Alternate World: I Started With Two SSS Templates

Vol 2 Chapter 527: Desire to slaughter

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The most prosperous white light is undoubtedly the light presented by the power of faith, and the second golden light should be the soul origin of the sun bird. As for the dullest gray light, it is probably the cause of this time.

What is this gray light?

Lin Xuan and Zhu Mingmei looked at each other, this is not in other places, but in the most secretive and private soul of a living being, how could something unknown appear for no reason?

"Mei'er, do you know what this gray light is?"

Lin Xuan's brows furrowed. Even with his shallow soul knowledge, he could easily see that the gray light was consistent with the soul fluctuations of the Sun God Bird itself. In other words, this thing was the Sun God Bird. part of the soul!

This reminded Lin Xuan of something, cancer cells!

This gray light and cancer cells have the same purpose, they are both harmful substances developed from themselves, but one acts on the human body and the other acts on the soul.

"Lin Lang, this seems to be a curse, I'm not sure, let's see."

Zhu Mingmei frowned. She has been immersed in the way of the soul for many years and has a deep understanding of the soul. This gray light, she recognized at a glance that it was a mutant form of the soul, but it was still the soul in essence, but she also The essence of the curse is also found in this soul.

Yin spirits and ghosts are the best at cursing, so she is not unfamiliar with this way.

She has seen many ways to use the power of the soul to turn into a curse, and even in the way of curse, the curse of the soul is a big category, but using the power of her soul to curse herself, this is the first time she has seen such an outrageous thing, so , I can't believe it at the first time, and it needs to be confirmed again and again.

In fact, Zhu Mingmei is not mistaken, this is indeed the curse of the soul of the sun bird, but there is still something in the middle that connects the two parties, which is a "catalyst", just like people generally do not actively cause cancer Most of them are caused by unhealthy diet or eating certain carcinogens.

This was also discovered after the two continued to conduct in-depth research.

It turned out to be the power of faith!

Is the power of faith poisonous? !

The two looked at each other in dismay. The way of the gods can be said to be belief in success and belief in defeat. The power of belief is poisonous, but it is not considered that the power of belief is poisonous, but the gods worship the gods, and the gods accept the belief of the gods, and this belief is created by a living being the power of the mind.

The mind interferes with reality, which can be described as the world's greatest miracle. With the power of all living beings, relying on an invincible strong man.

And Lin Xuan couldn't help but frowned and sat down. The emperor also involved faith, which is exactly what the saying "water can carry a boat can also overturn a boat", isn't this the terrifying power of faith that the world is talking about? ?

Simply, he is a human emperor, ninety-nine human emperors, not ninety-five emperors. There is no need to be restricted by heaven and earth, and there is no chain that cannot be cultivated. Emperors and emperors cannot cultivate because of the interference of dragon energy, and human emperors do not have this trouble. All The dragon energy was used by him to create the Xia Dynasty dragon veins in the wild world. This is the foundation of the human race's determination of the wild world.

Not only the dragon veins, but also the nine tripods. When the Xia Dynasty unified the four seas of Kyushu, it was the moment when the nine tripods were cast and the world was established. At that time, the mighty power of the human emperor would use the nine tripods to suppress the wild beasts in the world. For summer soil!

All the desolate beast gods who have not been sealed by the emperor will become wild gods and will be suppressed by Jiuding.

At that time, the wild world will enter a new era, the era of the human race.

Ahem, it's too far to say, back to reality.

With the knowledge of the two, and the soul of the sun bird has been dissected out, all the secrets are exposed to the eyes of the two, and there is nothing to hide.

"Oh, I didn't expect that I would actually harm myself."

Lin Xuan shook his head with a wry The totem gods are still the new path of the gods. This path has not been around for a long time, it is only a few hundred years. If there is not a very strong innate ancient With the addition of God, that is, the Dragon Lord of Ji Yan, and the addition of the Lord of Light and the Lord of Darkness, this new God will only grow and grow to this point, occupying the three-way region.

However, the central part of Shenzhou is still occupied by the innate ancient gods. If there is no Lin Xuan to establish the Xia Dynasty, it will represent a war between the human race and the gods. The representatives of the gods will fight in the last battle, and the winner or loser between the two will represent the future direction of the gods in the wild world.

It is a pity that Lin Xuan took over with a strong force, coercing the Quartet with the way of the emperor, replacing the way of the gods with the way of officials, and shouted the words of Ge Ding, "The sky is dead, and the yellow sky should stand."

The gods are afraid that they will become the past and only be recorded in history.

The power of belief, totem gods, this cultivation path is still too young, and these totem gods are not a race with high intelligence and superb scientific research ability, but a group of wild beasts who are still in the initial stage of civilization. Even the basic problem of food and clothing has not been solved. In this case, how can they have the ability to develop the way of the gods.

To put it in a bad way, I am afraid that this **** has not changed since it first appeared.

"What should I do now? What are your plans for those East Desolate gods who have been affected by the curse?"

Zhu Mingmei sat next to Lin Xuan and looked at him tenderly. The situation in the wild world was getting more and more strange. The northern land was better. Now you just need to bury your head in development. It is really unexpected, coupled with the powerful central China and the mysterious West Sea area.

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