Chapter 1008

One cannot fall into the same pit twice, of course, fools are not talking about death lovers! Putting aside idiots, in the process of dying, Tuma Sougou can fall in the same pit countless times…

Just like now-he originally wanted Yang Nai’s HENTAI sister to experience what despair is, and report the distrust of the other party to him. Is it useful to check the thermometer so many times? Is it useful to help him take his temperature personally? Tuma Sougou can say responsibly: “It’s totally useless!”

Let the HENTAI sister control who thought they had won at first get proud, and then fell into the panic of losing, and then admired the change of HENTAI sister control’s expression-from proud to unwilling, to panic, to despair, and then to … those expressions will definitely turn into a funny face of Yan Yi;

If you take pictures of Yan Yiwushuang’s expressions again, Doma Sougo believes that Xuexiayang may even have the heart to die! What a pleasant process of change and direction of development, but how did things turn out to be like this?

Originally, Sougo Doma wanted to take a look at what the self-proclaimed Yukino Yukino would behave when he learned that he had made a mistake in his judgment, and because of this, he would say bad words to others, and how the expression on his face would change. From being so dumb, or will it become self-doubt?

Toma Sougou even thought about it. After the temperature measurement results came out, he asked the self-proclaimed second lady to confess his mistake aloud, twice if one time was not enough, and three times if the second time was not enough… He was taking the opportunity to leave precious audiovisual materials. , And then play it every day in front of Yukoshita Yukino…

What a delightful future that is!

But why…

Obviously, he had already planned everything first! Whether it’s Yang Nao’s Yan Yi face or Xue Nao’s confession of wrong video and audio, these are so pleasant things. The two pleasures added together should become even greater pleasures, but why does it become like this? ? Where did things go wrong?

Yukoshita’s Yan Yi face is gone, although the expression on her face has changed from triumphant to anxious, nervous, serious, and…worried? But this is not Yan Yi at all! It’s not interesting either! Not to mention that made Tuma Zou Gou feel happy. He even felt quite awkward. Didn’t Yang Nao, HENTAI sister control, still feel like killing him just now?

What is this HENTAI sister thinking about? If you want to worry, you should worry about what he will let that correct second lady do? Phew, it’s really troublesome…

Yukino’s apology…Although the other party did say that he was sorry, but when he apologized, he gave him tears in his eyes, as if he was wronged! What is the face that asked him to explain the funeral now? This is not fun at all! Doma Sougou couldn’t find fun in it to please himself.

The second lady should hate him very much. Don’t ask for towels and call an ambulance again, okay? Rather than caring about his body, is it better to care about what he will order? Hey, it’s not funny at all!

A big failure, this is a big failure as a happy person!

Just when the earth always felt deeply moved, the cold voice sounded again:

“I won’t mention the problem of the ambulance for the time being, but I don’t lie down to rest after it burns to 45 degrees…” Speaking of this, Yukino underneath paused: “The guy who is sick and works against the body, even if he immediately dies. No one will be surprised!”

“Sougo, will die?” Shiina Shiba on the side turned his head to look at the second lady.

“If he doesn’t get treatment in time…” Xuexia Xuenai nodded.

“How is it possible, really white, don’t listen to the nonsense of Yuukishita…” Just as the second young lady was speaking, Tuma Sougou also said.

The two spoke almost at the same time, which made Yukoshita Yukino only halfway through his words, and suddenly the front of the conversation changed: “Just let me be nonsense, sister, call an ambulance…”

“Yeah…” Xuexia Yangna nodded and took out the phone.

“Wait for me!” Sougo Tama also reacted quite quickly. He just grabbed the young lady’s mobile phone in his hand and said, “You guys have a closer look, I seem to need ambulance. The patient of the car?”

Xuexiayangna: “…”

It looks really different, but that kind of body temperature can’t be faked at all!

Yukino under the snow: “…”

“Back to the light!?”

“I have already said this sentence…” Sou Wu Tama said with a black line on his face: “Can’t you think of something good? It’s just a mere fever…”

Sister Xuexia suddenly didn’t know what to say: “…”

Just means forty-five degrees? Forty-five degrees~! If they weren’t standing in front of them with a living example, but listening to what people said, they would definitely think that the speaker was too exaggerated, how could someone have a fever of forty-five degrees?

“The physique between people cannot be generalized…” Just as the two sisters had nothing to say, Tuma Zougou continued: “I used to let my body ignite spontaneously when I was extremely angry. It’s not as easy as forty-five degrees…”

“That is already a supernormal event!” Xuexia Yangnai still couldn’t hold back.

“Huh?” The interrupted Tamazonou tilted his head and said, “It seems that Miss Yang Nai has also heard of the phenomenon of spontaneous human body combustion…”

“Who wouldn’t know!?” Xuexia Yangna asked rhetorically. With the Internet so developed today, even some unfounded strange stories can be circulated, not to mention that the human body’s spontaneous combustion is just recorded. Hundreds of instances are supernormal. How ignorant she will know something from people around her or from TV shows, right? unless……

“Zong Wu, what is spontaneous combustion of the human body?” Before she could finish complaining in her heart, Zhen Bai asked by the side.

“I don’t know if it’s really white…” Hearing this, Tuma Zougou also answered the rhetorical question of Xuexia Yangna with a smile.

Xuexiayangna: “…”

This girl called Zhenbai was sent by God to fight her right? Is she really JK?

While she was speechless, Tuma Zougou had already turned her head to the true white popular science:

“True white, the so-called human body spontaneous combustion phenomenon refers to the extraordinary phenomenon caused by accidental use of the fire system after human beings awakened…”

“Ability?” Shiina was really puzzled.

“Don’t be serious nonsense!” Xuexiayangna was about to turn into a Tucao campaign.

The second lady also said with a black line on her face: “It’s really white, don’t listen to the nonsense of Tujian, there are no supernatural powers in this world…”

“Is Zongwu talking nonsense?” Zhenbai tilted his head and looked at someone.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

“Of course not nonsense, you two Xuexia, your reaction is too big, especially Xuexia, are you so sure that there is no supernatural power in this world? Don’t forget, you didn’t believe it just now…”

Although he himself has not found any superpowers, this does not prevent Sougo Tama from talking nonsense, cough cough… It should be said that this does not prevent him from giving Zhen Bai the wings of fantasy. The other party is a cartoonist. Goal, what if the imaginative imagination is stifled by the Xuexia sisters? That’s right, he did it all for true whiteness!

Yukino under the snow: “…”

Before the thermometer could measure that the guy in front of her had burned to forty-five degrees, she dared to pat her chest to assure that there was absolutely no power in this world, but now…

Xuexiaxue is suspicious of the world!

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