Alternate World: I Started With Two SSS Templates

Vol 2 Chapter 443: Swallowing thousands of miles like a tiger!

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The wind and snow season is finally over. During this period of time, Lin Xuan and others have not been idle, developing agriculture, developing armed forces, and drawing maps. Although three or four months are long, the wild world is unexpectedly large. , even at Lin Xuan's speed, he only drew a small part of the map around Wusei Village.

However, Ji Yanlong City has been found, which is near the volcano in the southwest.

Lin Xuan took a trip in person and saw with his own eyes this "Ji Yanlong City", which is known as one of the three holy cities in the wild world.

Jiyanlong City was built on a volcano with a very wide range. After repeated expansions, the volcano was half surrounded. The city wall was towering, made of obsidian, and its defense was extremely strong.

In Jiyan Dragon City, humans and beasts live in a mixture, with humans second, and beasts as the main force. Due to the influence of Jiyan Dragon in the volcano, most of the beasts in Dragon City have dragon veins and are extremely powerful.

Jiyan Longcheng is also a sacred place for beastmasters in the wild world!

Standing at the foot of the volcano, Lin Xuan looked calm and silently raised his head to look at this huge volcano. He could clearly sense the hot breath in the volcano and that a very terrifying dragon was sleeping.

This should be a wild beast giant dragon born in response to heaven and earth. Its strength is inherently strong. Coupled with the blessing of the beliefs of tens of millions of people in Jiyanlong City, it has taken the last step and became one of the earth's ranks. The invincible powerhouse is no different from Wanfa Tian and Wudang old immortal.

This level of strength is truly terrifying, no wonder it can dominate one side and peep into the central region occupied by the innate gods!

Lin Xuan left quietly. The strength of Jiyan Dragon City is not something they can deal with for the time being, but fortunately it is a dragon species, Taixia and the dragon clan have allied, and Taixia's national fortune has already manifested the golden dragon of luck. He is a person of Taixia. The emperor can also be regarded as the dragon king of the dragon clan. If Taixia can be a little more tyrannical, it is also possible to become an ancestral dragon.

Therefore, when the dragon clan and Lin Xuan fight, they will be restrained a little by nature. This is the reason for the suppression of blood, and it cannot be avoided anyway.

In the five-color village, Lin Xuan was in the top position, the scholars from Taixia sat quietly by the side, and many strong people of the earth were standing quietly in armor and sharpness, and beside them were the old priests and the warriors of the wild world.

Before the dynasties in the wild world have developed, the powerhouses of Taixia will be the main force, but in the future, this power will gradually shift towards the local powerhouses in the wild world. In the end, The local powerhouse will have the strength of the earth rank and push the world horizontally.

"The strength of Jiyan Dragon City is terrifying. For the time being, our Five Colors Village can't deal with it. We must take care of it!"

"Far and close attack, one village after another, the population gathers, develops agriculture, improves science and technology, and builds a supreme dynasty!"

"That's good, but the question is will Ji Yanlong City allow us to develop like this?"

"Although Jiyan Dragon City is strong, it is only the old dragon. As for the other dragon beasts, there is nothing to say!"

In the thatched hall, you talked to me, and the discussion among the Taixia powerhouses was hot, while several old priests stood aside in embarrassment and did not dare to speak. Their identities were the highest among the local powerhouses, but In terms of strength, he is completely unqualified to discuss matters here. Just one person can raise his hand to kill them.

Can't be bothered!

But they are indeed the future of the Wild World Dynasty!

"Human... Lord Human Sovereign, do we really want to be the enemy of Jiyan Dragon City?"

An old priest stood up tremblingly, with fear in his words. He was indeed convinced of the strength of the emperor, but the prestige of Jiyan Longcheng had spread throughout the North for hundreds of years. Pi's belief has been deeply ingrained in their minds. When he thinks of becoming an enemy of Jiyan Dragon City, he is afraid. He is afraid that a gilded fire dragon will appear in the sky and a red flame dragon's breath will directly destroy the entire five-color village~www.wuxiamtl .com~ What, are you afraid? "

Lin Xuan glanced at him and shook his head with a smile, "There's nothing to be afraid of... Forget it, you guys are already people of the old era. Although Xinshida doesn't have a boat that can carry you, you can still live well. Looking at the landscape of the new era, the future still depends on the younger generation.”

Building a dynasty has never been done overnight, especially in a world with extraordinary power. If it wasn't for the support of Tai Xia, Lin Xuan would be powerless even if he had the invincible strength in the world.

The local powerhouses are basically unusable now. The old priests are already old. It is still possible to manage the village, but if they upgrade to a town, they are afraid that they are also powerless. The foundation has not been able to embark on the three fundamental paths, and now he can only hunt and maintain his livelihood.

The last hope lies in those babes who have just experienced the baptism of animal blood. Although they are only four or five or six years old, the animal blood and bones they use are specially hunted and killed by Lin Xuan and others, and Qin Fen will teach them later. Martial arts have a solid foundation.

Unfortunately, there are still many years before their era.

"The strategy of five-color villages and rural encirclement of cities has been fully launched."

"The Department of War, the ultimate goal, is to destroy all the villages, towns, and small towns around Jiyanlong City, plunder the population, and kill all the gods."

"Logistics department, do a good job in the construction of new cities, accept the relocated population, provide sufficient food, and deal with security issues..."

"Ministry of Education, do a good job in the education of young children in the wild world, prepare all kinds of materials for animal blood baptism, and ensure that every four to six-year-old child can undergo a beast blood baptism.

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