from the Tujian family didn’t even know what was going on, the Tujian Guilong of the master’s house flew straight up. If you want to find out something on them, I’m sorry, they are real. I do not know!

Then focus on the line of Guilong in the earth.

First of all, “the treasure of the Tujian family”-the burial of the Tujian family is the inverse scale of all the people of the Tujian family. The owner of the Tujian family said in an open space more than once: “Want to disturb the’treasure’ of the Tujian family? Try if you can stop the retaliation of the Tujian family!”

Tujian Guilong even disdain to say, can he find the guy who disturbs the “treasure”, but who can talk with the Tujian family, which one is not a human spirit? If it were before, they could still laugh at the Tujian family for not being able to do anything, but now—the Tujian, which almost only shows up in public, has become a sweet bun in the eyes of many people.

Bury the PASS in the soil!-Xuexia Yangna looked at the information in front of him, and made a severe gap. This was the first time Xuexia Yangna was jealous of “other people’s children.”

Tuma Dahei-He is in a state of little understanding of family matters, and wants to succeed with his own efforts, but in the recent period, there have been countless rotten peach blossoms. Because of this, his secret to the Tuma family is not know it well,

Xuexia Yangna gritted his teeth again, and PASS fell to Dahei.

The investigation was deadlocked from the beginning.

Don’t say it was to find out why the Tujian family publicly offered a reward for Tujian Sogo. At the end of the investigation, Xuexia Yangna didn’t even find out the whereabouts of Tujian Sogo.

In fact, if it hadn’t been for the unilateral declaration of Tujian Guilong when he left, Tujian Guilong would also have a dumbfounded look. Otherwise, how could there be such a thing as a reward? Mujian Guilong was really angry at the time. !


Time goes back to the present, a few minutes forward.

“Doma Sougo!” Just finished experimenting with the passionate strawberry cake, what would it feel like, Doma Sougou squinted his eyes happily, but this gave Xuexiayang a chance.

“Even if I don’t do it, that kind of nasty guy will be taught by others.” As soon as we met, Xuexiayang wanted to leave.

However, the smiling face of Tama Sougo annoyed Yukoshita Yono.

Why! ?

Yukino had to go abroad early because of this bastard, so she couldn’t even cover her sister’s soft hair! But the culprit still walked away with a look of contentment.

Why! ?

Xuexia’s family has always been a parental and strict mother’s education method. In the Xuexia family, only the father would talk to her and Xuena happily. If there was no father, Xuexiayang would not dare to imagine his sister. What will it become? Such a good father came back with a bruised nose and swollen face that day.

The culprit was the guy who didn’t notice her in front of her.


The new hatred and the old hatred added up, so that Xuexia Yangnao’s follow-up was broken.


The thoughts are back, Yukoshita Yonoi begins to regret it. If she listens to her father and doesn’t provoke Sou Ma Ma, she should be in her apartment now, eating delicious desserts, and looking through the materials she is interested in. If you are tired, lie down in the jacuzzi and spend the day comfortably.

Although, even the jacuzzi is a brand launched by the Tujian family.

If she left directly at that time, her day would be spent leisurely and comfortably—that’s what Xuexiayang thought.

It’s like now, not only was she not beaten, she was also drenched in tomato juice, which can be omitted, but inviting a stranger into her boudoir outside, this is indeed Xuexiayangna’s number one. Time!

So, the question is, how did this guy who accepted the first invitation in her life repay her?

Just walked in.

Tuma Sougou: “Ah, I thought I would see underwear all over the floor. I didn’t have any. It’s really unexpected. That, by the way, I don’t like it very much. I should say that I hate wearing other people’s clothes. Ms. Yang Nai carefully trained by Madam Xia will definitely meet my requirements. If possible, Ms. Yang Nai, please help me prepare a new set of clothes.”

Xuexiayangna: “…”

Although I knew that this guy couldn’t say anything good, it was still harsh!

Listen, what does it mean to not like to wear other people’s clothes~! How could there be menswear in her house? It’s someone else’s! What does this guy think of her, the leader cultivated by the Yukinoshita family?

“So in the eyes of Brother Sougo, is the older sister someone who already has a boyfriend?”

Tuma Sougou: “I haven’t seen it for a long time, and Miss Xuenai is still showing off your sister and brother’s style? Sure enough, there is no growth, and, Miss Yangnai, she is not young, even if she has friends, it’s normal.”

“The soil is always enlightened!” Xuexiayangna finally couldn’t maintain her gentle personality, and she gritted her teeth when she looked at the smiling guy in front of her. Is she very old? She just went to college! Can you speak!

Tuma always felt his chin: “It’s so good. I can’t wait for me to die now. On the surface, I still want my sister and brother, oh, is it a professional habit?”

Xuexiayangna: “…”

God’s professional habits! Isn’t this a general rule of upper-class communication?

“Besides, being called that by a woman with a blood-stained face, I always feel panicked!” Mu Jian, who was beaten to death and refused to admit the tomato juice, was always enlightened.

“What’s more, this blood still flows from me, and who is it that caused me to be’seriously injured’? Ms. Yang Nao wouldn’t be selective amnesia? By the way, I just seemed to see blood flowing in. In your mouth, have you drunk it? Don’t say you drank it, otherwise, Miss Xue Na will not have my flesh, cough, blood…”

Xuexiayangna: “…”

She really drank it, but this is tomato juice, tomato juice! And, even if it’s really blood, don’t use such ambiguous terms, wait, ambiguous? This guy will not be…

“Zong Wujun.” Xuexia Yangnai squinted again, smiling and trying to say something.

“Forget that when you laugh like this, the corners of your mouth will rise slightly by 8 degrees?” Sougo Doma suddenly reminded.

Yukoshita Yono once again narrowed his smile: “…”

Okay, she thinks too much, Yukoshita Yono will never forget, the “good memory” she had when she first met Doma Sougo.

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