Alternate World: I Started With Two SSS Templates

Vol 2 Chapter 484: Yasukuni Shrine

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Small Day Country, Tokyo area, Gokacho.

Xiaotianguo has always been strange. It is the only country around Taixia that has not established a national capital. Tokyo has become a representative city of Xiaotianguo because of its prosperity, but it is not the capital of Xiaotianguo.

Wuhua Town is not well-known in the Tokyo area, but this area is one of the five areas with the highest traffic in Tokyo. Because there is a ghost club, the Yasukuni Ghost Club, people like to call it "Ghost Club". Near the company", the name of Wuhua Town gradually faded away.

But this day was different from usual. Blocks were set up all around, and the entire area was prohibited from entering. For a time, the entire Wuhua Town fell into a silent ghost, silent and silent, as if waiting for something.

At the entrance of the Yasukuni Ghost Society, a well-known swordsman from Xiaolianguo was sitting on the steps of the front entrance, taking a sip of wine from time to time, holding a sharp sword in his arms.

He is the famous swordsman Wei Ming in the small country. Originally, he did not want to go to this muddy water, but Abe Seimei and Yaqi Orochi approached him at the same time, coercing and enticing him, coupled with Xiaozhi's affection, moving him Eli and the Sword Saint Wei Ming were forced to bring them to the Yasukuni Ghost Society.

However, after knowing that the three of them sneaked into Taixia and stole Su Huai Porridge out, the Sword Saint Wei Ming was silent, and he drew his sword directly at them, and he was about to cut down. Entering Taixia to kidnap people, but then again, this thing actually succeeded, I really don't understand?

But it doesn't matter. Taixia will definitely come to retaliate, and he doesn't want to die, so he also told Abe Qing clearly that if he encounters someone from Taixia to save Su Huai Porridge, he will not take action. As for The ghost that walks in the night of the Hundred Ghosts in Tokyo, then leave it to him!


A small bat hung upside down under an eaves, staring blankly at the Juggernaut Ashina sitting at the entrance of the Yasukuni Ghost Society. Although its eyes were invisible, the ultrasonic feedback from its mouth came back, knowing where it was. There is a super powerful strong man.

This bat is the exploration bat split by Alice. Alice has come to the vicinity of the Yasukuni, but she did not approach the detective in person, but sent a small ordinary bat from a distance away. , let them open their eyes for themselves.

Ashiname Sword Saint took a sip of wine and glanced at the bat hanging upside down with disdain in his eyes, holding the hilt with his right hand and the scabbard with his left... The pistol on the side, aiming, shooting, bang, shot in an instant , and directly make the stupid bat into the flesh.

He neatly retracted the pistol in his left hand, blew it slightly at the muzzle, and then closed the safety of the pistol, which almost went off.

"Ten steps away, the gun is fast!"

The sound of Ashina Swordsman's shooting was very loud, but no one in the ghost club came out to check, it seemed that he was used to it.

At the edge of the blockade, Alice and Huangmao were sitting cross-legged and resting. Suddenly, Alice opened her eyes and rubbed her temples. A little bat was smashed to pieces, and her mental strength was still damaged by a smile. , but it's not too much of a hindrance, and it will recover in a while.

But this time, she plans to prepare a few more bats and fly into the Yasukuni Ghost Society to check it out.

Their mission this time is to be looming, and then drag Abe Seimei's footsteps. As for whether they can find the whereabouts of Su Huai Porridge, they will follow the fate.

But in doing things, it has always been "the one who asks the top gets it, and the one who asks for it gets the bottom", so Alice naturally has to do the task in the direction of inquiring about the whereabouts of Su Huai porridge. As long as she finds Su Huai porridge, Abe Seimei will also definitely Nearby.

"Eldest sister, how is it, how is the situation around the Yasukuni Ghost Society?"

Huang Mao asked anxiously. This time, among their team, Li Rui and Xiao Wei accompanied Lin Xuan to kill the eight-headed He and Alice came to investigate the Yasukuni Ghost Society. As well as holding back Abe Seimei's support, the last half-demon was looking for a place to break through the ground.

I'm still a little flustered when my eldest brother is not here, after all, my eldest sister's head is a little unreliable.

"There is a very strong expert sitting at the door."

Alice's beautiful brows were tightly wrinkled. She could feel the sharp sword intent even through the little bat, but she didn't know why, but the little bat was smashed to pieces by a pistol blow.

So hateful, just look down on my little bat.

After recovering for a while, Alice dispatched five small bats, which bypassed the Sword Saint Ashina sitting at the main entrance and flew directly towards the interior of the Yasukuni Ghost Society.

Jiansheng Weiming looked up inexplicably, I was just looking at the gate, these little bats didn't fly in from the gate, it's none of my business!

The internal situation of the Yasukuni Ghost Society quickly learned a lot through the ultrasound collection of the little bat.

The Yasukuni Society enshrines the heroic spirits of war criminals. It is precisely because the citizens of the small country need them to become heroic spirits, use violence to control violence, and use ghosts to control ghosts, and use them to compete with the Hundred Ghosts Night Walk that roams Tokyo.

Through the ears of the little bat, Alice "saw" the wooden tablets of Heroic Spirits placed in the huge ghost club, and each tablet was more or less entangled with some inexplicable aura.

In addition to these heroic spirit tablets, the little bats also saw Abe Seimei and Su Huai porridge!

Really here!

The next moment, Abe Seimei seemed to have noticed the strangeness of the little bat. A black and white light appeared from the tip of his finger, and the light flashed away. The five little bats hidden in the ghost club had no time to react, and were directly cut into pieces. two halves.

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