Chapter 137

When it comes to leaks, Ying Lili is very excited.

When the blood on Sawamura Sayuri’s face recovered, she smiled instead: “But the children from the Tuma family are right. Unless they are idiots, how can anyone believe that they should leak out ** when apologizing, so Ying Lili Are you stupid?”

Ying Lili vomits blood: “…”

Why did she believe in Sougen Tujian so much at the time, although that guy’s serious appearance was indeed very convincing.

“By the way, Ren Ye-kun hasn’t seen Yingli Riyao**?” Sayuri Sawamura smiled at her aunt.

Yinglili, black and white…

“What reason did the children of the Tuma family use to fool Yinglili?” Sayuri Sawamura pursed her mouth.

“Mom, what are you doing with Tiron? I haven’t talked with him for a long time, and why should I show it to others…” Ying Lili turned her head to the side: “Well, I, I don’t have any Deceived…”

Ying Lili is in maintaining her dignity.

Sayuri Sawamura once again leaked her aunt’s smile: “It turns out that Yinglili is voluntary? Could it be said that Yinglili is a child of the Tujian family, so it is really bold to take the initiative…”

Ying Lili: “How is it possible!!!”

Is this really a real mother?

“I, I understand, I am, because he was pitiful and bullied at school…”

Sayuri Sawamura frowned: “That kid doesn’t seem to be bullied just now. Moreover, with his back to the Tuma family, it’s fine for most people not to be bullied by him.”

Ying Lili: “…”

So, she was deceived again? ? Can’t trust more between people? Ten-year-old Ying Lili doubts her life.

“However, the child from the Tujian family was in a coma very quickly, otherwise, I can still ask what to do.” Sayuri Sawamura sat down and sipped her coffee.

Ying Lili: “Mom, do you think that guy pretended to be in a coma?”

“Who knows?” Sayuri Sawamura turned her head and looked at Yinglili: “I originally wanted you to investigate this kind of thing yourself, but this time, I’ll teach you to your father!” Sayuri Sawamura raised her head and looked up. Mr. Spencer: “All right, dear?”

“There is no need to do this step, right?” Mr. Spencer said with a hand in his arms.

Sayuri Sawamura blinked: “But people also want to know what happened to the kid who confuses Ying Riri in just a few words, and it feels very interesting…”

Before she finished speaking, Ying Lili was already furious and said: “Who, who is confused by that guy, no one!”

Mr. Spencer shrugged: “Then promise to complete the task.”

In Tokyo XX Hospital.

“Doctor, what the hell is going on with this child, why is he suddenly in a coma?” Sougo Tuma has finished the examination, but he is not yet awake.

“I don’t know, the brain cells of this child are very active now, and even the functional organs in the body are constantly secreting a large number of active bodies. In principle, it should not be coma, but abnormal excitement.”

Seeing the soft and unconscious Tu Jian Zou Wu, Tu Jian Guilong frowned and said, “Is this the excitement you said?”

The doctor frowned, “So, this is the strange place, this child is really in a coma again…”

Mujian Guilong: “I don’t want to know what is strange or strange, I just want to ask, can this child wake up?”

“Woo, may I ask, has Linglang ever touched anything that he hasn’t touched before?”

Guilong Earth: “…”

How did he answer this?

“There is a saying from the Heavenly Dynasty that you shouldn’t avoid seeking medical treatment. There is nothing hard to say. We are doctors and will protect patients’ privacy.” The doctor pushed his glasses and said.

Guilong in the earth was silent for a long time, and then said cheeky: “Little, does the little girl’s sex count?”


“Sorry, it’s someone else’s little girl…”


After struggling for a long time, the doctor said, “Probably it was the first time I came into contact with the opposite sex. Excessive excitement caused the brain cells to become too active, leading to coma…”

The corner of Guilong’s mouth twitched: “…”

Is it really related to that **? Needless to say this kind of medical advice! !

“So, can it be cured?” Guilong of the earth.

“Let’s stay in the hospital for observation for a few days,” the doctor suggested.

Tuma Guilong nodded: “I see, please.”

That night, Tōma Sougou woke up from the hospital. However, he did not dare to have any memories. The murmur of the void kept ringing in his ears, and Tōma Sougou finally understood-Gold Finger is going to do it. What a thing!

It’s just that he is not a person who is waiting to die, he made up his mind in an instant, and his memory is good enough to solve the mystery in the fetus, no, not only the mystery in the fetus, even…

Doma Sougo didn’t want to think about it.

Since memory can be improved, it can be lowered. There are many drugs available in the hospital, but he dare not think deeply. He can only put his idea on medical alcohol. A large amount of ethanol will destroy the function of the brain. Memory is very useful.

The next day-Tu Jian Zou Wu was discovered by Tu Jian Guilong, lying in his hospital bed as drunk as mud! At the same time, the hospital disappeared five bottles of 500ML of medical alcohol.

Sawamura Sayuri looked at the survey results brought by Mr. Spencer, and the corners of her mouth twitched.

But after a while, his aunt smiled and said to her daughter: “Ying Lili, do you want to know why the kid in Tujian was in a coma?”

Ying Lili twisted her head: “I don’t want to know…”

“But, why did the Tuma children go into a coma? It’s related to Yinglili, I really don’t want to know?” Sayuri Sawamura smiled even more.

Ying Lili: “…”

This is definitely not a real mother!

“I heard that this is the first time that the children of the Tujian family have come into contact with the opposite sex, so they are too excited, which leads to overactive brain cells, which triggers a coma.”

Ying Lili was stunned: “What, what, that guy?”

Sawamura Sayuri said: “That means Yinglili is the first person of the opposite sex that the children of Tuma met…”

“Mom, even if this is the case, I will never become friends with him! So don’t…” Ying Lili turned her head away.

Sawamura Sayuri nodded: “Then the night when I woke up, the children in the soil drank 5 bottles of 500ml medical alcohol.”

“Huh!?” Ying Lili’s eyes widened: “This, this is not…”

Sayuri Sawamura nodded: “So, this child is interesting and interesting, but he really can’t have much contact with Ying Lili. Otherwise, my stupid daughter might be fooled into a stupid alcoholic daughter.”

“People can’t be that stupid!!” Ying Lili tried to save her dignity.

Sayuri Sawamura’s relentless blow: “In the beginning, I didn’t expect you to be fooled to the point of leaking out!”

Ying Lili: “…”

I feel that my mother will be laughed at because of this in my life.


This is the first contact between Doma Sougo and Ying Lili. Afterwards, I have seen it a few times. They were all fooled into doubting life, so that every time Ying Lili woke up from a nightmare, she regarded ghosts as Doma Sougo’s. appearance.

Up to now.

When she stared into the soil, she didn’t go up to say hello, but hid in fright.

However, her sight was still found by Xiaobui, who has a hamster physique, but when she followed that sight to find someone, Eiri Sawamura had already hid.

So much so that Xiao Qian had the idea of ​​whether it was an illusion or being peeped.

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