Chapter 1013: The Heart That Can’t Be Conveyed?

Earth house, gate.

“Woo…” After Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu stretched out in front of the door, he bent down again and said, “That old woman Yuanzi really knows how to do something for someone to do. Such a simple essay meeting has been held for so long, so tired. And so hungry!”

“However, there is a barbecue party at home today, hey, hey…” Kasugaoka Shiyu swallowed her saliva: “Sougo-kun’s grilled meat, oh, oh~! Listening to the meaning of burial sauce, we still have all three wagyu beef. I can’t help it just thinking about the barbecue party, Long live Buried! Long live the claw machine!”

After yelling wildly from the bottom of my heart, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu pushed open the door of the Tujian House and whispered, “I’m back…”

“Barbecue party, wagyu is available, Sougo-kun is in charge of flame barbecue party, hum hum hum hum ♪ ♬…” After greeting home, Shiyu Xiazhiqiu hummed mentally while putting on slippers.

Immediately afterwards, she walked to the living room with full expectations.


Open the sliding door.

“I…” I’m back~! Without saying the following words, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, who had just opened the door, was put into the state of being casted by silent magic, and became stiff.

No way, the scene that appeared in front of her was too irritable, even if she usually drives super fiercely, she doesn’t know what to do—

In the living room, Sougo Morama, who smiled wickedly, was holding a suspicious object and persuading a black short straight Onee-san, “How can I not do it? Isn’t that a taboo to seek medical treatment? Is it afraid of pain? Don’t worry. , As long as you are gentle, it won’t hurt. I promise you won’t regret it after you try it. Come on, take off your pants…”

Regardless of the hidden otaku identity, as a light novelist and old Siji, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu is very good at analyzing problems, and analyzes problems from the old Siji side.

First of all, she pushed back the words of Sougo Doma, took off the pants, and asked, under what circumstances would a boy with an evil face make a girl take off his pants? As an old Siji with extremely profound theoretical knowledge, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu said that she did not want to mention more…

Black short and straight? Does Sogo-kun like short hair? Is her black long straight? If it doesn’t work, just say it, isn’t she unable to cut her hair short, as for Onee-san? It’s not that Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu is boasting. Although she is in the same grade as Zongwujun, her Onee-san temperament is also not bad. If nothing else, just say Yuexue…

Thinking of this, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu glanced at the black, short and straight Yuexue-at least it was evenly divided! Does Sougo-kun need to be in such a hurry? Damn it~! Blacken degree UP!

Then push back up again. After trying, you won’t regret it. Under what circumstances will a girl regret it? Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu said that she should not say anything, and Blacken can continue to UP.

Then, don’t be afraid, it won’t hurt if you are gentle…

Kasumigaoka Shiba Blacken is UP UP!

In summary, Kasanooka Shiyu with a smile on his face opened the sliding door for a few seconds…

“Kang Dang!”

She closed the sliding door of the living room again, and a few seconds later…


The sliding door of the living room was opened again, and the smiling Xiazhiqiu Shiyu had turned into a grinning Xiazhiqiu Hei Shiyu. In black, she smiled savagely. While embracing her hands, one foot was even more crazy. Shaking: “Zong Wujun, can you tell me what you are doing? I can analyze and analyze for you first. Will the police believe your nonsense?”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Eh! ?

Yukoshita Yono who was almost forced to the corner: “…”


She breathed a sigh of relief. Although she didn’t know who this girl was, she seemed to be saved! Besides, what is called Sougo-kun? Xuexia Yangna looked at Xia Zhiqiu, which was filled with black aura again. She seemed to have thought of something, and after turning her eyes, she said with a simulated ambiguity:

“Master Tujian, is this little sister also with you?”

As a queen who usually plays tricks on others, Yukia Yono has never been a good stubborn. If it wasn’t for Sougo Doma to be too ridiculous, and basically there are no flaws, she would not be deflated every time she confronted each other. On which side of her, what she lacks is just an opportunity, and now, isn’t the opportunity here?

Whether it’s Sougo-kun’s name or the other party’s murderous posture, these all indicate a problem, that is, the girl in front of him has a lot of relationship with Tujian Sougo…

Again, Xuexiayang has never been a good stubble. After suffering so long on Tuma Zougou, not only did she not shrink back, but instead she thought that she would never miss any opportunity to block the other party! Therefore, when Shiyu Kasumigaoka finished speaking, she would make an appropriate inquiry using simulated ambiguity before Sougo Tuma had time to say something.

As an old Siji who is not inferior to Xiazhiqiu Shiyu’s theoretical experience, Yukoshita Yonoi also knows how easy it is to misunderstand her and Tama Sougo’s behavior at the meeting just now. It is easy for her to just push the boat a little along the water. Can make some damn bastard scorched…

Are they together? This kind of inquiry seems ordinary, but combined with the misunderstanding that she and Tuma Sougo just caused, then this one is quite interesting together, together? What are you doing together? Yukoshita Yono can say that she is asking the other party if they are attending the barbecue party together. Of course, the other party can also be mistaken as if she is asking if she is asking if she is a companion applauding together, or even…

Of course, the most important thing is that it doesn’t matter what the other party will misunderstand, it has nothing to do with her. At best, she just didn’t ask the question clearly, didn’t she?

It can not only add obstacles to Sou Wu Tama, but also let himself get out of the way, the plan works…

If the girl in front of her yelled: “Who is with you!” She ran out, and Xuexiayang promised to die with joy.

However, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu is not a fool. Not only is she not stupid, she is also very smart, and most importantly, she is also black! The black belly understands the black belly, Xuexia Yangnai just started to dig a hole, and he already exposed himself in front of Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, and then…

The same black-bellied Xia Zhiqiu hadn’t waited for Sou Gou Tuma to explain, so he changed his words: “Sou Go-kun, if the police officers don’t believe your nonsense, I can still testify for you on the sidelines. Do we want to be together? Honestly, I can even help you hold the other person…”

Xuexiayangna: “…”

Eh! ?

After hearing this, Tuma Zou Wu also looked at Xiazhiqiu Shiyu whose black qi was exhausted, and the other party also looked back at him, and the two of them knew about it as they crossed their eyes.

I have confirmed the look in my eyes, everyone is black-bellied!

After the confirmation, Tuma Sougo turned his head again: “Miss Yang Nai, you see, everyone is a hot (not) heart (dislike) helping (things) people (big) people, this suppository is still you asked me to find , If you don’t use it, won’t my feelings be conveyed?”

Shiyu Kasumigaoka:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

Suppository, suppository? So Wu-jun’s hand turned out to be a suppository! ?

That’s too big, right?

No wonder this black-bellied black short straight will…

Xuexiayangna: “…”

Damn it!

Mistakes, I did not expect this girl is also a black belly!

Damn it,

Why bother to have a black belly! ? Although if they switch roles, she will also embarrass each other, as for why, of course it is for pleasure! Ahem…

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