Chapter 125

Doma Sougo is thinking about whether to confess to Tukata Shiro.

“Cough cough, illusion or something, put it aside first.” Tu convenient took the topic and said: “Sougo, you want to say that the woman named A Miao actually doesn’t like apes at all. Orangutan, boss Kondo’s illusion?”

“Impossible!” Before Sougo Tama could speak, Kondo retorted loudly: “The primitive instinct in my body tells me that Miss A Miao must have a good impression of me, and only Ms. A Miao will treat me. Have a good impression.”

“Woo.” Looking at Kondo Hoon with a confident face, Sougo Tama touched his chin and said, “No, this can only prove that you have a good impression of her.”

Kondo Ho: “…”

“And, what is your primitive instinct? The primitive instincts of animals can also speculate on humans?”

Kondo Hoon’s dry tears filled his eyes again: “…”

Don’t expel him at every turn!

Tobe Shiro: “Ape, boss Kondo, be sober, and I really don’t see any merit in that violent woman.”

“Ah~!” Sougo Morama answered again: “In other words, it is also a skill to be able to fascinate the owner of the orangutan museum like this, why not, let me get rid of her, Mr. Earthwork.”

Tufang’s eyes narrowed: “Zhou Wu, don’t speak such words.”

Tuma Zou Wu tilted his head: “Can’t you?”

“Huh.” Tufang Shiburo took a bit of nicotine fiercely: “Sougo, even if you leave the Kondo team, don’t forget the oath of the day.”

“Woo~!” Sougo Tama turned around: “Sorry, I forgot about it a long time ago.”

Earthwork 14 Lang:”……”

Bastard, shouldn’t I say this time, no matter when or where, I can’t forget this sentence? The atmosphere is out, so won’t this guy follow the atmosphere?

Kondo Hoon raised his head and smiled, “Ahaha…sogo, you’re talking and laughing again.”

Facing the steps that Kondo had handed over, Tufang Shiro was crazy in his heart and praised: “Good job, Boss, Kondo, shouldn’t it be you? At this time, I just have to say haha ​​and say, it turned out to be a joke. , It will be rounded up”

“Yes…” However, Tuma Sougo was about to speak.

Turkishiro Shirirou secretly said that it is not good: “No, you must stop Sou Gou from speaking-this guy wouldn’t follow other people’s steps.”

“Ahaha, Sougo still loves to laugh and talk like before. The oath of the day was clearly made by Sougo himself, how could he forget it.”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

The earthworker seems to be a lot smarter, and he knows that he is stealing words.

Immediately afterwards, Tufang Shishiro’s eyes sharpened: “I won’t say anything about that little bastard today. After all, if you join this line, life and death have long been handed over to God, but the woman named A Miao is obviously just a Ordinary people, total enlightenment, don’t let yourself fall into the darkness of your heart.”

Tuma Sougou: “Mr. Tufang really looks like an old mother at this time, but it’s better to talk about the owner of the orangutan museum than me.”

Kondo Ho: “Huh? Me? I feel…”

Tubei Shiro spit out a mouthful of smoke: “No, ape, Kondo’s boss has long been in darkness, since he became a stalker, he has been in the abyss.”

Kondo was in the abyss: “Um, Sogo, Fourteen, I feel that I can save a wave.”

Tuma Sougou touched his chin and said, “It is true. It seems that someone has to be on the edge of the abyss, and when I see the orangutan boss get up…”

“Will you pull him so kindly?” Tufang Shiro was puzzled.

Tuma Sougo shook his head: “Of course, when he gets up, give him another kick to make him fall into a deeper abyss.”

Earthwork 14 Lang:”……”

Uh, having said that, this guy is a bottomless pit himself, right? What kind of people are all around him!

Kondo Ho: “Sougo, don’t…”

“I’m joking.” Toma, a serious, total enlightenment.

Kondo Ho: “…”

Earthwork 14 Lang:”……”

No, no, no! Sougo you look like you are joking, so what you said just now is what you think in your heart, right?

Seeing the appearance of the two, Doma Sougou smiled and said, “Sure enough, I’m a lot smarter, have you even learned how to read micro expressions?”

Kondo Ho: “…”

Earthwork 14 Lang:”……”

Sure enough, it was your truth from the beginning!

“Who knows, I originally wanted to talk to the owner of the Orangutan Museum about the future development of the Kondo team, but it seems to have delayed too much time, oh, Mr. Turki, it is up to you to explain to the Kondo team in the future. “Sougo Tamazu smiled and said.

Turkishiro: “Are you going back now?”

Kondo Ho: “???”

Doma Sougo nodded: “After all, the safe zone is no longer safe, and it’s already past five o’clock.”

Shibuya Shiro nodded: “I see, go home early, don’t worry that guy Xiaobui.”

Tuma Zougou, who was about to leave, suddenly turned his head and his face was full of acknowledgment: “Mr. Tufang, please call Xiao Bui as Miss Tuma in the future. Do you want to be killed by Tenchu? Don’t always put your eyes on other people’s eyes. Body.”

Turkishiro: “#^_^”

“However, Xiao Qian and Master Guilong let me call Miss Tujian like that.”

The expression of He Shan on Tujian Zongwu’s face is even more vigorous: “No, the old man Guilong can’t control Xiaobui now, Xiaobui is now my responsibility, understand? Mr. Tufang!”

Turfushiro: “#^_^#”

“What you call me should be up to you, Xiao Mai, but I have asked me to call her Xiao Mai a long time ago.”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

His face was pale, as if he had been severely hit, but only for a moment, he stood up and said.

“Hehe, as long as the guy who called me a little burial disappears, that burial can only be called by me.”

Earthwork 14 Lang:”……”

Blacken, I always realize that this guy is completely Blacken.

“In other words, then you have to slaughter the teacher who buried that fellow from the classmates, right?”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Was crit once again.

Kondo Hoon: “Fourteen, Sougo, what are you two talking about, what’s wrong with my little sister?”

Tōma Sougo turned his head: “Shut up the gorilla!” Then he muttered brokenly: “Not only did he directly address Xiaobui, but he also added his sister. Moreover, a gorilla put a lot of names on his mouth. superior……”

Earthwork 14 Lang:”……”

By the way, apes, boss Kondo still doesn’t know how powerful this guy is like this guy.

Kondo Hoon with an inexplicable face: “Sougo, what’s the matter with you? And the little sister, isn’t it…”

“Enough!” Doma Sougo got up: “I don’t want to go back to any gymnasium anymore. It’s all a bunch of idiots, and the most damn earthwork…”

After speaking, Tuma always realized that with a little toe, he quickly fled from this sad place.

Seeing Sougo Doma, who had fled, Kondo opened his mouth, but he was still speechless.

For a long while.

He looked at Shishiro Tufang with a look of disappointment and said, “Fourteen, does this guy really hate me in the bottom of my heart?”

Turki Shiro shook his head: “Ape, boss Kondo, don’t think about it.”

“But, in the entire Kondo team, only Sougo has always called me the owner of the orangutan museum…”

Tubei Shiro sighed: “Don’t look at this guy Sougo, in fact, he really admires orangutans.”

Kondo’s spirit fully recovered: “Nani? Sougo he admires orangutans?”

Wait, I’m afraid Fourteen lied to him, right?

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