Chapter 107 Gui tore off his disguise

Sumura’s reaction ability is very fast.

Yoshida Saki just spoke.

He reacted, isn’t this the kind of urban strange talk that the little bastard used to scare people? It turned out that he didn’t scare people, the Lord was standing here.

In this regard, Toma Zou Wu was deeply impressed. As expected of being gay, he was able to live up to an urban quirk. Sure enough—how natural is this so special?

And, isn’t it about going to see the cat? What do you mean by entering the Tiger Garden?

Wait, this guy Gui misunderstood the tiger for the cat, right?

Thinking of this, Sougo Doma hurriedly asked, “Gay, the cat in your mouth did your injury, right?”

“It’s not gay, it’s Gui!” After Gui clarified again, Gui continued: “That’s right, the cats of the day were too enthusiastic, and they were also very big, but the meatballs were so big that they just attacked. It’s faster, if it wasn’t for slippers…”

“Hehe,” Tuma always went out with a laugh: “gay, is there a king character on the head of that kind of cat?”

“It’s not gay, it’s Gui! Yes, it’s a pity that the staff inside was so irritable that they shot the cats with an anesthesia gun. At that time, I was having fun…”

Before Sougo could speak, Tufang Shiro took the lead in grabbing Gui’s collar: “That kind of cat is usually called a tiger! You guy is too natural, right?”

“Eh hey?” Gui clenched his fist and put it to his mouth and said, “Is it called a tiger cat? I must raise one in the future.”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

On the road to death, it is true that the generations are more waves, learning from him is better, and a steady comparison.

“Enough, your home that can’t even afford washing powder…”

“Washing powder or something is not necessary at all. Men’s clothes should be smudged out stick by stick.” Gui looked serious.

“Then you come out in a stain-free dress, except for women’s clothing!” It seems to be angry. The earthwork’s nostrils have become very big, and his face is very close to Gui, with # signs on his forehead.

“Are you underestimating me?” Gui looked cold.

“Yes, I just underestimated you!” The earthwork still maintains its original posture, but the # number is more.

“Oh, originally, I didn’t want to show you guys my lucky clothes, but I was underestimated like this, even I was a little angry.” Gui broke the hands of Tufang Shishiro.

“Lucky clothes?”

“That’s right, it’s a piece of clothes that you will encounter on a discount when you wear it out to buy things. It is the treasure of my God of Gui Songyang Liu.” Gui looked smug, and then, he turned his head to Tujian and said: “If Zong Wu is willing to join Gui Shen Songyang Liu, and I can also customize one for you.”

Tuma Sougou: “No, discounts are not necessary at all, I said, I am now a descendant of the earthwork.”

Tufang Shiro turned his head: “Hey, isn’t the Tufang going to the dead? Give me a good memory of your genre!”

After speaking, Tufang Shibu Lang’s face changed, and he secretly said: “Oops, this guy Tucaogui is used to it, and even this guy Zongwu… In other words, does this count as acknowledging the existence of the earthwork?”

Yoshida Saki: “Hehe…”

Go to the pure soul of your sister, go to the noble soul of your girl, she really believes in evil, if it weren’t for the village in front and the shop behind, she would want to run now.

“Then, please wait!” Gui walked into the back room again.

five minutes later.

Gui, wearing the clothes of luck, appeared in front of the earth.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Earthwork 14 Lang”……”

After taking a deep sip of nicotine, Tugata Shiro stepped forward again and locked Gui’s collar: “Why do you have our Kondo uniform?”

“Are?” Gui was stunned.

Sorma: “Haha!”

No wonder you will encounter discounts when buying things. Since the Kondo team took over this generation, the merchants have no messy membership fees. In this case, many merchants are grateful to the Kondo team. This has also led to many Kondo team members. When you buy things, you often encounter preferential treatment.

For this reason, Sougo and the earthworker also specially ordered not to wear uniforms when shopping, and the Kondo team does not lack that discount. After all, the number of times will inevitably be lost.

Of course, most people don’t dare to wear the uniforms of the Kondo group to shop on the street. After all, the Kondo group offends many people. Because of that cheapness, it provokes the Jidao organization.


On the contrary, it is cheaper for Gui. If there are fewer people, Gui can solve it by himself. If there are more people, Gui can escape.

Looking at Gui, I saw him clapping his hands with his fists:

“That’s it! It’s no wonder that when I wear this dress, I always encounter violent incidents. I thought it was the luck of the’clothes of luck’. I needed to absorb the misfortune first, and this misfortune was a violent incident. Originally, I did it well. Ready to fight with you, hahaha…”

Earthwork 14 Lang:”……”

Forget it, seeing that Gui’s uniform also solved some of the violent faces, it’s fine.

“By the way, are you here today?” Gui is good at turning the subject off.

Tubo Shiro was about to speak.

Tuma Zou Wu had already stepped forward and signaled the earth to move back a little.

Although he didn’t know what Sougo wanted to do, Tufang nodded his head and stepped aside to show that Sougo Tuma was in charge.

Zou Wu first touched his trouser pocket, took out the remaining hallucinogen, and handed it to Gui, “Gay, do you know what this is?”

“It’s not gay, it’s Gui!” After receiving the hallucinogen, Gui’s face became serious: “DM-Blue ice, a new product of the bald eagle, why, the Kondo group has also begun to engage in the hallucinogen trade? , Should I say, is it worthy of the Kondo team?”

Sougo shook his head: “This was found in the safe zone today.”

Gui was silent for a while, and then smiled in vain: “It seems that it is true that the Kondo group is starting to lose power as it is rumored.”

Tuma always tilted his head. He always felt that something was wrong. Sure enough, this guy Gui was not as honest as he was saying: “It’s only a rumor, but I didn’t expect some little mice to get in when they heard the rumor.”

“Really it’s just a rumor?” Gui suddenly stepped forward, “I know what Sougo did in Chiba, even the price of Sougo on the black market.”

Toma Sougo was taken aback: “gay, you…”

“It’s not gay, it’s Katsura!” Katsura folded his arms and said, “I have to say that under the leadership of Sougo and Mr. Tufang, the suppression of the Kondo team is really good, and the idea of ​​the safe zone is very interesting, and I am also cooperating, but , I can still focus on other areas.”

“I look down on you, gay!”

“It’s not gay, it’s Gui! However, it’s also because you haven’t been in the Kondo team for several years, otherwise…”

“So, you’ve been pretending to be stupid?”

“Hahaha…” Gui smiled and said, “Did you discover it?”

“Why expose?”

“Because, when I said that this country really should be destroyed, Zou Wu’s eyes moved, do you hate this country’s system? Similarly, I don’t want messy things to appear in the safe zone.”

“It’s not annoying, I just want to make a big fuss…” Sougo Tama said with a smile.

“So, do you want to form an alliance?”

“Do you have a plan?” Sougo Tama asked rhetorically.

“Woo!” Gui was thinking about it. After a while, he touched the back of his head and said, “Not at all!”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

He now somewhat understands Akasaka Ryunosuke’s feelings.

“However, I believe that as long as Sougo joins and forms an alliance with the Kondo team, chances will always be found. You have to try anything before you know if you can do it.”

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