Alternate World: I Started With Two SSS Templates

Vol 2 Chapter 510: Ritual: Dragon God descends on the world with 5 disasters!

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Izanagi is the father of the gods in the myth of the small country, and is also the origin of the myth of the small country, appearing in every corner of the myth of the small country.

When he entered Gao Tianyuan, the land of the gods, he turned into all things, directly integrated into this world, everywhere, and nothing was not him.

Therefore, this sun hanging high in the world was transformed by a bit of his god, and at this moment, Lin Xuan punched the star, and this **** was naturally beaten to pieces and shattered in the sky.

[Slaughter God: Earth Rank +1]

The gods are easy to kill, but the world is hard to destroy!

Although Lin Xuan can set off a world-annihilating disaster, it is more aimed at the creatures in the world. For the world itself, it is not so easy to completely destroy it.

Gaotian originally carried the beliefs of the people of this small country, and was born from nothingness. As soon as he appeared, he expanded wildly and continued to grow. As its titular leader, Izanagi, was also absorbing power crazily. Constantly improving his strength, if it wasn't for Lin Xuan, who put his own brand on the core authority of Gao Tianyuan from the very beginning, I am afraid that by this time, Gao Tianyuan would have become Izanagi's kingdom of God!

Is there any way now?

Of course there is!

For the destruction of the world, the human race is naturally the corresponding knowledge reserve, but the dragon race has it. Lin Xuan has always had the knowledge of the dragon race system that he obtained after sorting out the breakthrough. This knowledge is inherited in the bloodline. Although Lin Xuan chose to eliminate the ancestor dragon bloodline , but the knowledge inside is reluctant to discard, and has been preserved, including many records about destroying the world.

There are many classifications in the world, starting from the most **** space grid, which is generally used to make space treasures such as space rings, and then there are half planes, large and small, which can be used as bases, and powerful mages can make The half plane is transformed into a mage tower base or a fortress, and then there is a small world. .

Don't look at Gao Tianyuan's high-profile appearance, it is a place for gods to live, but in fact, this is just a small world that has just been born, and it is too easy to destroy it.

Ritual: The Dragon God descends on the five plagues of the world!

Heaven and man have five declines, and the world also has five disasters. After passing it, it is hoped to be promoted to Xiaoqian World. If it is not passed, then naturally it will be gone!

As for the material of the ritual, it is naturally dragon blood, and Lin Xuan has a lot of dragon blood, all of which are left over from watering the Elf Dragon God Tree.

The first disaster, the spine moves!

Lin Xuan swept the world and saw at a glance the highest mountain in the world, Fuji!

Then a large amount of dragon blood was poured down, using huge power to depict a strange ritual formation. This is the trace depicted in the dragon language. Once carved, the world will feel it, but unfortunately, there is no world will in the small world.

But without the will of the world, Izanagi cannot pretend that this thing does not exist. As the nominal master of Gao Tianyuan, he is merging with the world in the depths of the origin of the world. Suddenly, a strong sense of palpitations hit him, causing his movements Stagnation, when he turned his eyes, he saw the ritual that Lin Xuan was depicting.

Although he doesn't know what ritual this is, he can feel that once this ritual is formed, it will cause huge damage to the small world.

No, absolutely not, this small world is the foundation of his enlightenment, how can he let Lin Xuan destroy it, but the problem is that he has no authority over Lin Xuan.

In a certain sense, he is the professional manager of the company "Gao Tianyuan" who was appointed by default. He has the support of the big boss (the will of the small life), and there is no problem in taking over Gao Tianyuan. Now he is in the process of handing over the procedures, but Lin Xuan is not ordinary. , he is a minority shareholder of the company "Gao Tianyuan" If he has become a professional manager, he has many ways to deal with Lin Xuan, a minority shareholder, but he can't do it now, the procedures have not been completed, but Lin Xuan has already come up with a handle that can destroy Gao Tianyuan.

That's pretty gnarly!

Now it was Izanagi's turn to make a choice, whether to continue to merge with Gao Tianyuan, or go out and stop Lin Xuan's actions.

The only fusion with Gao Tianyuan, maybe the moment of fusion is the moment when He fell, and there may be a chance to return in the future, but time is not for me, who knows when the future will come?

Going out to stop Lin Xuan, that's even more ridiculous, remember why he entered Gaotianyuan, run for his life!

With a bang, the first disaster of Mount Fuji has been recorded.

Lin Xuan turned around and walked away. He went to the place where the sun had just exploded. The stench of the dragon's blood was poured out. The powerful force stabilized the dragon's blood in the air, and outlined the second disaster, the Tianhe River!

Catastrophe is coming!

Izanagi in the source space of the world suddenly felt that he was in danger, not because of anything else, but because of the rituals recorded by Lin Xuan. The source power of the world that he was ecstatic before now became the source of his fear and fear. , as long as his hand touches the source power of the world, his body is happy, but his spiritual sense madly warns him, leave, leave, leave!

After the second disaster, Lin Xuan went to the ocean, the plain, and the forest again!

Describe the next disaster after another ritual.

And the Izanagi people in the origin space of the world are numb!

He only felt that maybe he was going to die, and when he stayed in this place, he felt that the crisis of death was imminent, death, death, death!

"Evil, Taixia's demon, what have you done?"

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