Chapter 1032

People’s judgments about things will be affected by various factors. Let’s take the simplest chestnut to eat: if Sou Goto Tama just transferred to Toyonosaki, if he slept with Kasumigaoka Shiwa… uh, in class together After a good night’s sleep, Keren’s teacher’s evaluation is absolutely:

“The newly transferred Tujian, he sleeps as soon as he reads a book. It’s like classmate Xia Zhiqiu, people don’t forget to read a book when they sleep!” Even if Xia Zhiqiu didn’t even take out the book…

At this time, the situation of Doma Sougo and Little Bird You Liuhua is actually similar to the example just now, except that the roles are swapped. For Little Bird You Ten Flowers, if the “respectful” Master Doma gets up in the middle of two. , It’s fun, and it’s a good place to put it down, but the birdie who was originally a second-year girl in Liuhua Zhongji gets up, then it’s called sick, it’s time to be beaten…

In this regard, Tōma always understood this deeply, and at the same time, he wanted to send a disaster for the secondary two girls. No, it was not for gloating, but for sympathy, and said that he felt very good, cough, and distressed! Can’t there be more trust between people?

Sougo Doma raised his eyebrows at Yu Liuhua, who was thinking this way, as a sign of provocation, cough cough… It should be said to show comfort!

As the owner of the Evil King’s True Eyes, Little Bird You Liuhua understood the eye gestures from the Great Demon King, so she pointed at someone again, who did not believe in Evil, and said: “The Holy Conditioner, look back, the Great Demon King is here again. It’s a threatening wink!”

Hearing this, Tuma Zouwu stopped his painstakingly consoling action for an instant, and turned into a cheerful smile as always, and showed a slight doubt on his face in a timely manner, as if he didn’t know what was happening. And Xiaoniaoyou Shihua also turned his head at this time: “…”

Xiaoniaoyou Shihua wants to cover her face, why is she affected by her sister? I actually imagine that the gentleman who looks like the big boy next door, but is actually very serious, is winking his eyes. You know, the other party is a peak that most chefs can’t reach in this life, and he is a man who wholeheartedly implements the way of chefs. ——

She heard from Chief Dojima that, in order to pursue a new level of cooking, Master Tuma not only resolutely gave up the identity of Yuanyue Ten Jie, but even refused to take over as the commander-in-chief of Yuanyue. She couldn’t even think about it. How could this kind of man wink at Liuhua? That’s right, absolutely impossible!

Thinking of this, Xiaoniaoyou Shihua turned her head again and looked at the second girl in the middle of the second, saying: “Little! Bird! You! Liuhua!” She was really angry. Originally, she was expecting Master Tujian to be like an ordinary person. What kind of winking eyebrows is like, but she also knows, it must be impossible, after all, it is Master Tujian, even if my sister Liuhua Middle 2 is still misleading her with this kind of thing, Damn it:

“Do you think Master Tujian is the same as you? Winking? You are slandering, no, you are slandering Master Tujian…” Xiaoniaou, a peerless apprentice, Shihua.

Little bird swims Liuhua: “…”

Damn it, why is it like this again! ? Sister… the idiot of the saint conditioning person is always deceived by the big devil. Obviously the big devil has confessed everything under the power of her evil king’s true eyes!

Seeing the dejected look of the second-degree girl, Sougo Doma couldn’t help but gave the other side a look of comfort again. This second-degree girl is still teasing like it used to be, she hasn’t grown up at all~!

“It’s now, the holy conditioning person, look back…” Just when someone recalled the past, the bird swims Liuhua again.

However, before she finished her words, Xiaoniaoyou Shihua punched again, only to hear a “boom”, the second girl swollen bag added X1!

The beaten bird You Shihua turned around and bowed again: “Sorry, my sister always likes to say something that is not, what the evil king’s true eyes, the fairy friend who has survived for five hundred years, etc., and so on. There are some situations of being born out of nothing…”

“Well…” To this, Tama Sougo still behaved as perfect as before, his smile on his face remained unchanged: “Shihua, no need to apologize and explain, I also know about Liuhua…”

“Sorry, I was impolite. I was afraid that Master Tuma’s image would be damaged. I think it was because I was worrying too much. The friends of the master should be very clear that the master is the right person. How could there be a misunderstanding because of Liuhua’s words…”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Eh! ?

friend? and many more! It seems that he is not going out alone today, that is to say…

Tuma Zouwu looked back, and instantly received a few contemptuous gazes. In response to these gazes, he sneered and said: “Eh Duo, if I say I didn’t do anything just now, do you believe it?”

“What do you think of Ernie Chan?” The eldest lady asked with a smile after hearing the words.

“Hey…” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu also sighed: “I didn’t think about anything, but Zong Wujun didn’t confess so much, and he really satisfies the fact that you are playing with girls.”

“Miss Little Bird You…” Xuexia Xuena even looked at Little Bird You Shihua and said, “Are you sure your sister is telling lies?”

“Huh?” Xiaoniaoyou Shihua frowned, “What do you mean?”

“Like this…” Speaking of this, Xuexiaxueno hesitated before continuing: “Student Tuma, the teacher who may have been defiled by Miss Xiaoniaoyou just now, he really didn’t wink his eyebrows. Provoking your sister?”

Xiaoniao Yu Shihua frowned when she heard the words, but before she could say something, Sougo Tama said in an unusually serious tone:

“Student Xuexia, please trust my character…”

Little bird swims ten flowers: “…”

Master Tuma is right, what is she thinking about? With the character of Master Tujian, how could it be possible to wink the eyebrows, these people are afraid that they are not fake friends of Master Tujian, and they don’t understand Master Tujian at all!

But just after she had strengthened her conviction, the eldest lady on the opposite side buried her and Xiazhiqiu Shiyu said in unison: “Ouni sauce (Zongwujun)…”

The two people who were speaking at the same time looked at each other, then nodded each other, then said together: “We trust your character…”

Yukino under the snow: “…”

Trust the character of Sou Maura? It doesn’t matter if Xiao Bui is a younger sister, but the fellow Xia Zhiqiu said just now that someone no longer recruits himself… Sure enough, Yue Xiu Da is brainless! Sister too! It seems that she has to…

Just as the second lady was thinking this way, the eldest lady buried Xiazhiqiu Shiyu and continued: “With the character of Oni-chan (Sougo-kun), it is not surprising that she will play tricks on girls!”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

This is the so-called trust? What kind of image is he in the eyes of these guys! ?

Little bird swims ten flowers: “…”

“Do you have any misunderstandings about Master Tujian?” She hesitated.

Missy buried: “…”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

After the two looked at each other again, they said in unison again:

“Miss Xiaoniao, we just want to ask, do you have any misunderstandings about Oni sauce (Zongwujun)?”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Should he cut these two priesthoods?

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