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new domain name xs novel silu silk road

Start calling out!

Others may not be able to see it, but Lin Xuan saw it. At this moment, the whole Xiaotianguo saw the live broadcast. They once believed in it. For those who believed in the existence of "Gao Tianyuan" and "Yinming Huangquan", they began to chant, and their minds began to talk. The thoughts in it flashed frequently, and this was the power of faith.

"Gao Tianyuan" and "Yin Ming Huangquan" are not unknown evil gods. These are myths handed down from the origin of the small country, and they naturally have a market. Now I suddenly heard that "Gao Tianyuan" and "Yin Ming Huangquan" can help those with ability to defeat Demon, this is worth it, for a while, the sense of participation of ordinary people came, gave up sleep, knelt down in front of the statue, and bowed sincerely.

It turned out to be a success!

A sacred and radiant place, it seems that there are children's voices singing, and there are whales in the depths of the ocean, and then a few insects and birds chirping, in this space, all the beauty of the world is spread!

Another place is dark and evil. If ghosts are whispering in low voices, the wailing of evil is expanding, and evil tigers and evil dragons meet. This is hell, bearing the darkness of the world!

The Yasukuni Ghost Society is one body with three sides. It is not only the Yasukuni Ghost Society in the human world, but also the Yasukuni Shrine in Gaotianyuan, and the Yasukuni Demon Society in the yin and yellow springs. It connects the three worlds and is the meeting point of the three worlds of the small country.

This kind of thing should not have happened, but it has happened now. No accident, Lin Xuan killed the Ether Dragon King, causing the consequences of the overturning of heaven and earth.

Clang~, clang~, clang~!

The statement of Tianyin was bright and grand, resounding through the heavens and the earth for a while, both the able and the demon stopped for a while, they stopped completely involuntarily, froze in place, listening to the Tianyin from the avenue.

The voice of the world opening contains unimaginable truths. If it weren't for the fact that too many people participated, I'm afraid many people would soar into the sky and become the trendsetters of the times. But now, the two world openings are the biggest. The fruit was grabbed by Lin Xuan.

The sound of the sky is clear, Lin Xuan is the closest, this truth is first filtered by Lin Xuan, and then passed on. Others can be said to have drank Lin Xuan's foot wash, cough, and then the world has just settled, although It has been determined that it is Gao Tianyuan and Yinming Huangquan, but there are no gods in it, that is to say, it is still a blank situation.

Lin Xuan immediately threw out his seal of the Emperor of Humanity, and used the authority of the Emperor of Humanity to put his own seal on the blank space of these two new worlds. No matter how these two worlds evolved in the future, Lin Xuan would always be the same. minority shareholders.


The next moment, Lin Xuan and Zhang Ningtian were about to enter these two worlds to have a look, but found that they were surrounded.

There are more than 10,000 capable people, and the leader is a top-level powerhouse. I haven't heard of the name. It is roughly an ordinary giant, and there is no threat.

Tens of millions of monsters, although most of them are trash monsters of the yellow rank, but the Empire Violent Dragon leads the way, with a dozen or so great monsters of the rank behind them, regardless of their strength, but the momentum is really in place.

In the end, the gods were the one with the smallest number, but the strongest strength. The three noble sons gathered together, and there were two unknown gods, but the appearance of a man and a woman, no surprise, should be Izanagi and Izanami.

There is also the Sword Saint Wei Ming, this little old man, looking at Lin Xuan with anger, although he didn't speak, he seemed to want to understand Lin Xuan's previous plan, everything was for the birth of these two worlds.

"People from Taixia are not allowed to enter Gaotianyuan, and they are not allowed to enter Yinming Huangquan. This is the realm of the gods!"

Izanagi stepped forward, his aura was extremely terrifying, and unlike Mikiko's incarnation of the gods, he was in the form of a human saint, not a human saint achieved by possessing humans, but a saint condensed by divine power. Status is extremely powerful.

Not only Izanagi is a saint in the world, but so is Izanami. They and Mikiko did not follow the same path. Mikiko took the path of believing in the gods, while the two brothers and sisters Izai followed the path of ancient gods. The power of faith is not required.

"I need your approval to do things!"

Izanagi is domineering, and Lin Xuan is even more domineering than him. Shenwei and Diwei are both the top majesty in the world, and Izanagi is the **** of the divine authority, while Lin Xuan is the emperor of the divine authority. , If the two want to fight, one must be hurt!

Line up!

Around the two, the rest of the forces began to waver. Their strength was not comparable to these two. In the absence of top combat power, choosing to stand in a team is the best choice, but which one to choose?

The official ability of Xiaotianguo naturally has to choose the side of Izanagi, because Lin Xuan is from Taixia, so there are natural barriers. There is no national border in cultivation, but there are practitioners.

Then there is the demon side. This is also the power that Lin Xuan can fight for. The strength of the Imperial Violent Dragon and his subordinates is quite good. No matter which side can get their effect, they will have a lot of advantages. See how the Imperial Violent Dragon chose?

As for the Sword Saint Weiming, no one cares about him, he is just a half-dead Sword Saint. He is seriously injured and has difficulty moving. There is no need for Lin Xuan to target him, and there is no need for the gods to target him. After all, he still has a live broadcast on his hands. The people of the over 100 million small days are now his weapons.

The choice of the imperial tyrannical dragon becomes the key!

Lin Xuan and Izanagi and Izanagi competed against each other, and the momentum between the three soared into the sky.

"How do you choose

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new domain name xs novel silu silk road

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