Alternate World: I Started With Two SSS Templates

Vol 2 Chapter 73: It's over (I'm driving, here's my proof!)

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Lin Zhenyue looked at Lin Xuan silly, raised her eyebrows, did not disturb him, and began to eat gracefully.

On the contrary, Lin Zhenxing couldn't stand it anymore. He stretched out his foot under the table and kicked Lin Xuan's leg, "What are you laughing at, so wretched!"

Lin Xuan: ...

I am familiar with these words, but I did not expect that after so long, the wretched hat has not been taken off.

"Cough, when are you going to advance to the top of the Yellow Rank?"

It is not difficult for the three of them to advance to the top of the yellow rank. The only thing to worry about is the timing. Lin Xuan has now improved everything that should be improved, and has also broken through. Can break through to the peak of the Yellow Rank, and even go straight to the Profound Rank.

"Xiaoxing and I have to work harder. We want to broaden the boundaries of meditation."

Lin Xuan nodded, it seemed that the two sisters had not yet reached the point where they could meditate on twelve stars.

In the past, Lin Xuan himself raised everything that he could improve to the top level in order to be at the low level of the yellow rank, and he did not hesitate to spend a lot of money, in order to get a comprehensive strengthening during the upgrade, but the yellow rank has been strengthened twice. Chance!

"Don't worry, come at your own pace, don't waste a lifetime of talent for a momentary honor, I'm here!"

Soothed, Lin Xuan was also afraid that they would watch the time approaching a little bit. In order not to delay himself, he would give up the opportunity to widen the border and strengthen it in an all-round way, and directly advance. In this way, the combat power is available, but the potential is completely wasted.

More importantly, the combat power has not increased too much, you are not angry!

"We have a plan."

Lin Zhenyue smiled, but she couldn't help but feel a little more pressure in her heart, mainly because she sensed the inadvertent breath of Lin Xuan. She was not an unskilled village girl in the countryside. Several seniors have seen it before, but they are not unfamiliar!

Lin Xuan has completed the twelve changes of the dragon and elephant? !

This is too fast!

With a calm expression on her face, Lin Zhenyue was also shocked by the dark center. Relying on the huge resources of the Lin family, her and her sister's cultivation can be described as a thousand miles. They were "disgusted" by Lin Xuan a few days ago. He was so excited that he wanted to surpass Lin Xuan.

At that time, Lin Xuan will not have the qualifications to dislike them. Hey, although you practice hard, you are not efficient at all. What's the use? It's better for us to drink tea, smell the fragrance, and practice a little.

Unexpectedly, all of them are not as good as Lin Xuan. What are you talking about?

"I'm ready to break through this time!"

Lin Zhenyue nodded calmly, Lin Zhenxing raised her head from the plate and looked at Lin Xuan in surprise, "You, you... alright."

While speaking, Lin Zhenxing also sensed the aura on Lin Xuan's body, and was secretly surprised.

The two of them knew about Lin Xuan's strength, but they only knew about some of the strength that Lin Xuan showed, and Lin Xuan was able to take them out of the real dungeon, which was definitely strong.

These few days, Lin Xuan didn't show up, and the two of them were also secretly guessing whether Lin Xuan was making a big move. Later, he thought about it, maybe he was cultivating skills. There are six or seven skills to practice, but it's not that there is no time, only However, I haven't seen who are not skilled in the skills, but the strength has increased sharply.

"After that, I will not be with you in the clearance evaluation of the dungeon, but it is basically not difficult, and it should not be too easy to win an A-level evaluation with your strength."

Lin Xuan smiled. The Beast Envoys are basically big cores in the later stage. Just look at Lin Qingming. There are three high-level Imperial Beasts under a mid-level ability person. Their strength is extremely terrifying. The wild monsters didn't want to provoke him either.

Although the Lin family sisters are still weak now, their combat power is definitely not weak in the same rank. The angels are a powerful race alongside the giant dragons. If they really reach the earth rank, their strength is comparable to that of their grandfather's purple gold dragon. Not much difference.

The two sisters also nodded their heads. Ordinary dungeons are not dangerous at all, and they can easily pass through, as long as those wild monsters are not too disgusting!

"By the way, our team will go to the wild to hunt mysterious monsters and open up the yellow-level dungeons. The time is roughly scheduled for the winter vacation. In November and December, the two of us will sprint to twelve stars. There is not much time, and we are familiar with the terrain. , situation, I will trouble you to inquire about suitable wild monsters."

"No problem, I will complete the breakthrough here in a few days, so I will go outside the city for a walk, and go to explore the road first."

Lin Xuan smiled and agreed directly, regardless of whether the three of them would always be in the same team in the future, but now that they belong to a team, they have to take on the responsibilities of teammates, not to mention that Lin Xuan is still the captain.

For a while, the three of them smiled happily. It was the first time that Lin Xuan felt that the team was not bad. As long as the communication was in place, there was no problem that could not be solved.

It was late, the two sisters got up and left, leaving Lin Xuan alone to clean up the mess.

Early the next morning, Lin Xuan went to Zhang Minghao to ask about some points to pay attention to when breaking through the yellow rank, for fear that Diyi would be different from other places, and there would be such and such profound secrets.

Zhang Minghao looked stunned, "The low-level Huang Jie just needs to break through directly, there is nothing to pay special attention to."

"There is nothing to There is nothing to learn?"

Lin Xuan asked again and again with uncertainty, Zhang Minghao was speechless, "No, as long as you have everything you need to prepare, breaking through is just an idea, um, I suddenly thought, if you want to break through, You can go to the private little black room specially prepared for 'LYB' by the school, break through there, and no news will come out."

Zhang Minghao suddenly thought of something. He had read some of Lin Xuan's information. He had both exercises and blood. When breaking through, the strength was strengthened too much, and something would inevitably be revealed. trouble.

"Private little black house?! This name is really bad!"

"Hey, it's for you to break through."

After Zhang Minghao finished speaking, he left immediately. He still had a lot of things to deal with.

Lin Xuan also found the location of the private little black house on the map, walked over, and then realized, "Am I being called LYB by Zhang Minghao?"

"Forget it, forget it, don't bother with the teacher." Shaking his head, Lin Xuan hurried over. Today's entanglement was finally digging out something, and it was a worthwhile trip.

Said hello to the teacher in the private little black room, found a room and walked in.

The room was very large, and it was airtight on all sides. Lin Xuan patted it and found that the walls were all made of metal, which was extremely strong, and was also mixed with sound-absorbing materials. No matter how loud it was, no one outside could hear it.

let's start!

The next moment, Lin Xuan's eyes closed, and then opened again, his eyes were full of astonishment!

Have you started yet? No, it's over!

OK, so fast!

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