Chapter 1010 Isn’t it enough to spread a cold to others?

“Student Xuexia, Miss Yangnai, do you have anything else you want to ask? If not, then I can do it…” Sougo Tama, who feels that he can’t hold back anymore, wants to laugh. Made an ultimatum.

“Guru…” Xuexiayangna swallowed subconsciously: “…”

Come on, just kidding! ? Really, do you really want to do it?

Yukino under Xuexia coldly looked at Doma Sougo with his navy blue eyes.

The scene was very silent, the atmosphere was very anxious, and there was a feeling that the mountains and rain were about to come and the wind was all over the building, until…

“Kang Dang…”

“Ouni-chan, I’m sorry, Xiao Mai forgot to tell Zhen Bai and Senior Xuexia you that you are sick…” Miss Mai opened the sliding door and walked into the living room.

Seeing the silent people in the room and the bewilderment really white, the eldest lady hesitated and said: “Eh Duo, Ernie Chan, two Yukoshita seniors, what’s wrong with you?”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Eh! ?

It’s too late for Xiao Mu to come back! ! !

five minutes later.

“Puff haha…no, I really can’t help it, classmate Xuexia will forget about it, but even Miss Yangnai would believe in this kind of thing. Obviously even the truth is heard as a story, puff haha… …” Sougo Morama, who was forced to explain everything, laughed wildly.

Yukino under the snow: “…”

“Student Tujian, can you please explain what Xuexia classmate is?”

“Puff haha…” Tuma Sougo laughed wildly.

Xuexiaxuenai sneered: #^_^

“Eunichan!” Upon seeing this, the eldest lady had to speak out to prevent someone from committing death.

“Ha, cough cough… I’m sorry, sorry, I actually want to say that Xuexia is very childlike (innocent and naive), and full of trust in others (easy to fool), and it is understandable to believe that there are supernatural powers. When it comes to Miss Yang Nai, she has already…”

Xuexiaxuenai gritted her teeth: “…”

I always feel that this bastard in Tuma didn’t say anything good!

Xuexiayangna: “…”

If there were not too many unexplainable things, would she believe it?

“Tomama-kun, I don’t believe it, it’s just cooperating with your performance, because Koyuki’s reaction is so interesting…”

Xuexiaxue who was shot inexplicably “…”

Special, deliberate cooperation? So that’s it. Was it all my sister’s performance just now? It’s so real, huh, huh…

The woman in front of me must not be her sister!

While the second young lady was holding back her anger, Sougo Tama jokingly said, “Ms. Yono turned out to be cooperating with my performance…”

Xuexiayangna: “…”

“Of course, sister’s acting skills are very good, right?”

“Yeah!” Sougo Tama nodded: “Ms. Yang Nai’s acting skills are not only good enough to describe it? To say it can only be excellent, so good that it shows the true thoughts in your heart, puff haha, believe The eldest lady who has the world and supernatural powers…”

Xuexiayangna: “…”

But, Damn it, still can’t fool this guy!

“Tomama…cough cough, Tomama-kun…”

“Eh a lot, should I be right? Miss Yono’s performance just now, whether it is facial expressions, cold sweats and other on-the-spot reactions, is much more exciting than those professional actors, even if you compete for that level of performance The Oscar queen is also more than enough. After all, the crying scene is good, but it is a cold sweat scene…” Tuma always smirked.

Yukino under the snow: “…”

Performing cold sweats? Even if it is a sister… It seems that she just misunderstood, that perfect and powerful, crossed out, her sister, like her, was completely deceived by the other party!

Xuexiayangna: “…”

These details don’t need to be said! This bastard Doma must be the guy sent by heaven to destroy her image, right? Her image in Xiaoyuna’s heart! What if too many unscientific phenomena happened in front of her, wait, unscientific phenomena? She can also kill:

“Who makes Tama-kun burn to forty-five degrees and insist on performing? It is reasonable to sweat because of worrying about Tama-kun’s body, isn’t it?”

“Forty-five degrees?” The eldest lady was startled after hearing the words: “Euny sauce, that thermometer seems to be broken more seriously…”

Yukino under the snow: “…”

Is it worse?

Xuexiayangna: “…”

Is that a broken thermometer?

“Didn’t I just tell you? The thermometer is broken…” Sister Xuexia’s expression didn’t hide from Tuma Sougo. Before they could say anything, someone chuckled lightly.

“What about the forehead?” Xuexiayang said subconsciously.

“Didn’t you tell me? The CPU is running for a while. Just after performing with you for a while, it’s already much better…” Speaking of this, Sougo Doma touched his forehead again: “Sure enough, it’s already cold.”

“This is also falling too fast!” Xuexia, professional vomit, Yang Nai.

“I heard that you will get better if you spread a cold to others!” Sougo Tama flicked his fingers.

“What kind of urban legend is this?” Xuexia Yangna is already determined to make complaints: “Besides, who will be infected by you…”

“Boom…” The complaint was not over yet, but the second lady standing behind her suddenly sat on the ground: “I feel, my head is a little dizzy…”

“Ah~! Yukinoshita-san seems to be infected…” Sougo Tama flicked his fingers while speaking.

Xuexiayangna: “…”

“Xiaoyuna! You didn’t, cough cough… are you okay, cough cough…” Before she finished speaking, she was also soft on her feet and sat on the ground.

“Ah~! Miss Yang Nai seems to have also been infected…” Sougo Doma shrugged after flicking his fingers.

“Cough cough… this, what about this, cough cough… how could it happen!” Xuexia Yangna touched his forehead as he said, “Hiss, it’s so hot…”

Upon seeing this, Yukino Yukino touched her forehead in a learning manner. She was silent: “…”

Sure enough, I really have a fever! Is it true that if you pass a cold to others, you will be good?

Missy buried: “…”

“Wait, wait, Senior Xuexia, Sister Yangnai, don’t you really have a fever, right?”

Sister Xuexia: “…”

They don’t want to admit it either, but this kind of groggy head, limp body, and hot forehead is completely saying that they have a cold! So:

“Ahem…” X2, just as the eldest lady had just finished speaking, sisters Xuexiaxia coughed unanimously.

“Xiaobui, it’s already obvious. Yuukishita and the others are indeed sick…” Sougo Tama also sighed when he said this: “Hey, Xiaobui, they are ohni-chan. Your benefactor…

In order to make me feel better, they even thought of absorbing all the cold virus from my body to themselves, but they succeeded in doing it! I have to say, Xuexia, Miss Yang Nai, a real good person! ”

Sister Xuexia who was infected with a cold virus: “…”

No, they didn’t do anything at all, and they didn’t want to be good people. Speaking of which, why would it happen if you catch a cold and pass it on to others? This unscientific! What is even more unscientific is why their sisters were infected?

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