Chapter 140 A new day starts from getting up

The next day, morning.

“Ouni-chan, Xiao Bui has been thinking about why people should study while they are alive? They are all the knowledge they have already mastered, but they have to spend their time on campus. In fact, as long as you have a lesson in your heart, you will have a lesson no matter where you are. Ah.” The sleepy dumpling said solemnly.

“So…” The face of a certain Zongwu who resisted his sleepiness and got up to wake up this dumpling was like this: “#^_^”

Tuanzi closed his eyes: “Have you forgotten the kendo theory of the Celestial Dynasty? The first stage is that there is a sword in the heart and the sword is in the hand, the second stage is that there is no sword in the hand, and the sword is in the heart, and the third is that there is no sword in the hand. , There is no sword in the heart. If you switch to going to school, you will go to school in your heart and go to school in your body…”


Tuma Zouwu gave Xiaobu a finger and flicked his forehead. His brain hurts now. At the beginning, he shouldn’t have told her some martial arts stories and talked about some theories inexplicably in order to teach this guy Celestial Language.

After flicking his forehead, Sougo Tama hadn’t spoken yet.

“Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu has been covering his forehead, incidentally yawned, there are faint tears in the big eyes.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Now after escaping, what is the chance that Xiao Mu will not be angry? Um……

“Ouni-chan~!” Before Doma Sougo finished his thoughts, Domabu raised his teary face.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Do you want to apologize? Is it time to apologize now? He didn’t use much force, or did he just get up and didn’t notice the force? Do you want to play stupid?

Suddenly, Doma Sougo reached a conclusion.

“Xiao Bui, that, Ernie Chan isn’t…”

It’s just that he is fast, but the dumpling that covers his forehead is buried, but he speaks faster.

“Until now, O’Neill doesn’t believe that Xiaoying can go to school in his heart, but his body is not in the realm of school?”

The two spoke almost at the same time, but Sou Wu Tama saw the opportunity early and accepted the words early.

However, after listening to the hamster buried, the head of the soil always hurts again-Shenteya’s heart is going to school, but the body is not in the realm of school, this waste material is too much to skip class, right? I want to skip class! ! I don’t know why, but Zongwu feels that his own touch is becoming more and more wasteful.

“Eh? Did Ernie Chan just want to say something?” Before the total enlightenment with thousands of thoughts in his heart could speak, he asked her when he was buried in the ground.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Should I say the apology just now?

“Eunice-chan?” Looking at the silent Doma Sougo, Tuanzi pressed on step by step with eyes wide open in tears.

Doma Sougo-Well, he surrendered.

“Xiaobui, did it hurt you just now, eyes, tears,” pointing to the crystal clear in the hamster’s buried eyes, Tujian always realized not to go too far.

Hamster buried: “…”

In other words, if you tell O’Neill now that the tears appear because of yawning, it will be over, right? but……

“Ouni-chan, Xiaobu’s forehead hurts, woooo…” Tuanzibu, the evil is evolving, so you can hit my forehead.

“Sure enough, did you use the wrong strength? Obviously…” Seeing the teary dumpling covering his forehead buried, Tujian always realized that his whole body turned pale.

“Ouni-chan, originally Xiaomai has the ability to have a lesson in his mind, and people can learn even without school. In addition, Xiaomai’s forehead hurts today, so can you help Xiaomai ask for leave?”

At this time, the hamster buried his heart:

Yesterday, I played the game until four in the morning, and today I have to go to school to dress up for a long time. Forgive me, O’Neill, give people a leave of absence, let Xiao Buried fall into a deep sleep, and be a sleeping beauty without thinking. .

Toma Sougou’s face was pale and pale: “Eh, eh, is that right? It turns out, it’s all my fault, I, I know, ask for leave, small, meaningless…”

Bringing a touch of more to school the next day, asking for leave, the old man will be mad, hehehe…

“Ha~! So, I’m going to trouble O’Neill, Xiao Bui will continue to make up his mind.” Seeing Tujian Sougo agreeing to herself, Tuan Zi yawned again, and the tears in the corners of her eyes a little bit more, but she has already gotten in. Quilt.

and many more!

Tuma Zongwu sensed the Hua point, this time, without the blind monk coming to rescue, the brain started to activate.

“Clang clang…”

The name of the case “The Hamster was attacked by Sou Gou File”

Case details:

At the time of the incident, the small dumpling-shaped burial used various reasons (including various theories of the celestial dynasty and not limited to others) to excuse him and said that he did not want to go to school. He flicked his forehead and flicked his left forehead.

However, the justice messenger Tuma Zou Wu was half asleep and half awake at the time, and he didn’t know how much effort he had used.


Tuanzi buried his forehead and yawned, and then he held his forehead to show that he was in pain.

As the righteous party, Sougen Tuma didn’t notice the conspiracy of this dumpling—after all, seeing the tears, the messenger of justice had already panicked halfway.

However, the cunning Tuanzi made a request for leave. As the perpetrator, the messenger of justice can only nod his head and agree. but–

This dumpling made two small mistakes. First, the messenger of justice flicked her left forehead, and she covered her right forehead. Most importantly, both foreheads were smooth and touching. No injuries!

Second, Tuanzi was too negligent after the incident, and yawned again.

So, with so many clues, it can be inferred.


There is only one truth: “This dumpling is in the shape of a ball and lied again!!”


“It’s a beautiful reasoning.” Doma Sougo was secretly complacent.

After the reasoning, Tuma Zougou looked at the dumpling who had fallen asleep and showed an evil smile. This dumpling still lacked instruction.

Human dreams can be affected.

A lot of dreams are subconscious responses to the surroundings, and Tuma Zou Wu, a LV4 psychologist, naturally controls this skill.

Speaking of it, the success of the argumentation is due to a certain little golden retriever. Doma always felt his chin and thought subconsciously, and shook his head. Now it’s time to teach a certain dumpling, what are you thinking about!

“Xiao Bui, slowly, slowly, listen to Ernie Chan.” The voice uttered at a strange frequency.

“Uh!” Xiao Wei in his sleep replied.

“You feel very comfortable now, very comfortable, like the sea around you.” It is still a soft specific frequency.

“Wow~!” Xiao Bai leaked a lazy smile in his sleep.

“However, the sea is illusory, you wake up, you look around, Xiao Bui, you are actually in the examination room!” The voice of Sou Wu Tama became cold.

Xiao Mai in his sleep looked nervous.

“It’s terrible, you actually fell asleep during the exam, and now there are only five minutes before the end of the exam…”

In his sleep, Xiao Bui’s face was covered with cold sweat.

“Huh~!” Sougo Tama’s voice slowed down again: “Fortunately, you can do all of these questions.”

Xiao buried proudly.

“However, time is so scarce!” The voice began to rush.

Xiao Mu was nervous again.

“Huh~!” There was another gentle voice: “Just when you were at a loss, you suddenly woke up. It turned out to be a dream.”

The little buried in his sleep wiped his cold sweat.

“However, when you looked around for another four weeks, you realized that you were really taking an exam.”

Buried dumplings in his sleep: “…”

After the impact was over, Tujian Zouwu decisively left, hiding his merit and fame deeply.

Ten seconds later.

“Don’t!” Tuan Zibu was awakened from his sleep, his face frightened and not drowsy.

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