Chapter 118

This life is not the other life, and the other life is not the previous life.

If it hadn’t been tested with gay, there was no Shirayasha, and there was no space warship flying in the sky, Sougo Doma would have thought that he was wearing a silver damn covered in daily skin.

But now—seeing the appearance of these glasses, Sougenzuo Tuma rarely said nothing.

Turkishiro kept smoking a cigarette. Obviously, he was suppressing his inner anger. What is this woman doing in front of him? Isn’t it just a pair of glasses? Need to make a fuss, sure enough, it would be better to hack them to death.

On the other hand, another person, the orangutan, Kondo Hoon had a sad look on his face: “Hara, it turns out that this is our brother, Miss A Miao, why didn’t you tell me earlier, if I knew it earlier, it would be dead, and I would not It hurts my younger brother’s feathers.”

Turfushiro: “#^_^#”

Damn, the boss is a love brain, or an idiot how to break, waiting online, very anxious, can’t wait to cut them off!

The police officer in charge of the mediation originally wanted to say that it was just another person’s property and had nothing to do with his younger brother.

“Is it useful to say it earlier?” A Miao put her arms around her chest, although she didn’t.

“No, Miss A Miao, it’s not like that, Miss A Miao!” Kondo burst into tears, as if performing a drama.

Tukata Shiro impatiently tapped his arm with his fingers and lit a cigarette again. He felt that today’s face had been thrown on the ground by Kondo’s boss and stepped on it again.

Tuma Zou Gou smiled, and through the observation of micro-expression studies, he understood that Miao did indeed regard the glasses as his younger brother.

The police officers in charge of mediation look at me, and I look at you, but they didn’t say anything. Today’s matter is too weird. They really don’t know how to mediate.

Ah Miao narrated coldly: “Since I became sensible, my father told me that Shinpachi is my younger brother…”

Everyone present, except for the total enlightenment of Tujian, all looked blank and secretly said, “Who is Xinba.”

Tuma Zougou smiled again, and secretly said: “Guo, it really is the legendary new eight haw!”

“When I was five years old, my father always took the new eight and muttered to himself,’New eight, I will find you a stable and handsome human body, believe me, new eight’…” A Miao still Was speaking.

Everyone present shuddered: “Hey, is this coming to the horror film set? Why are you so cripple.”

“As I gradually grow up, my father’s body is getting weaker and weaker, but he still takes Xinba to go out every day, and when he comes back, he still mutters to himself, “Xinba, there is no good condition today, and those people can’t When you stand up, cough cough. Believe Dad, Dad will help you find a suitable human frame’…”

Hearing this, Tufang Shiro rarely lighted another cigarette, but when he was breathing nicotine, he rarely bumped the cigarette butt into his nostril.

The police officer who was in charge of mediation seemed to feel the slightest coolness, and couldn’t help tightening his clothes.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Forget it, if he doesn’t speak, just take a look.

Only Kondo Hoon said nonchalantly: “Miss A Miao, uncle is really cute!”

“Does the owner of the Kondo Museum think it’s cute?” A Miu glanced at Kondo Hoon indifferently: “However, for me, this is really happening…”

“As I grow up, my father is getting older and older. However, he still holds this pair of glasses damaged by you every day, and he mutters, “New Eight, me, I am going to die soon, but he still hasn’t found a suitable one for you.” Human body frame, but, but, believe in Dad, Dad will find the most suitable human body frame for Xinpak.’…”

Everyone present, except for Kondo: “…”

Is this definitely going to be a horror movie? What the hell is the human frame! ! !

Ah Miao is still narrating.

“Until the day my father passed away, he took my hand and said, “Ah, Miao, one, I must find a suitable human body for Xin, Xinpak, he, he has the ability to shock the whole world.” …”

All the people present, except Hoon Kondo, shrank unconsciously, and a police officer with glasses even hid his glasses.

“I believe my father’s words, so from that time on, I treated Xinpah as a younger brother. Every day, I would take Xinpah with him in the street to search for a human frame suitable for him.”

A group of police officers, including Shiro Toshiro, looked at the damaged glasses first, and then looked at the sighing Kondo Hoon, and shouted in their hearts.

“Good job, Gorilla, boss Kondo (General Kondo)!”

“But today!” A Miao’s face became colder and colder: “When I took Shinpachi to look for a suitable human frame in Kabukicho, I was scared by your gorilla stalker. It made me panic and accidentally took Shinpachi. Thrown on the ground…”

A group of police officers, including Shiroku Tubo, once again shouted in their hearts: “Long live the stalker, the human body of the gods.”

Kondo stood up fiercely: “Miss A Miao, all of this is my fault, please let me be the human body.”

“Only you?” A Miao sneered: “Does the Kondo museum master think that I will let my brother become a gorilla host and let the gorilla become his human body?”

Kondo received a crit and couldn’t get up again.

“Furthermore, when it fell, Xinba was not broken. If you hadn’t been entangled, I would step on Xinba’s body in order to beat you, causing Xinba to be seriously injured.”

Many police officers who mediate: “…”

No, how you think about it is your own fault of stepping on it!

The corner of Tufang Shishiro’s mouth twitched. If you want to talk, what does it mean if it is not for the general to beat them? The general of the Kondo team is so easy to beat?

However, before the earthwork spoke, Kondo Hoon said with tears in his eyes: “Miss A Miao, why is this? Ms. A Miao, I just don’t want Ms. A Miao to be hurt.”

“It’s late, you have hurt my most important brother, I can never forgive you…”

“Oh no, Romeo, why are you Romeo…” Kondo was in confusion.

Earthwork 14 Lang:”……”

Sure enough, hacking these two links to death will not tarnish the reputation of the Kondo team.

The corners of the police officers’ mouths twitched constantly: “…”

In other words, is this the police station as Shakespeare?

“I know that your Kondo team has a lot of work, even if my brother is seriously injured, you can be released on bail…”

Earthwork 14 Lang:”……”

No, even if someone else breaks your brother, he can be released on bail easily!

Kondo Hoon: “Fourteen, I, I want to make up, I want to make up for hurting Miss A Miao’s brother…”

Earthwork 14 Lang:”……”

He felt stabbed in the back again, hey, how can you make up for a pair of glasses! ! !

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