Chapter 1035 Is Xuexia sure that it won’t happen?

Eliminate all the impossible, and the rest seems to be impossible even if it is the truth!

Human beings have their limits. When a person puts a lot of energy into something, he cannot have extra energy to do other things. In Yukoshita Yukino’s view, if Tama always realized He was already a top ten in middle school. Under this circumstance, the other party has to ensure that his cultural achievements are not lagging behind, and even far surpass the average person. How could he have time to go to middle school?

This is simply impossible!

Doma Sougo thinks that it is unnecessary for Yukino Yukino to always see that he is not pleasing to his eyes. In fact, they are just different ideas, but what he doesn’t know is that Yukino Yukino also has the same idea. The young lady also thinks that someone in Tuma has always looked at her unpleasantly, so they can’t be friends, at most they are acquaintances…

As for the reason, it was probably that Sougo Tama said that day: “When you retaliate, you will kill the other party with a stick and make the other party unable to turn over…”

“…” Xuenai was stunned when he heard this. After a while, she said quietly: “Is it just like you did in elementary school? Have you regretted it?”

“Regret?” At that time Tama Sougo was still so nonchalant: “What nonsense are you talking about? I didn’t do anything at all…”

“If you say that, it means you regret it too?” Yukino Yukino glanced at it.

“No…” Sougo Tama never knew what regret was: “It’s just a little change from a world where only one little girl is injured to another world where a girl is injured. This kind of thing must be worthwhile. Do you regret it? Yuukishita, remember that I once asked you about the tram problem?”

“Impressed…” Xuexiaxue said coldly.

“Today I am changing the subject a bit and asking you again. If a galloping tram is driving fast on the rails, it will change direction immediately. But before it changes direction, there are a few children standing and playing. Those children will be run over by the tram, and you can save them as long as you don’t change the track;

Of course, if the track is not changed, the tram will crash into another person. Note that there is only one person over there, who is an adult. Excuse me, will you change the direction of the track? ”

“…” Xuexia Xuena was silent as when she was a child. After a while, she said quietly: “There is no need to answer this kind of question. What if it’s you?”

“Of course it will!” Sougo Tama replied very positively.

“Reason?” Xuexiaxuenao frowned.

“Tsk tusk…” Seeing this, Sougo Doma shook his index finger and said: “Pay attention to the question, the tram will change its direction soon, that is to say, changing the direction is the correct route for the tram…”

“Because it is the correct route for the tram, you are going to overwhelm those children?” Yukino’s brow furrowed deeper.

“Of course, if it doesn’t change, wouldn’t that innocent adult be very pitiful? That adult did nothing wrong, even obeyed the traffic rules, because he knew that the tram would not hit him, so he dared to rest assured Go there boldly. On the contrary, all those children violated the traffic rules. In other words, they are the ones who are at fault, aren’t they?” Sougo Tama asked with a chuckle.

“But they are just children…”

“So?” Sougo Tama tilted his head, “Because they are children, don’t they have to pay for their mistakes? Or, because they are children, they can use their mistakes to murder the adult? Let the other party pay for their wrongdoing?”

“No…” Xuexiaxue subconsciously retorted, but after the rebuttal, she stared at Muma Zuma and said: “After all, this is just a hypothesis, let’s not say whether this will happen in reality. Circumstances, you who will ask this kind of question are the biggest problem in themselves! What’s more, most people will choose to save those children, right?”

“Student Yukinoshita, are you sure that this will not happen in reality?” Sougo Morama smiled brighter and brighter: “Don’t you think you look a lot like that adult?”

“…” Xuexia Xuena was startled again: “What do you mean?”

“It’s not you who is clearly wrong. You did not violate the traffic rules. In other words, you have not done anything to harm others. However, what is waiting for you is still being hit or isolated. Is it because adults know more? Or, you are more mature and sensible, so you should encounter all of this? Those kids are obviously wrong, aren’t they?”

Yukino under the snow: “…”

Do you compare the atmosphere to a tram, and compare those isolated and violent classmates to children who do not follow the rules? In other words, she is that adult…

“Really a despicable question!” she whispered.

“Thanks for the compliment!” Sougo Morama smiled: “Then continue with the question, now, Yuukishita will change the course and bump into the children who made mistakes? Or do you not change and bump into the adult?”

“…” Xuenai was silent again for a while before shook his head and said, “I don’t know, and I can’t answer…”

“Sure enough, will you still feel embarrassed?”

Yukino under the snow: “…”

“It’s really embarrassing to choose either side.” Sougo Tama continued.

Yukino under the snow: “…”

So you know?

“Then try to take away the adults, and then take away the children who made mistakes. Now, when the tram is time to turn, there is no one on the track. May I ask, do you want to turn?”

“Of course…” Xuexiaxue said subconsciously.

“So you know?” Sougo Tama shrugged again: “Apart from those guys, all I did was get the tram on the right path. Excuse me, why should I regret this kind of thing? ?”

“But there are already children on the tracks!” Xuexiaxuenao retorted.

“Then just watch that adult pretend to be dead?”

Yukino under the snow: “…”

“Since it is embarrassing on both sides, why not try to start from the perspective of the tram? Isn’t the job of the tram to drive on the right track?”

Yukino under the snow: “…”

“But there are obviously children on the tracks…” she whispered.

“Forget about the naughty children, you have to think about the passengers on the tram. If you don’t change the track, what if the front suddenly turns into a cliff after hitting an adult?” Sougo Doma tilted his head again.

Yukino under the snow: “…”

“How can there be so much in case?” Her voice lowered.

“Who knows?”


“Probably so!” Sougo Tama turned around while speaking, and stretched out his hand and waved: “However, since there is a situation where it will be difficult to hit any side, it’s better than what I said. , Think about the tram…”

Yukino under the snow: “…”

Think about the tram? However, I said that I was thinking about the tram, but in fact, I still did an action to protect the adults.

Although she disagrees, but…

“Thank you.” The voice was very small, very small.

“…” Sougo Tama turned his head back: “It’s boring enough!” This is to say that thank you, this sentence is very boring.

Yukino under the snow: “…”

Nothing, boring~! She really couldn’t be friends with him! What’s boring, is that she doesn’t even dare to answer, right? She must be displeased by this guy like this!

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