Alternate World: I Started With Two SSS Templates

Vol 2 Chapter 629: 3 different treasures

The figure has not yet appeared, the celestial phenomenon is the first!

This day of Taixia was originally a good day with thousands of miles of clear sky. However, in the next moment, endless black clouds gathered and continued to move towards Taixia from the outer sea. It looked like a terrifying typhoon was about to land on Taixia.

Wanfa Tianren stood above the Bihai Palace, with his hands behind his back, the sea breeze blew up his star robe, but he was not affected at all, and even looked calmly at the blackness that was gradually moving towards Taixia. Yun, a disdainful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"It's just a prodigal dog, how dare you come to provoke me Tai Xia!"

It was none other than Ai Ou, the **** of natural disasters who had a deep grudge with Tai Xia. After all, it was the rank of the pseudo-heaven. Not to mention strength, at least in rank, on the current Blue Star, there are only A fallen angel, Lutonfar, can be compared with him.

He is the **** of disaster bred by the Blue Star, and the son of the Blue Star of the previous generation. He was born with the great luck of the Blue Star. If Tai Xia hadn’t secretly made a move to force him to advance to the heavenly rank, there would have been too many on the Blue Star. A heaven-rank powerhouse who was promoted from the land-rank town country.

Ai Ou naturally knew the horror of Taixia, but he first knew the truth of the past, and secondly, he also relied on the fact that there were many strong people behind him.

He brought a terrifying celestial phenomenon to the outside of the Taixia Sea Area, and transformed into his true body. It was an extremely ugly bald dog. At a glance, people knew that this thing was sick and could not be touched...

"Wanfa Tianren, I was really deceived by you Taixia!"

Ai Ou's face was stern, his teeth grinned, he roared loudly in the air, and countless saliva fell into the sea below. Countless sea beasts couldn't bear the power of the disaster in the saliva, and died here, turning up their white belly, And it rots quickly.

"What is it to lie to you? Do you have any evidence? If there is no evidence, I can sue you for slander, slander!"

Wanfa Tianren glanced at the bereaved dog with disdain, and did not lift his eyelids. He personally arranged the incident at the beginning, and he naturally knew how Aio would end up. Of course, Tianjie is Tianjie. But with all the strength, hehe, he dares to appear in front of him, isn't this courting death!

"you wanna die!"

Ai Ou was completely blown away. He thought that everyone was the top powerhouse on Blue Star, and he was talking about a face. If he didn't know about that, it would be fine. Now that he knows, then Wanfa Tianren will be Taixia. Shouldn't it be time to express a little shame, even if it's just a little bit of shame? !

Unfortunately, none at all!

How can this not make the self-confident Aio angry, the anger in his heart is completely uncontrollable!

The Five Decays of Heaven and Man · Disasters of Heaven and Earth!

This is Aio's top-level supernatural power based on the appearance of a living being when it dies. The clothes are dirty, the head is wilted, the armpits are sweating, the body is foul, and the seat is not happy!

The stronger the person, the less filth on his body, and once such a strong person has filth on his body, then he is not far from death.

This magical power is very interesting. It has a strong effect on the strong, but it is useless for ordinary people!

And at this moment, Ten Thousand Laws, Heaven and Man will suffer the five declines of Heaven and Man and the disaster of heaven and earth alone!

Thirty-six Heavenly Astral Supernatural Powers, Heaven-Mending Bathing Day!

The filthy and foul smell hit, causing Wanfa Tianren to frown slightly, and glanced at Ai Ou with disgust, this dog thing will also do this, digging feces and smashing people, it is really disgusting!

He raised his head and glanced at the sky, and the endless power rose to the sky, breaking through the black clouds brought by the **** of disaster Io, straight to the sun, and wisps of sunlight shone through the thick black clouds to the world, and the golden rain shone on the darkness. On the sea, it seems to have opened up a pure land.

In the confrontation between the Five Decays of Heaven and Man, the Disaster of Heaven and Earth, and the Thirty-Six Heavenly Astral Supernatural Powers and the Heaven-replenishing Bathing Sun, it was difficult for the two sides to tell the winner for a while. To be honest, the strength of Wanfa Tianren is indeed much more than that of Aiou, but it is necessary to It is not so easy to defeat it in a short period of time. Especially now that he is still in a special state.

On the roof of the Imperial Forbidden City, the old immortal sat leisurely cross-legged, as if he was comprehending the world, but also seemed to be sleeping, and in the next second, an extremely masculine, like a super macho sculpted with a knife and axe appeared. In front of the old fairy.

"Old Immortal Wudang, this is probably the last time we will compete for the title of number one in the world, and I will definitely win!"

The noon sun in the imperial capital shone down on Superman's jet-black hair. To be honest, Superman turned out to have black hair. This is unreasonable, shouldn't it be green, and it is convenient for photosynthesis!

"Hehe, you are just too impatient, the old man told you, just after Yi Zhe, I have twelve Tai Chi styles, are you willing to learn?"


"After learning Tai Chi, you can combine hardness and softness, and the old man may not be your opponent. After all, you are the toughest on this Blue Star!"


"Learn or not, don't stop talking!"


"Tai Xia is leaving, and I have to protect him, but I was born in Blue Star and grew up on Blue Star, so I have feelings for him after all. Since I am leaving, I have to leave something behind."


"Because only you, Blue Star has a shred of hope!"

The old immortal babbled, took the wine gourd from his waist, took a sip, and said with a dazed eye, "Blue Star is not necessarily a dead end, the Great Dao is fifty, Tianyan forty-nine, Yu Yi, A silver lining, Tai Xia has his own way to go, it will not be this silver lining."


Superman thought quietly in the sun, and finally, lowered his head high, and called out softly.

"Ruzi can be taught!"

Above the Kunlun Tianshan Mountains, the once secluded place has now made waves, and one strong person has come here.

Asan's three Buddhas in time and space, the Pharaoh and the dog-headed death **** of the pyramid country, the undead master of Western Europe... Each of them is a super powerhouse of the Netherworld. They came to attack Lin Xuan, or to be more precise, they came to attack Zhu Mingmei !

However, apart from the male protagonist and the female protagonist, Zhu Mingmei, as Lin Xuan's wife, has so many powerhouses coming to her door, so it is natural for Lin Xuan to deal with it.

"A group of rubbish, the labor and capital are counted in three, if you don't get out, you don't need to leave, just stay!"

As the emperor of the human race, Lin Xuan became more and more domineering. In his gestures, the king was full of demeanor, and a word of discord would be a force in the world, but his strength was enough to carry this wave of domineering.

These powerhouses dared not speak out, but the power that Lin Xuan gave them was too strong.

"I'm waiting for the immortal Lord Minghuang to return the ghostly way of our country!"

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