Chapter 151 The Appearance of “Love”

“Tianshangyuan is a cheerful girl. There is always no shortage of friends and smiles around her. On the contrary, Dadiluo is introverted. He doesn’t know how to communicate with others, so he is always alone… “Sougo Tama said slowly in a soft voice.

Everyone was also very intriguing and did not say anything, but listened carefully to the story-Master Tuma must have his reason, maybe the so-called love insights are hidden in the story?

“Fortunately, introverted children will always have one or two specialties. Dadilu’s handicraft is very good, and this has become his hobby. With this hobby, Dadilu doesn’t feel that being alone is bad. one day……”

“Bad guys are stepping on Dadilu’s works. He is introverted and can’t find anyone to help. He can only look helplessly at each piece of hard work, destroyed and destroyed. Dadilu looks at those people. With a fierce gaze, he remembered those guys…” Sougo Tama’s voice was a little crazy.

A group of people shuddered, hey, hey, tell a good love story, why do you feel like listening to a revenge story?

“However, it’s a blessing to see if you lose your horse. Just at the most helpless moment of Dadiluo, the heavenly court appeared,’Hey, you bad guys, why do you want to break other people’s things? Hurry up and stop!’ The heavenly court’s voice is very loud. Gentle, but unspeakable firm…”

“And this voice is by no means inferior to the sound of heaven to Dhara, he stared blankly at the petite figure in front of him, only feeling that the figure couldn’t tell the breadth…”

“Unlike Dadiluo, the cheerful Tianshangyuan is very popular in the class. The bad guys don’t dare to overdo it, so they can only leave angrily. Only at this time, the Tianshangyuan turned around and smiled at Dadilu and said,’You Are you okay? Next time you encounter something like this, remember to resist. Also, I like your work very much.”

“At that moment, the smiling Tianshangyuan became the angel in Tudila’s heart. It turned out that a person could be so beautiful when smiling. It turned out that she liked his-works.”

Everyone-Yuan, round is over, so this is still a love story, not a revenge story!

“Since that day, the introverted Dadiluo has a new pursuit. He appreciates and appreciates the smile of the heavenly court every day, and gets inspiration from the smile. After finishing the work, he calmly puts it into the heavenly court. In the bag…”

Everyone-hey, hey, it’s too much to flip through people’s schoolbags indiscriminately! What kind of strange love story is this?

“Every day, Dadilu will put in a new work, and every day, he can get different inspirations, and this gift has been given for nearly ten years. During this period, it has never been interrupted! Even if the Tianshangyuan is sick at home , There will still be new works in her schoolbag, even if she travels, there will be new works by Daddy Luo in her travel bag…”

Everyone-Hello, Master Tuma, are you sure this is a love story? Why does it seem to be developing in the direction of horror? No, that Dharam is 100% a stalker, right?

“Even if the Heavenly Court transfers, even if the Heavenly Court reports to the police, cough cough…” As if thinking of something, Tuma Sougo lightly coughed twice, concealing his embarrassment.

Everyone-Master Tujian, don’t want to fool around. This has been tracked to make people transfer and call the police. In other words, what a horrible love story is this!

“However, the handmade works that should appear in the schoolbag of the Tianshangyuan will still appear on time.”

Everyone’s scalps were numb, and they sighed-the little sister of Heavenly Court is so pitiful!

“Finally, Dadiluo’s perseverance and perseverance touched the Heavenly Court. On the day of college graduation, the Heavenly Court got through a certain number that had been stored in the mobile phone…”

Hearing this, everyone found that they could no longer look directly at the two words of perseverance and perseverance. Is this simply abnormal?

“As soon as the phone was connected, Dharam’s low voice came,’Heavenly Court, I, I will never dare to anymore, don’t scold me…’.”

Cold sweat broke out on everyone’s foreheads, it really was a follow-up!

“But the Heavenly Court said in a gentle voice, ‘Dadilu, I have sold all the works you gave me…’ On the other side, Dadilu subconsciously clenched his fist…”

Everyone-this is really not a serious love story.

“Without waiting for Dhara to speak, the Heavenly Court continued,’The money sold is just enough for the marriage procedures, are you going to come?…'”

“Dadiluo was stunned when he heard the words. After a while, he said,’Marriage procedures, you and me?”Of course, you don’t want to?’ The Heavenly Court on the other side of the phone is so gentle…”

Everyone felt that they could no longer look directly at the word gentle, what is this, the counterattack of the stalker?

“Seven months after the two were married, the Tianshangyuan gave birth prematurely, but under the nourishment of the magic of love, she still gave birth to a very healthy baby. It is a miracle.”

The straight men felt that something was wrong, but they couldn’t tell why.

Outside the door, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu who still has time to buy water because of the need to obtain materials: “…”

Hehehe…a premature, healthy baby? What the hell is this alien thinking! No—this story is not serious at all! Forget it, she should go buy water, ah~! She didn’t get the material at all, but she wouldn’t be able to look at the word love directly if she didn’t leave. This time, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu walked very decisively.

“Look, what a perfect love…” After the story, Sougo Tama began to bewitched.

Everyone shook their heads frantically: “No, no, this is not a perfect love. It is a perverted love at all. If love looks like this, they can’t accept it at all!”

“The two met at the end of the day, and they knew each other because of the work, and then because of the gift. And, Dadilu kept his heart for ten years, even if he was complained, he was almost arrested, cough cough, don’t care about the small details. …”

Everyone: “No, you just wanted to say that you were arrested, how could this make people careless! It’s completely intolerable by society!”

“Finally, a miracle is triggered by the magic of love. Although the baby is born prematurely, the baby is very healthy. Isn’t this a miracle? Love, really can create countless incredible miracles!”

Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, don’t know why, they always feel that this kind of miracle, they don’t really want it.

“Do you understand what love is now?” Sougo Tama asked with a smile.

Everyone-they didn’t understand what love is, but they understand what pervert is!

“Um, Master Tujian, isn’t this story unfriendly to Heavenly Court?” someone couldn’t help asking.

Tuma Sougou turned his head in surprise: “How come, when a person invades your life for ten years, you must be used to it, and I also specifically mentioned that the Heavenly Court will swear at every turn. Luo! Who can tolerate her so much other than Dhara? It’s all love!”

Someone suddenly realized: “It turns out that love is tolerance…”

“It’s so close, but do you know how to chase girls? This story is the standard for chasing girls.”

Everyone wanted to nod, but they always felt too abnormal.

Fujigami Takuya raised his hands with an ugly expression, “Master Tama, do I want to do the same with Yoko?”

“Idiot, aren’t you together? The essence of this story is to tell you that you must have perseverance, shamelessness, enough shamelessness, and even if you are arrested by the police, you must persist in the shameless spirit. Is it?” The soil always realizes that iron can’t become a steel track.

Everyone: “No, this will die, right? It will die socially, right?”

The Devil smiled: “You who are afraid of embarrassment, how can you have any qualifications to look forward to love?”

Everyone bowed their heads, and the adolescent guys regarded their faces more heavily than love.

Fujigami Taku also woke up like a dream, yes, if he did not shamelessly kiss Yoko yesterday, they hadn’t been together so quickly, so Master Tama was right!

“Okay, after deciding whether to persist in the shameless spirit, come to me again, bye!” Seeing everyone silent, Sougo Tama walked out, leaving them a sorrowful back.

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