Chapter 127 The real thing?

The encounter between people is always mixed with weird fate. In Japan, many couples talk about the past and always love to describe the first encounter as an attraction between fate, that is, a destined encounter.

This encounter may be a dropped note being picked up, maybe a collision at a certain intersection, or maybe…

However, whatever it is, it is full of romanticism.

Hoon Kondo is no exception, he continues to talk about it, full of pink memories.

“Yes, while I was in a daze, the mothers of the evening show came over and asked if I need to accompany the wine lady? At that time, I was half drunk and half awake, so I nodded.”

Earthwork 14 Lang:”……”

Hey, what about the destined encounter? You are just a middle-aged office worker’s uncompressed life, right? Has the woman not appeared yet?

“Unexpectedly, the random finger at the time made me point to Miss A Miao.”


Tukata Shiro felt that a certain string in his mind had broken.

I won’t say that the woman is a accompaniment girl, just for the encounter between your guests and the waiter-please apologize for the destined encounter first.

“Fourteen, listen to me first…” Looking at the angry Tufang Shichiro, Kondo Hoon said quickly: “Miss A Miao, she is the only woman who does not bring an ape in front of her when she calls me. No, it can’t be said to be a woman, it should be said that in the entire human race, only Miss A Miao would not think of gorillas when she saw me.”

The anger of Turkishiro Shiro was slightly reduced. It was just a gorilla. Boss Kondo’s request was too simple, right? Keke, okay, it’s not too simple, do you want to order in the Kondo team, and you will not be allowed to use the word for ape when you call it the boss of Kondo.

After thinking about it for two seconds, Turki Shiro canceled this decision. If the word for ape is not allowed, many people will be unaccustomed to it, so that the ape and Kondo will be isolated.

The most important thing is-Tufang Shiro’s complex look at Kondo Hoon, Ape, Kondo’s boss, this face will only remind people of the apes for the first time!

“Hey~!” With a sigh, Tufang Shibu Lang said quietly.

“On this basis, do you think that woman likes you?”

Kondo Hoon touched the back of his head and said, “No, after we talked, I learned about Miss A Miao’s excellence, and confirmed her affection for me.”

Turki Shiro spit out a smoke ring: “Ah~! That’s it~! So what did you guys talk about?”

Kondo Hoon recalled.

It was a night with noisy singing, Miss A Miao gushed champagne: “Mr. Kondo, any troubles can be washed away by the wine, do you want me to pour a glass for you?”

“That’s troublesome, isn’t it?” Kondo Hoon shrank in the corner after ordering the escort girl.

A Miao looked puzzled: “Mr. Kondo, what are you talking about?”

“Because of a small amount of money, I have to accompany a gorilla to drink. Isn’t this kind of trouble?” Kondo is inferior.

“Hahaha…” A Miaojiao smiled and said, “What more can Mr. Kondo say? Is this a new way of self-deprecating?”

Kondo is still inferior: “No, I just…”

Ah Miao used her finger to block Kondo’s lips: “I know, Mr. Kondo is a real human being.”

“Even if I grow up like this?” Kondo Hoon looked up.

Ah Miao shook her head: “Appearance is only part of human beings. Now many people don’t recognize appearance theory. Only the soul and personality can reflect the excellence of people. Some people look like dogs, but their souls are dirty. Some people look like dogs. Ugly, but can’t hide the interesting soul inside…”

“Then, Miss A Miao, do you like a good soul or a good appearance?” Kondo asked impatiently.

“Of course it is an excellent and interesting soul.” A Miao said with a light smile.

A trace of deep thought flashed in Kondo’s eyes: “Then what if that good and interesting soul has an ugly appearance? For example, it looks like a gorilla.”

Ah Miao was stunned, and then said in a positive tone: “If that soul is really good and interesting, then I will like it along with his appearance.”

At that moment, Kondo Hoon seemed to see the Bodhisattva who saved all living beings.

“Mr. Kondo, let’s have a drink, now, but during my working hours, it is my duty to drunk the guests to satisfaction,” Miao said, winking playfully.

Only then did Kondo Sober wake up from the light, he took the wine that Ah Miao had handed, and drank it until he was not awake.

The next day.

Kondo Hoon woke up from his sleep, he felt his heart beating wildly with “bang, bang, bang…”, this was something he had never experienced before.

But he knows that he is in love, she is his robbery, no, it should be said that she is his blessing.

Time goes back to now.

After listening to Kondo’s description, Tusushiro was like this: “###^_^###”

“How about it, fourteen, are you very touched?”

Tusumi Shiro: “Ape, boss Kondo, I didn’t hear any clues about that woman likes you at all.”

Kondo Hoo: “Since she never called me with an ape…”

Turkishiro Shibuya covered his face: “No, ape, boss Kondo, this is just a personal recuperation of a hostess, right? Change to someone else…”

Turkishiro stopped talking and remembered several encounters with Kondo.

“Wow, it’s a gorilla…”

“It can’t bite people?”

“You have to add money to drink with animals…”

Kondo Hoo: “And, didn’t Ms. Amy say that? She doesn’t value appearance, but a good and interesting soul.”

Tobe Shiro: “From the time you were treated as a stalker, your soul has been filthy.”

“Are…” Kondo Hoon’s face was completely lost.

Tukata Shiro: “Ape, boss Kondo, a man is a sad creature. When he is comforted a few words, he will treat him like the other person…”

Smoked a cigarette: “Besides, do you believe that violent woman said such gentle things?”

Kondo Hoon: “Fourteen, don’t always call Miss A Miao a violent woman. In fact, violence is where I confirm that Ms. A Miao has a good impression of me.”

Turki Shiro was puzzled: “Huh?”

Kondo Hoon raised his index finger and said, “Miss A Miao is known to be able to beat her in that store. Generally, customers who harass her will be beaten into the hospital for at least one month.”

Turfushiro “#^_^”

Where is the violent accompaniment of the wine girl, isn’t that store afraid of crossing?

“But, Miss A Miao beat me, I can recover in just one day, fourteen, do you think this belongs to Miss A Miao’s gentleness to me?”

Turkishiro: “##^_^#”

“That guy Sougo said that gentle people treat others kindly, so you never know what the gentle person thinks. On the contrary, the gentleness of the violent guy inadvertently proves that you are being treated by him. Keep it in my heart.”

Tukata Shiro rubbed his hair and said, “That orangutan, Kondo boss, but can you be sure that it is not because of your physical strength after practicing kendo that your recovery ability is better than others?”

Kondo Hoon unconsciously turned his head away: “Haha…It should be impossible, right?”

Tufang Shiluo took a mouthful of cigarettes: “Well, let’s ask Master Guilong to help you arrange a few more blind dates…”

“No!” Kondo Hoon hurriedly stopped, clenched his fists, and roared loudly: “The previous blind dates made me realize that those feelings are fakes of nothingness. Those women value Kondo not the person, but the Kondo team. And what I want to pursue, what I want to master is the real thing contained in it!”

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