Alternate World: I Started With Two SSS Templates

Vol 2 Chapter 619: The Land of Gentleness and the Abyss

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This turmoil has just come to an end. After all, Lin Xuan's strength is here. Even if Superman makes a shot, he can't take down the opponent in an instant, and once he makes a malicious move, he can't take the opponent. Next, then Superman, or the Eagle Sauce Kingdom will usher in Taixia's most terrifying revenge.

An emerald green flame of life fell in mid-air and landed on Lin Xuan's arm. He was stunned for a moment, and then an unusually warm and comfortable feeling came. The bone meal in his right arm was nourished by life force. , and those with useful value are arranged on the spot, and those with no value are directly excreted.

In just a few breaths, the flame of life and Lin Xuan's own self-healing ability, Lin Xuan's arm has recovered as before.

When she turned around, she saw a man with long hair scattered, eyes full of love and tenderness, a beautiful face with a look of worry and joy, looking straight at Lin Xuan, she stroked the quilt with her hands. The flowing sea in front of the forehead that was blown away showed a happy smile towards Lin Xuan.

Xiaobie wins the newly married, this time Lin Xuan's journey can be described as thrilling. You must know that in the days when he entered the dungeon, Zhu Mingmei was very worried about him. It was because she cleared the dungeon that she knew the difficulties. , there are countless powerhouses in it, and there may even be powerhouses of the heavenly rank, although most of them will have various restrictions, and it is difficult to make a move.

Because of this, the high-level officials of Taixia sent Taixia people Tu Yelu to defend the country. In fact, at that time, Lin Xuan had not returned. They just wanted to make a scene in the bad place, so as not to know about Taixia. Pai, any cat or dog would dare to provoke Tai Xia. pen fun library

After that, when Lin Xuan returned, Yelu Weiguo and Lin Xuan took the opportunity to change classes.

This time, Lin Xuan's return is completely different from before. Although he was very strong before, he has not reached the town level. He can be regarded as the core high-level of Taixia. One of the five pillars of Taixia, and more than that, he is also a member of the core of the Three Treasures. It can be said that he is a national treasure of Taixia.

Holding a delicate and beautiful wife in his arms, Lin Xuan is like holding a mermaid.

The amazing curves and elasticity are due to Zhu Mingmei's high strength and the path she has taken.

Needless to say, the way of life is really good at maintenance.

It is said that life is like a play. Ever since Lin Xuan became the de facto emperor of the wild world, Zhu Mingmei has been very fond of role-playing, well, that is, acting. pen fun library

And this time, she played a woman in the dust, and she played it smoothly.

For the first time as an actress, she felt that she did not show her self-pity in the wind and dust, and she was still far from being an actress.

But Lin Xuan didn't think so and gave her detailed instructions.

Let Zhu Mingmei learn a lot of new knowledge.

On this road of role-playing, it is smoother and smoother.


It was night, and the stars were full of stars.

Lin Xuan was lying in the open-air hot spring pool, enjoying the feeling of the soft spring water washing his body, as if he was gently stroking his body with one hand.

Zhu Mingmei gently fed small pieces of fruit into Lin Xuan's mouth, and occasionally ordered imported fruit.

This gentle township lasted for two hours before the fountain in the hot spring gradually returned to calm.

the next day.

In Wutong Xiaoyuan.

Lin Xuan seemed to have been stealing for half a day, lying on the rocking chair, swaying around and not doing anything, just fell asleep like this, Zhu Mingmei walked in with a basket of freshly picked fruits and vegetables, still in her hands. Carrying a bamboo chicken.

"My dear wife, what are you going to have for lunch today?"

Lin Xuan half-opened one glanced at Zhu Mingmei and looked at the bamboo chicken in her hand, his eyes suddenly lit up, this bamboo chicken is not easy, from the beginning of the selection, After going through countless screening procedures, the chicken breed that is most suitable for raising in bamboo fields was finally selected from among the countless chicken breeds.

After that, it has been kept free-range, but this bamboo field is not simple. It is a purple bamboo forest in Mount Tai. When they are hungry, they eat the bamboo fruit produced in the bamboo forest. When they are thirsty, they drink the mountain spring. The meat is firm and tender, and there is a faint bamboo fragrance.

The rice is not ordinary rice, but bamboo tube rice, which is steamed with the fragrance of bamboo and wood.

As for the others, three or two stir-fried vegetables are enough.

Today's Lin Xuan, his appetite has returned to normal, and he does not need to "violate violence".

Overeating", his current energy source, as long as he relies on absorbing free energy from the outside world, rather than food intake, otherwise, without an invincible demon king, he will not be able to fill Lin Xuan's stomach at all.

"Li Er and Xiao Zhang are looking for you, but you haven't turned on your smartwatch these days and can't reach you, so they just contacted me."

Li Er is an old immortal. As for Xiao Zhang, his real name is Zhang Ren. He is known as the Heavenly Man of Ten Thousand Laws. Now, only his wife is qualified to call them that. dare not take it. pen fun library

"What's the matter?"

Lin Xuan frowned. To be honest, he practiced for his own freedom. Now that he has reached the national level, which is the Blue Star limit, he should be very free, but he seems to be locked by the chains of red dust, and it is difficult to feel at ease. ... However, I don't hate it, it's just annoying.

"The Three Treasures Project has been put on the agenda."


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