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new domain name xs novel silu silk road

Yes, it is indeed the Nanban people who are doing the trouble!

Lin Xuan naturally knew that if he wanted to do something, he had to muddy the water. Although the original covenant of the gods was a little turbid, he could barely see what was under the water, but after Lin Xuan came, he especially killed the blue-eyed goshawk. After that, everything changed, like a big fish wagging its tail suddenly, muddying the water.

In fact, Nanman only voted in the East District, and the other three districts were poisoned by Lin Xuan's people. Where did the poison come from? Naturally, I bought it in Nanban!

This time, the water was really muddy, and no one could see what was in the muddy water.

After all, it was the land of the Covenant of the Gods. After they found out that Nanman did this, it was a city-wide raid for the merchant caravan of Nanman. It would be better to kill a thousand by mistake than to put one.

The news was sent back to Nanman on the same day, and before they could react, a powerful Nanman strongman shot directly at the covenant of the gods, killed a godly desolate beast, and then fled.

Nanman: ? ? ?

Wocao, who are you... Oh, it's you, aren't you practicing in seclusion? When did you come out?

Nanman was stunned, this strong man is no stranger to him, and he has quite a reputation in Nanman, but the problem is, this strong man has not been active for some time... Once he came out, it was a big deal.

It's not that there are no smart people in Nanman. Naturally, some people think something is wrong, but they can't say it. Moreover, the leader in power has no brains at all. Go up, and fully explain what it means to be "people mixed in the rivers and lakes, and the meaning of words is the first".

Then, the strong man disappeared.

That's right, this powerhouse is Lin Xuan's disguise, and the supernatural power of fetal transformation is really easy to use.

For a time, the struggle between Donghuang and Nanman began to escalate!

This is a good thing for both Donghuang and Nanman. The gods of Donghuang united because of foreign enemies and put aside their previous suspicions and vigilance, while Nanman, um, they just wanted to do it, as The great forces led by the beast-blooded people, their strength has been improved in battles again and again.

The Southeast Mountain Range is the boundary between Donghuang and Nanman. There is a huge mountain range here. That is because this huge mountain is difficult to climb. Therefore, Donghuang and Nanman have not launched a tragic attack for a long time. Otherwise, with the aggressive nature of Nanman, a small fight in three days and a big fight in five days, there is no time for the covenant of the gods to develop.

But now, because the will of both sides to fight is very determined, as the so-called "love is separated by mountains and seas, mountains and seas can be leveled", hatred and fighting spirit are also the same, the mountains that are difficult to climb are not obstacles, this time the Lord of Glory and the Lord of Darkness The stability of Donghuang immediately brought many strong men to confront the strong men of Nanman.

The southern barbarians are actually very similar to the Xia Dynasty in the northern land. He is a powerful force composed of many beast-blooded people. The wild beasts in the southern barbarians are the materials for the human race powerhouses to refine their bodies and improve their strength, but the problem is that they do not have a leader. The king of , and they also have gods, but unlike the gods in other places, the gods here are wild beasts who seek shelter.

Or the bred gods.

In the land of the southern barbarians, there are many wild beasts, but they cannot withstand the long-term hunting and killing of the southern barbarians, and the desolate beasts will naturally become less and less. Therefore, the smart southern barbarians thought of a way to use the powerful mechanism of the gods in reverse.

First find a weak and weak wild beast, then make it a god, and let it grow rapidly through the power of faith. When the strength grows to a certain stage, harvest it and become a child, or a material for others to improve their strength.

Just, very dog, but the effect is really good!

Eastern Wilderness, Northern Nanman, Central China, Xihai, and all four sides can survive in the realm of the gods, naturally because their strength is not bad. But it can't be said much, and there is a southeast mountain range separated, at most there is a slap in the face.

As for the hatred between the two sides, it's very simple, one side finds the other side unpleasant, while the other side sees that one side is full of good cultivation materials...

Donghuang and Nanman Chen Bing in the southeastern mountain range, the kings of the two sides met, and almost did not fight, the king of Nanman directly pulled a **** in front of the Lord of Glory, and clicked directly.

Lin Xuan, who was hiding on the side, was amazed, this Southern Barbarian King, don't look foolish, he is really good at pulling hatred.

Lin Xuan's eyes looked at the Southeast Mountain Range. If this mountain range could be removed, then Donghuang and Nanman would not be quarreling like they are now. It's really cheap.

Can you remove this mountain range?


Come back to Taixia and invite all the gods!

The speed of Wanfa Tianren coming to the southeast mountain range was very fast. In less than ten minutes, Lin Xuan and Wanfa Tianren were already standing side by side in the sky, looking at the southeast mountain range below.

"Remove this mountain?"

Wanfa Tianren glanced at the many powerhouses facing each other below, raised his brows, and now knew what was going on, but he also had a problem. After all, this is a huge mountain range. ?

"Either lose the West Sea, or put it in the central Shenzhou."

Lin Xuan suggested.

Donghuang and Nanman cannot be released. Once people in these two places know that the mountain has been moved to their site, they will definitely have concerns. As for the northern land, it is the site of the Xia Dynasty.

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new domain name xs novel silu silk road

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