Alternate World: I Started With Two SSS Templates

Vol 2 Chapter 514: Covenant of the Gods

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War is never a simple comparison of strengths, but a variety of strategies emerge in an endless stream. You come and go, and there are dark tides. If the civilization of the wild world is too backward, Lin Xuan really wants to use the power of Taixia to fight. In an economic war, the opponent was defeated without a fight.

Damn, this is still an era of barter!

The economic war cannot afford it, and Lin Xuan still wants to fight the information war.

There is another saying: The first battle is to attack the plot, the second is to attack the Jiao, the next is to attack the army, and the next is to attack the city!

As for the war in the Eastern Wilderness, it has actually begun, but before the troops are launched, the food and forage are also in the preparation stage, first planning, then diplomacy.

The Eastern Wasteland, the covenant of the gods.

About ten miles away from the city, a convoy carrying a large amount of goods was marching. The leader of it was a powerful half-dragon man. He raised his head and glanced at the majestic city standing in the middle of the Eastern Wasteland. About not only a force, but also a city of miracles in the East Wasteland.

It was finally here. After starting from the Northland, after more than a month, their group finally arrived at the center of the Eastern Wasteland, which is also the most important place in the Eastern Wasteland.

At the gate of the Covenant of the Gods, the bird guards of the Lord of Glory are interrogating pedestrians from all walks of life. They are charging entrance fees, depending on the strength of the gods, and charging different fees depending on the status. Although it is very utilitarian, but in this wild era, The strong do have great privileges.

"Which **** are you under?"

The bird guard commander asked the Banyanlong man, and he was not allowed to be careless. This is clearly a humble human race, but because of his belief in a powerful god, he was blessed by the **** and turned into a beast-like form. This state is called demigod, and the existence of demigod is, without exception, the sacrifice of noble gods.

The Banyan Longren did not pay attention to Bird Guard, but stared at him, and the terrifying Jiyan Longwei was released. This was a sacrifice to the gods under the command of a great god. (Low, medium, high, peak invincibility corresponds to weak, medium, high, powerful, and great gods.)

In the Eastern Wilderness area, there are two most powerful gods, one is the lord of brilliance representing the sun, the main body is a sun bird with an invincible level, and the other is the lord of darkness representing the dark moon. A moon king rabbit with an invincible level.

The two great gods ruled in time. When the sun shines, the lord of brilliance rules the covenant of the gods.

Bird Guard is certainly one of the most powerful gods in the East, but when encountering the sacrifice of Ji Yanlong, who is also a great god, Bird Guard must show respect. After all, the gods are at the same level, but one is a guard. The other is to worship adults.

"It was originally under the command of Lord Ji Yanlong to worship the adults, please come in."

The fee for passing through the door is also not charged. In the same sentence, the strong represents the power!

The Banyan Longren's expression remained unchanged, and he led the huge team into the covenant of the gods, and then merged into the sea like a drop of black ink.

The inner city of the Covenant of the Gods, there is the most majestic building here, the Temple of the Gods, and the Temple of the Gods is a conference of many gods, and it will only start when the decision is made, but in fact, this temple of the gods has been built. It was never used at all, because the gods didn't care about the management of the covenant of the gods at all, as long as they obtained more blood food and more resources for themselves through their subordinates, it was enough.

The covenant of the gods is governed by the sacrifices of many gods, among which the sacrifices of the Lord of Light and the Lord of Darkness are the main ones, supplemented by the sacrifices of other gods.

At this time, many gods and gods have already received the news that the Jiyan dragon priest has entered the covenant of the gods. The sacrifice of a dragon master naturally did not make them a large group of gods and gods. The sacrifice of labor and teachers, but it is about the one who conquered the Jiyan dragon with force. Human Sovereign Lin Xuan, can't be Human Sovereign Lin Xuan is simply outrageous, how can people fight with gods, then Lao Shizi Xia Dynasty is afraid that it will be destroyed! "

A deity priest who has no sense of existence said angrily that he is also a human race, but he does not want to be an individual.

Because of the rise of the Xia Dynasty, their group of gods and gods can clearly feel that many gods above them are becoming more and more harsh to them. became blood.

Sitting in the upper position, golden light blooms all over his body, three feathers grow on the top of his head, a pair of feathers are tucked behind him, and his hands are claw-shaped, but they have not been completely transformed. The high priest, such a demigod, shows the trust and grace of the gods.

At this time, the sun was in the sky, and it was the time when the Lord of Glory ruled the Eastern Wasteland.

"Be careful." At this time, the high priest seemed to have heard the words of the humble little sacrifice, and opened his eyes in vain, the powerful power made everyone dare not look at him, "No matter what the emperor, Lin Xuan, It can be regarded as a great **** level, and there should be awe for the strong."

"Yes, listen to the teachings of the glorious high priest."

The little priest was also very discerning, and immediately obeyed his heart, bowing respectfully to the high priest.

"The gods under the command of Lord Ji Yanlong came to Wudonghuang to offer sacrifices. I think it was the will of the emperor. Wait, who will come in contact."

The splendid high priest opened his sharp eyes in vain, and it seemed that two bright rays of light shot out from his eyes. His voice was as calm and peaceful as always, like the morning sun.

The priests of the gods looked at each other in dismay, and the last priest of the treasure cat stood up and accepted the piece.

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