Chapter 145 Home Visit is a Bridge to Education

Private Toyonosaki, sophomore in high school, teacher’s office.

“Tama-san hates going to class?” Although his head was big, Kirisu felt that as an educator, he should lead the students to the right path. Therefore, she led Doma Zougou who was about to skip class into the office, her voice was still cold, but don’t be patient. In her opinion, Doma Zougou must have some reason to loathe class. Now, it takes one step. Find out the reason step by step.


“I don’t hate it at all.” Tuma Zougou is such an upright boy. He really doesn’t hate going to class, but he likes to make up for his sleep more than to review knowledge that will never be forgotten in class.

Kirisu Masuu: “…”

Misconception, this guy is completely out of routine.

“Since I don’t hate attending classes, why do I want to skip class? I also want to play tricks on the teacher so as to get the teacher’s non-responsibility after skipping class…”

Before the long talk started, Sougen Tama raised his hand and said, “Ask a question…”

Bronzebeard True Winter: “?”

“Does Mr. Zhendong like to eat sweets?”

Kirisu’s cold face: “This is personal privacy.”

“I think I like it?” Sougo Tama stepped forward and sniffed: “I can smell the sweetness of the teacher’s mouth.”

Kirisu Masuu: “…”

Is this guy a dog nose?

“Now, there are two desserts in front of Mr. Zhendong, one you don’t hate, and one you like. Excuse me, which side would you choose?”

Kirisu’s face was even colder: “Mutama-san wanted to say that you have something you like more, so you have to skip class?”

“Oh, you’re not stupid yet.” Sougo Tama responded with a smile.

“Then teacher, can you ask, what do Tuma likes do better?” Bronzebeard Matsumoto’s tone is still cold, although his heart has been beaten to death for so many times, Doma has decided that no matter what Doma said he likes to do , She must refute fiercely, let this guy understand that the most important task for students is to go to class and study!

Sougo Tama looked up, “Woo, in school, probably, sleep.”

Kirisu Masuu: “…”

Enough, Matsumoto Kirisu has imagined that if Sougo Tama’s hobby is sports, she will tell him the importance of cultural knowledge for sports. Also, don’t look at the many high school competitions in Japan, but even if you win the championship. , Which is nothing more than dazzling, it is impossible to fundamentally change one’s own class.

If it is an art class, it is even more important to absorb cultural knowledge. Only in this way can you obtain the qualification for advanced studies.

However, there are too many reasons to break the hobby of sleeping, and Kirisu really doesn’t know how to respond for a while – after all, this seems to her to be rotten…a big mistake.

No, she, True Winter Bronzebeard, as an educator, can’t fall down here, there must be something to save the guy in front of her.

“Student Tuma, have you considered what to do in the future?”

“Hurry up and wait to die!” Sougo Tama replied quickly and confidently.

Kirisu Masuu: “…”

Hahaha, she has studied educational theories for many years-how to turn them into practice! This guy in front of me must have been sent by God to torture her, why can someone say that eating and waiting for death is so arrogant?

“Ahem!” He coughed slightly, and Kirisu Matsumoto seemed to be consumed with Sougo: “Did Tuma-san had no ideals when he was a child? For example, becoming a policeman, a lawyer, a scientist…”

Tujian always raised his hand and interrupted: “Yes, the dude is my ideal when I was a child. Teacher Zhendong, for this ideal, you don’t know how much effort I put into it!” It was only when I made the Tujian family bigger and stronger, I didn’t expect it. Just wanting others to take charge of that salted fish’s marriage, he was swept out by the damn old man.

Although, he left first by himself. However, what the old guys know is that there is a lot of waste material. If she is really married-her characteristic of dumplings at any time, how can she keep it secret.

Kirisu Masuu: “…”

Profession, dude? No, this guy can no longer be described as decay, but an unknown object that has fallen more mutated.

Because he was too exhausted, Kirisu, who completely gave up maintaining his image, finally decided to use extreme methods: “Get me back to the classroom!”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Why do people lose their temper so easily nowadays? Is this pink-haired woman having menopause? Is it just looking at the young, ooh, maybe a relative? Don’t worry about her, let’s just go to the classroom and stay.

“If it weren’t for being stopped by Mr. Zhendong, I’m already in the classroom, Mr. Zhendong, drink more brown sugar water.”

Kirisu Masuu: “…”

No, you obviously wanted to skip class just now, right? You said it all by yourself, Sougo Doma-Matsumoto Kirisu has never met such a Damn it guy, and what the hell is drinking brown sugar water?

and many more!

Seeing Doma Sougou who was about to leave, Kirisu Matsumoto seemed to think of something, and suddenly raised his head and said, “Student Doma, don’t you mind doing a home visit, right?”

Domazou, who was raising his leg and walking out, suddenly stunned his feet and turned his head back with a full face: “Na, Nani?”

“The teacher wants to use the current learning attitude and mentality of Tujian students-it is necessary to contact the parents…”

Home visit? Where to visit? Dotama Honkaku or Dokama House? Go to Tujian’s home-the old man knows that he has to laugh to death. Going to Tujian’s home, then his perfect image of O’Neill in Xiaobui’s heart will be greatly reduced?

Moreover, if Xiao Mu knows that Ernie Chan has been skipping classes most of the time in school, she will not be able to learn the same way. After all, she grew up looking at Ernie Chan’s back. !

Home visit! NO! It’s impossible!

“Teacher Zhendong, in fact, you definitely don’t want to visit home, do you?” Sougo Tama’s expression became more and more philosophical, and his tone of voice was slightly threatening.

Kirito frowned, “No, home visits are a way for teachers and families to communicate education together. I think it’s necessary, and I also really want to think that Tuma students don’t want the teacher to go to your house?”

Very good, does this guy have weaknesses too? However, this guy seemed to be very resistant.

“Teacher Zhendong, in fact, I think my current learning attitude is very good…”

Kirisu Masuu: “…”

The guy who skipped class all day dare to say that he has a good learning attitude.

“There is huge room for improvement!”

Kirisu Masuu: “…”

Indeed, it rots into this guy’s appearance, even if it only changes a little, it is a huge improvement.

“As for the learning mentality, I think I already have it, so there is no need for home visits.”

Kirisu Masuu: “…”

A guy who doesn’t even have a goal, you told me that he has a learning mentality. Isn’t this guy in front of me being her stupid?

“Huh, just when Tuma has a good learning attitude, then I would like to ask, if it is time to investigate the road, what will Tuma choose?”

“Isn’t that something to be considered for the next semester?”

“Home…” threatened.

“Junior high school student!”

Kirisu Masuu: “…”

Your sister, junior high school student, let’s visit home!

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