Alternate World: I Started With Two SSS Templates

Vol 2 Chapter 525: Dragon Town Divine Bird

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Fighting is not a fight, there is no passion and impulse, when the brain is hot, you will bring hundreds of thousands of younger brothers to fight the other side for a life-and-death battle... Well, saying that, those barbarians in Nanman are really maybe, but even if they are Nanman The leader of the company also knows that it is not profitable to do so early.

Fighting depends on emotions, and fighting depends on interests. It is because they can see the interests that these strong people will put their lives to fight.

The second southeast battle broke out because of this. No one saw the benefits. It was precisely because there were no benefits, so everyone felt that this was a battle that would not be started.

Who would have thought that the gods gave the gods enough reasons to start this war!

Lin Xuan's body swayed, turned into a lightning bolt, and disappeared in place in an instant. The whole person had come to the sky above the battlefield, overlooking the **** energy below, full of evil spirits. In another layer of time and space, boundless Yin Qi was gathering, These dead human races did not dissipate directly, but barely retained their souls...

In this world, there is not yet the Great Way of Reincarnation, and there is no **** in charge of reincarnation!

Lin Xuan seemed to have thought of something, and he was a little surprised, but now is not the time to talk about it. He put the idea of ​​reincarnation in his heart, and he will review it later. The most important thing now is the war below.

The first time he came here, Lin Xuan had already felt that there were a lot of powerhouses hidden in this place, and they were extremely strong, but everyone was hiding aside and didn't intervene, just waiting silently for something.

For a time, Lin Xuan frowned. He knew very well that most of the powerhouses in the wild world were gods and wild beasts. Only the human race of the southern barbarians had some strength, and because of the blood of the beasts, their bloodlines were violent. Factor is also very full, cruel, violent, not human nature.

Needless to say, those who are fighting now are all human races.

The power of the desolate beasts is so powerful that there is no way to tell the winners and losers for a while, and even if they are seriously injured, they can still recover as long as there is a chance. Therefore, the death of one or two is a great event for the gods. .

As for the ordinary people who are fighting below, their strength is low. As long as a knife is cut in a suitable position, it only needs a knife to kill them.

Moreover, for the deaths of ordinary people, three are the same as those who have not died, thirty, don’t panic, only a little, three hundred, oh ho, a little more, three thousand, it is worth paying attention to... Yes, For the gods, only three thousand dead are worth paying attention to!

But to Lin Xuan, every human race is extremely important, because he is the emperor!

We must find a way to save these people.

Standing at a high altitude, Lin Xuan felt that his strength was insufficient for the first time. With his current strength, he could easily suppress an Invincible Earth Rank. There was no big problem. However, the two were a little difficult. As for more, It can only remain undefeated.

But now, the Great Emperor Nanman is an invincible power on the ground, and the Lord of Sun King Glory is also an invincible power on the ground. In addition to these two, there are several hidden powerhouses around, some of them also faintly exuding a powerful breath. Unexpectedly, one or two of them were invincible.

Guaranteed that the four ranks are invincible, it is difficult for Lin Xuan to suppress it strongly, but he still has the confidence to save his life.

Of course, it is not necessary to take a strong shot now. Force suppression is only the last resort. The best way for him now is to know why many gods in the East Wasteland will attack the strong men in Nanman, what is their purpose, and are there any related interests? Are there other people behind the scenes planning?

It is precisely because he does not understand the situation that he has so many doubts.

In any case, it's better to interrupt this battle halfway, otherwise, the human race will suffer too many casualties!

The next moment a figure with a dragon head, a green snake wrapped around his body, and a powerhouse with boundless water vapor under his feet appeared. He had six hands, three heads, the same face, but different expressions. He appeared directly on the battlefield and let out a terrifying roar.

"You guys, make me sleepy!"

Lin Xuan did not use the principles of the earth and thunder, but borrowed the source of wind and rain from the small ball and used the terrifying magical power of wind and rain. For a time, the sky and the earth were dark, and boundless black clouds were layered together, and the terrifying gust of wind made people unable to open their eyes.

At this time, let alone fighting, it is already difficult to stand firm.

"who is it?"

"Brother, help me, these wild beasts don't talk about martial arts and attack us."

The Lord of Glory has fallen into a curse. The golden light that was blooming all over his body has now turned into a black and red evil light. His face has lost the arrogance and indifference of the past, and now it is a bit more hideous and irritable , If there is a disagreement, he will fight with Lin Xuan.

If it weren't for the fact that Lin Xuan was not a part of the curse of faith, he would have already been there.

Wocao, this is the graceful, gentleman like the jade crow, this is the sun bird that hangs high in the world and shines through the ages, how can it be this ghost like now?

Lin Xuan looked at the Lord of Glory with a suspicious look on his face. He had met the Lord of Glory before, and he also knew about the Lord of Glory. He treats friends as kind as the morning sun, and treats enemies as vicious as the scorching sun at noon. And now, is it the dark sun form?

"Ask you, who are you, no matter who you are, get out of here, or else, even you will be cleaned up!"

The Sun God Bird has become a Sun Magic Bird, and it is always cleaning up, obviously it has been enchanted without knowing it.

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