Chapter 168

It was about half a month ago, at Yukoshita’s house in Chiba Prefecture.

“Yangnai, it’s time to put it down. The Tujian family is not something that our Xuexia family can contend with.” Looking at the smiling daughter in front of her, Mrs. Xuexia had complicated eyes, but she said with a calm face.

“Mom, I don’t know what you are talking about?” Yukoshita Yonoi smiled and pretended to be silly: “For the Tujian family, I have always listened to my mother, and I am looking forward to it!”

“Woo!” Mrs. Xuexia took a sip of the green tea in her hand before slowly saying: “Yangna, don’t live up to my expectations.”

As a mother, even if she is not reliable, for her own daughter, how could Mrs. Yukoshita not know that the second son of the Tuma family has become her nightmare.

Mrs. Yukoshita has forgotten how they met. It was good at the beginning. The eldest daughter she carefully cultivated only regarded the other party as a toy, until after the incident of Chiba Shenye Elementary School, her eldest daughter began to target them more and more. The second son of the Tujian family, Yang Nai, the eldest daughter of the Tujian family, lost his thoughts.

But Mrs. Xuexia, who is a mother, knew that because the second son of the Tuma family, the eldest daughter had been tortured by nightmares for countless nights.

Last night, the maid serving the eldest daughter came to report, and Xuexia Yangna murmured again in his sleep: “Toroma Sougo! I won’t let you approach Xue…No, no, don’t come over!”

This was not the first time that this happened. Mrs. Xuexiaxia could only talk about it, and Xuexiayang was also habitually pretending to be stupid.

Both mother and daughter know very well that unless the four major chaebols in the country are collectively stupid, no one will ever want to start the family. As for the Xuexia family, they have already known the current affairs as talents and rely on the development of the family. They, in Chiba Prefecture, how many families are not attached to the Tujian family?

“Yang Na…” Regarding Xue Xia Yang Nai’s pretense, Mrs. Xue Xia sighed in her heart, but said calmly on her face: “Remember, you have to remember that you are not alone, you Behind him, there is a Xuexiajia home!”

If it’s another family, the meaning of this sentence can be translated as, Yang Nai, Xuexia’s family will support you, but in Xuexiajia, this sentence can only be translated as-Yang Nai, don’t bother Xuezhi Next.

Xuexiayangna still smiled: “I understand.”

The mother and daughter were talking hypocritically, and suddenly, there was a noise outside the door.

“No, it’s not OK, home, the owner of the house was seriously injured, and he was just brought back from the ambulance.” A housekeeper stepped forward to report.

Mrs. Xuexia opened her eyes subconsciously. After a while, she said with a calm face: “Don’t panic, what’s the situation of my husband now? Is there life danger.”

“The Patriarch just hurt his face, legs and feet, there should be no life-threatening.” The housekeeper opened his mouth cautiously.

Only then did Mrs. Xuexia relax and say: “Go down, take the Patriarch to raise first.”

The butler who came forward to report the letter quickly responded: “Yes!”

When the people left, Xuexiayangna coldly said, “Mom, don’t you find out why Dad was seriously injured?”

“Yang Nai.” Mrs. Xuexia turned her head: “Do you know where your father went to socialize today?”

Xuexiayang shook his head.

Mrs. Yukoshita took a sip of tea slowly, and then said, “Your father went to the Tujian family to participate in the Chiba mobilization meeting…”

Xuexiayangna has long lost a smile on her face, she gritted her silver teeth and said, “It’s the Tujian family again?”

“Actually, it’s a good thing that your father was injured.” Mrs. Yukoshita said blankly, looking at the tea cup in front of her.

Xuexiayang lowered his head and said nothing.

“Don’t think so much, your father was injured this time, then the next Chiba prefectural councillor will follow suit.”

Xuexiayangna opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn’t say anything.

However, the expression was nothing to hide from Mrs. Xuexia: “Yangna, what do you want to say?”

“Mom, you are not afraid that it was Dad who offended the Tujian family. They beat Dad with lynching?” Yukoshita Yono said.

Mrs. Yukoshita shook her head: “Your father is a person I know best. With his character, he will not be the first bird to offend the Tujian family. Although, I don’t know what happened to the Tujian family, but If you can hurt your father, the Tujian family should already be burnt.”

As soon as he finished speaking, another butler came up to report.

“Madam, Kojima family, Origi family, Shimo family and many other family owners were sent back one by one by the Tujian family’s ambulance. I heard that the worst…has all limbs.”

Mrs. Rao Shixia had experienced many winds and waves, but when Pu heard the news, he still shook his teacup.

Xuexia Yangnai opened his eyes even more: “Tu, the Tujian family is crazy, right? I have offended all the wealthy members of Chiba all at once, and they are not afraid that the wealthy members of Chiba will unite and deal with them together?”

Mrs. Yukoshita’s eyes condensed when she heard the words. After a while, she shook her head and said: “The rich family? After Chiba opened the Tujian family, what other family dared to call itself a rich family? Just like the four main gates in China, except Tujian Home, who do they value?”

Xuexiayangna: “…”

At this moment, she soberly realized that she was one step farther from overcoming her nightmare.

“Does this matter just leave it alone?”

Mrs. Yukoshita shook her head again: “Wait for your dad to get settled. When we visit your dad, ask for the reasons. Don’t look at the violence in the family, but you must remember that violence will never solve the problem! ”

Xuexia Yangnai heard the words and loosened her clenched fists, but she suddenly discovered that she was unable to do anything about the communication she was proud of with this kind of problem.

Because of Chiba, no family dared to stroke the tiger’s whiskers of the Tuma family.

Mrs. Yukoshita glanced at the expression of her eldest daughter, and suddenly said, “I’m thinking about this matter, should I tell Xueno.”

Xuexia Yangna was startled: “Mom, this, this kind of thing, there is no need to tell Xuenao, she will think too much when she knows about it.”

Yukino, sister will not let you come into contact with this dark side.

“Maybe you are right.” Mrs. Xuexia looked into the distance: “After all, she has just returned to China.”

Xuexia Yangna hurriedly nodded: “Yes, Xuenao has just returned to China, and in high school, the most important thing is to study, right?”

Just at this time, the butler came up to report again.

“Madam, miss, the Patriarch has already settled in the medical room. Thanks to the blessing of the God of Fortune, although the Patriarch is not lightly injured, he still remains awake.”

Xuexia Yangna clenched his fists again, what blessings? All lies! If you really want to be blessed by the blessed god, how could your father get hurt?

“Thanks to the housekeeper!” Mrs. Xuexia was on the side thanking the housekeeper first, and then, she turned around and said to Yangnao Xuexia: “Let’s go, go see your father, by the way, what the hell is today? what happened.”

Xuexiayangna nodded quickly: “Yes!”

She also cares about the father who loves herself and loves her sister!

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