Chapter 109 Remember to call the right person’s name

Under one foot, Tuma Zouwu and Gui flew out directly.


There was a loud noise, followed by the scattered crows “Bah Ga, Ba Ga!”

Then, a piece of dust was raised when the two of them landed on the ground.

Seeing this scene, Saki Yoshida opened his mouth wide: “He, are they all right?”


Tugata Shiburo lighted a cigarette and took a sip. Then, he pointed to the dust outside and the smoke in his hand and asked, “Do you know what this is?”

Saki Yoshida was puzzled: “Smoke?”

Shibuya Shiro nodded: “There is smoke, no injuries!”

Yoshida Saki: “…”

There is smoke and no harm to God!

However, before she could speak, two figures came out from the thick dust.

“Turkish scum, are you ready to come over and grab the child?” In the dusty clothes, there was a nuclear smile on his face.

“Zou Wu, I won’t let my children be snatched away by earth scum, trust me.” Gui is also indifferent.

Tufang Shishi Lang’s # number appeared again.

“I said you guys are enough, I don’t have anything yet…”

However, before he finished speaking, Gui and Zong Wu Fei pounced on them, and the three of them instantly scrambled together.

Yoshida Saki: “…”

Ha ha ha! It is indeed a Jidao organization, either in a fight or on the way to a fight. By the way, can she leave the field?

The fight soon came to an end. With the concerted efforts of Sogo and Gui, the earth was firmly pressed to death on the tatami, and Sogo’s mouth was tightly covered.

“Gay, you said, how should we punish the scumbag of earthwork?”

“It’s not gay, it’s Gui. It’s not a shame that the scumbag who dumped people and wanted to grab the child died, Mr. Tufang, as a kendo practitioner, you can cut your belly!”

Earthwork 14 Lang:”……”

Bastard, don’t just condemn it to make you cut your stomach! If you want to cut your belly, it’s Sougo that cut it, don’t cover your mouth if you have the ability!

“If you cut your abdomen, will the wrong person come from you or me?” Sougo Tama asked cooperatively.

“Let me come, what I hate the most is the scum, but I pity that JK, and the relationship is over, then, this lady, will you blame me?” Gui looked at Yoshida and asked.

“Huh?” Saki Yoshida finally reacted. She didn’t seem to have started anything yet: “Please, please wait, is there something wrong?”

Gui: “Is my wife still attached to the scumbag of Earthwork? Even if he is about to grab the child, he doesn’t want to hurt his mother?”

Yoshida Saki: “…”

What is going on with this person? Where is her child?

Only Zongwu knew that Gui had fallen into his own world at this time. It was probably because of this personality that he and Tufang subconsciously lowered their vigilance against Gui.

“Um, sorry, I don’t have any children yet…”

Gui: “Would you rather lie, but also to protect the scumbag of Earthwork? The wife really has a deep affection for Mr. Earthwork…”

Yoshida Saki: “Well, this is the first time we met today…”

Gui: “I met a scumbag at the first meeting, and helped him give birth to a child and take care of the family…”

While talking, Gui stopped.

“Ale, the first time I met? How did you give birth to a child?” Kotaro Katsura thought, touching his chin when his hand that suppressed the earth was loosened.

Without Gui’s support, Zou Wu couldn’t hold Shibu Lang with one hand, so he took his hands back and said, “Probably, Tufang has the ability to see who is pregnant.”

Without the suppression, Tufang Shiro was finally able to get up: “Asshole, how could there be such a messy ability! Gui, did you deliberately?”

Gui still touched his chin: “Mr. Earthwork, please don’t talk to me now, I hate scum.”

Turkura Shiburo grabbed Gui by the collar: “Asshole, didn’t you discuss everything with Sougo? What does it have to do with me?”

As if thinking of something, Katsura was silent.

For a long while.

He just opened his mouth and said: “Hahaha, I said Mr. Tufang is not such a person, right, Zou Wu!”

After flicking Gui, in order to avoid being retaliated by the earthwork, Sougo Doma has walked away and winked at the earthwork: “Ah, who knows, then gay, that fool JK will leave it to you.”

Gui: “…”

Wait, did you miss something, why did you give it to him?

Understand the look in Sougou’s eyes, Tufang Shiro nodded, and handed a suitcase to Katsura along the way: “So, this is that guy’s apprenticeship fee and food expenses…”

Gui: “Wait, what’s going on? When did I say that I would accept disciples…”

“Gui, didn’t you just say that you want to protect the children and adults?” Tufang Shibu Lang walked out, preparing to chase Sou Gou.

Gui looked dumbfounded: “Isn’t there no children yet?”

Saki Yoshida finally summoned his courage: “Wait, wait, for, why am I here, I want to go home, and there are children…”

Tufang Shiro waved his hand: “I will discuss with your master and believe Gui. Although this guy looks unreliable, the light of his soul will never be weaker than anyone else. Then, Gui, please.”

“Wait, from the Kondo team, I never said that I would accept disciples!”

“The apprenticeship fee has been paid, do you still want to return it? The Kondo team borrowed three points, and gave me seven points…” Tufang Shiburo smoked a flue.

“As a kendo practitioner, I will never bend for five buckets of rice. Isn’t it capital? Our reform team…” Gui opened the suitcase while talking.

I saw 1,000W yen neatly placed inside. .

Yoshida Saki: “…”

Are the big guys so headstrong? She didn’t want to be a teacher for 1000W yen. It would be nice to give her one-tenth directly. Why did she say she wanted to change herself at the time?

“Guru!” Kotaro Gui swallowed.

“Hahaha…” He turned his head to look at Yoshida Saki: “Then Elizabeth, are you ready to learn swordsmanship and the spirit of a samurai?”

Yoshida Saki: “I am not an Elizabeth, I am Yoshida Saki, and I am not going to learn swordsmanship and samurai…”

Pure soul, noble soul, she doesn’t think about it anymore.

“I see, Eliza Saki, let’s go to the teacher.”

Yoshida Saki: “I am Yoshida Saki, I…”

“Understood, Shabai Yoshida, now, Katsura Songyangliu officially accepts you as a disciple.”

Saki Yoshida: “Hey, they treat you as a nursery school!”

Yoshida Saki was in the dark.

“Well, 1000W Sabah, next is the swordsmanship instruction class.”

Yoshida Saki’s face was suspicious: “Hey, you wouldn’t be because of 1,000W yen, so…”

Noble soul, pure soul, does this guy really have it? She really believed in their evil!

“Hahaha, you think too much, Miss Yen Sabah, it is clear that I see that you are very talented and able to pass on the Songyang flow of our sweet gods well.”

Yoshida Saki: “It’s not Yen Sabbat, it’s Yoshida Saki, you guy has been completely exposed!”

Although she has always been said to be an idiot, she, Saki Yoshida, is definitely not a fool… should she?

Hearing this, Gui clapped his hands with fists.

“Look, I really have a destiny with me, yes, Yoshida Ten million, the first point in communicating with people is to call the other person by his name and remind him of his own name.”

Yoshida Saki: “…”

Is this guy qualified to talk like that?

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