Chapter 1030

Sougo Tama has never been a guy who likes to regret…

“It’s reckless…” He doesn’t like regrets, but he still thinks so because of someone’s arrival. Sure enough, he shouldn’t just call for someone to send out those invitations, at least don’t look for the two guys behind him. .

S2 patients are actually a very interesting group. Sougo Doma once regarded them as objects to please him-as long as you can convince the other person to identify with yourself, these guys will cooperate with the performance very well and will never show up. What should cooperate with your performance, but I ignore this kind of thing…

However, if the quarrel between Kasumigaoka and Yukoshita is still concerned about whether there is anyone else present, then the two sisters behind him, no, it should be said that the sister with the blindfold-she doesn’t care about herself at all. No matter where, she will not worry about the gaze around her, and she will not care about the promises of the world, she will only release her power indiscriminately!

Of course, it’s the power of the second…

And once this power is released, it will cause quite terrible consequences-everyone who knows her will be regarded as second-degree by others! Even I will be affected unknowingly, completing the so-called homogenization of Secondary Two. The mature sister is quite normal, but as long as you contact her for a few days, you will find that she is actually not normal!

Sougo Tama has seen the other party subconsciously use a series of difficult movements such as backflips when teaching her sister. She can clearly catch people in two steps, but she wants to backflip, which normal people would do. NS?

Doma Sougo even saw the other party using the soup spoon as a weapon when he was teaching his sister, and his face was as if he was facing an enemy-even if the soup spoon is facing an enemy, it would be too much. Would normal people do this?

Of course, Tama Sougou doesn’t care if he will be regarded as a secondary 2 in person, he only cares about who is regarded as a secondary 2 in front of whom, if it is in front of that waste material… his perfect image of Oni sauce what!

Can’t let that guy continue to mess around! Thinking of this, Doma Sougo turned his head and smiled:

“It’s just a joke, it’s been a long time since I saw you, Shihua, Liuhua, let me introduce to you, this is my sister, buried in the soil…” First of all, I used mutual introduction to prevent the blindfold girls from going crazy.

“Hello, I am buried in the soil…” Miss Buried also cooperated in a timely manner. She always performed perfectly when there were outsiders.

“This is Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu…”

After the introductions one by one, Shihua, who was mature in figure, responded one by one: “Hello, I am Master Tuma’s apprentice, Xiaoniaoyou Shihua…”

“Huh, huh…” But as soon as she finished her name, the girl beside her coldly snorted: “I have already seen your identity through these eyes. You are all under the Great Demon King at the root of the chaos. What I didn’t expect was that the sister of the Great Demon King also crossed the world line…”

Before I finished speaking, I heard:

“Boom!” Swollen bag X4.

“Sorry, my sister is rude…” After beating her sister, You Shihua, the little bird, bowed to her head.

Before Tuma Sougo and the others say anything, girl, it should be said that Little Bird You Liuhua broke away from her sister’s hand and clawed her swelling bag by herself and shouted, “Pain, pain, pain, holy regulator, do you think Do you take the evil king’s true eyes to flatter the great demon king who is the root of the chaos? Don’t be naive, as long as the power in my body recovers…”

Before she could finish chanting, Tuma Zougou and the others already enjoyed the treatment of the collective attention paid by the people around them.

The corners of Tuma’s mouth twitched: “…”

That’s why he wanted to pretend not to know these two sisters!

Miss Mu and Xiazhiqiu Shiyu and others: “…”

There must be a problem with this girl, it’s no wonder that Oni-chan (Sougo-kun, Doma) pretends not to know them!

“Boom!” Swollen bag X5

“Don’t be rude, Liuhua…” Seeing everyone’s sight, Xiaoniaoyou Shihua gritted his teeth.

“Holy conditioning person, don’t think that this will suppress the evil king’s true eyes…” But Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua never knew how to write the word surrender, and saw her dig down her body, and instantly took out two mysterious weapons. Said: “Be obediently fall down! Saint Conditioner, this is the piercing and stabbing spear that evolved after fighting the big devil, let me die!”

“Pong…” This is the sound made after the weapon hits. Bird You Shihua also pulled out a weapon made of fine iron from behind, blocking the assault of the penetrating gun.

Sougo Tama who has witnessed everything: “…”

These two guys are really not normal! Awkward, so embarrassing, even he was embarrassed to take out the automatic umbrella and spoon to make a weapon in the public. The real gun is almost the same…

The eldest lady who also witnessed everything buried in the others: “…”

Don’t these two sisters care about the others? But they care!

In front of outsiders, the eldest lady who is always a perfect and beautiful girl buried: “…”

If this scene is seen by an acquaintance. Will you die directly? Who are the people that Ernie Chan knows? Thinking of this, the eldest lady looked at a certain soil with a questioning look.

In front of outsiders, Shiyu Xiazhiqiu, a literary girl with high coldness: “…”

As a light novelist, she is not ignorant of the existence of secondary disease, but it is the first time she has seen secondary secondary disease to such an extent. Putting aside these things, why are the people around them looking at them? Ah? They are not secondary two! Thinking of this, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu also turned his gaze to Tujian Sougo.

Xuexiaxuena, who knows nothing about the second disease, said: “…”

Are these two women crazy? They were able to do such a shameful thing in the public. What is the relationship between these guys and Sougo Tama? Why are they even being watched? Thinking of this, the second lady also shifted her questioning gaze to someone.

Ako Tamaki, who always likes to escape: “…”

Why is everyone watching them, and what should I do at this time? Buried them…

Eh! ? Why are you all looking at U, classmate Tujian, no, she also looks at it!

At this time, probably only Shiina really white could look at the sister with shining eyes.

In response to this, Tuma Sougou also twitched his mouth: “…”

Ask, what will happen when everyone turns their attention to him? Quite simply, other people will think that he is the only one with the two sisters, and then sympathize with them and evaluate them as sick.

Of course, Tuma Sougou doesn’t care what others think, but among these others, there is not a lot of waste material, and Xia Zhiqiu and the others!

Let’s not talk about whether his perfect image of O’Neill can be maintained, just say that he was already a man-powered girl-carrying alliance, and he already had a sense of being defeated. If this is caught by them again, how can he do it well? ! ?

In the future, no matter what he says, they can use: “Woo~! Is this the view of the second disease? Understand, we will refer to this different view after receiving the opinions of ordinary people…”

As soon as the rhetoric of such a big killer came out, the Girls League was equivalent to standing in an invincible place in the confrontation of words, then he…


He has to think of a way, such as…

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