Alternate World: I Started With Two SSS Templates

Vol 2 Chapter 531: Mother Earth Appears

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"Which one of the strong Nanman are you?"

Fengshen Qinghu looked at the strong man in front of him with a solemn expression, his body was slightly bent, and he took a defensive posture, not because he was cautious, but because he was afraid. Lin Xuan's strength is really too strong, and that terrifying note just now Fist, it really made it startled.

Maybe one punch really won't kill it and the purple thunder unicorn, but after a few punches, both of them will be overwhelmed, and they can't even keep up with what ultimate move this southern barbarian powerhouse is hiding... In a word, this southern barbarian The powerhouse is indeed stronger than both of them, and is considered to be a powerhouse at the level of the Mother Earth Snake and the Dragon Lord.

Thinking about this, the two ancient gods couldn't help but wonder, why there is a strong man they don't know, or a barbarian from the South!

"Oh, what, you don't know me?"

Lin Xuan sneered, showing a penetrating smile, and he was about to go crazy. Anyway, the barbarian gave people the feeling of this kind of messing around, so it doesn't matter how much he does.

Fengshen Qinghu, Zilei Qilin: ? ? ?

What are you saying, are you famous, should we know you?

For a while, the two ancient gods showed a confused expression, but soon, they reacted. At this time, it is not necessary to care who the strong Nanman is. After all, is this Nanman? Are the strong ones not sure?

"I'm the ancient **** of the innate, the wind **** Qinghu, this is the ancient **** of the innate, the purple thunder unicorn, I don't know what your Excellency is called?"

The two ancient gods asked Lin Xuan, asking the name is actually the beginning of a friendly exchange.

"I am Nanman Tianzun, and Xuanling is also!"

With a big wave of Lin Xuan's hand, many of the gods in the Eastern Wilderness were easily gathered by Lin Xuan, "You are here, but for these shaggy and horned people?"

The two ancient gods raised their brows. Lin Xuan scolded them like this, but they were also scolded. However, they are innate ancient gods raised by nature. They were not hatched from eggs. slight difference.

"Exactly, I don't know, can I wait to bring it back to the central Shenzhou, the Mother Earth is also concerned about this matter."

Mother Earth?

Is this threatening labor?

"Impossible, these hairy, horned, wet-born, ovipositors don't know where they got the courage to attack many of my Nanban strongmen, resulting in the fall of several Nanban kings. I must bring them back to Nanban to wait for the fate of the Nanban imperial court. , to boost the morale and courage of our southern barbarians!"

Lin Xuan refused righteously, saying that he is not afraid of the Mother Earth Snake who is still in retreat, not to mention that the retreat has not ended, even if it is finished and the strength has improved, Lin Xuan is not afraid at all. of.

The two ancient gods were stunned for a moment, being so rigid, either stupid or strong!

And this southern barbarian might not be a fool at first glance, so it is obvious that this powerhouse is very strong, and he is not even afraid of the world-famous Mother Earth Snake.

How to do?

This time, the two ancient gods are not easy to handle. Originally, they wanted to forcibly take away many of these abnormal eastern gods with the prestige of the Mother Earth Snake, but now, there is a powerful one who is not afraid of the Mother Earth Snake. The strong stand in front of the Eastern Desolate Gods, in front of them.

Fengshen Qinghu and Zilei Qilin looked at each other, since they can't take them away, they can only... shake people!

There are a lot of powerhouses among the innate ancient gods, and the two of them can only be regarded as the powerhouses in the second and third echelons. The first echelon is the Mother Earth Snake and the Dragon Lord Ji Yan, and the second echelon is naturally the wind of fate. Butterfly, this ancient **** who can see fate, but he is the only ancient god, and recently, this mysterious ancient **** has I don't know where to go.

As for the ancient gods of the third echelon, in addition to the two of them, there are two other gods, Heishui Feipeng and Baixue Xiongzhi, who are also extremely tyrannical existences.

The Mother Earth Snake is retreating and breaking through, the Fate Wind Butterfly has disappeared, and only Heishui Feipeng and Baixue Xiongzhi can be shaken!

The two ancient gods secretly issued a signal for help. With the rapid speed of the black water flying peng, they were afraid that they would be able to reach the battlefield here in an instant. If nothing else, it is completely possible to directly kidnap a few gods of the Eastern Wilderness. .

The next moment, a hissing sound sounded, Fengshen Qinghu and Zilei Qilin showed incredible expressions, as if they heard something incredible.

Lin Xuan's brows furrowed. He could sense that a very threatening aura was rapidly approaching. As for the direction from which it came, it was underground!

He scooped up a lot of Eastern Desolate gods directly, and then dodged to avoid it, and the next second, an incomparably huge mouth of blood shot up into the sky, as if it was going to devour everything.

This is an extremely gigantic python, with a flat head, indifferent eyes, exposed fangs, and a snake letter that appears from time to time, all of which reveal that this is a big snake with an extremely bad temperament.

Could it be that this is the legendary Mother Earth, Mother Earth Snake? !

Lin Xuan's eyes narrowed, and he couldn't help but turn his eyes to glance at the place where the mother of the earth snake was rumored to be retreating, but found that everything was the same.

This is how the same thing?

Could it be that the information is wrong, or that the Earth Snake Mother deceived all the gods at the beginning, she did not enter the retreat at all, but was just doing things outside secretly!

"Human Emperor Lin Xuan!"

The Mother Earth Snake spit out human words, which broke through Lin Xuan's disguise. There was no doubt in her tone, but she was extremely sure.

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