Alternate World: I Started With Two SSS Templates

Vol 2 Chapter 159: Unknown area common sense

"This is the first time for my little brother to come to Xidu. Well, he is a Tianjiao student of Taixia Ninth University. That's not right. At this time, the main game is about to start, so I shouldn't have time to go out and overtake..."

Song Ming, an old information hunter, said confidently, but soon he found out that something was wrong. If he was an official member of the nine major varsity teams, he should be actively preparing for the game, how could he have time to go out and "fuck around"!

"Haha, I'm a student of Diyi High School, but I'm not a member of this school team, so I don't need to compete."

"Oh, I understand, I understand" Song Ming nodded, although he was still confused, he didn't intend to pursue it further, "Then let me tell you about the distribution of wild monsters in the Western Capital first!"

"The area covered by the ghost fog is very large, and we little minions don't know much, and the scope of detection is also limited by the four Yin spirit Jedi I mentioned earlier."

"We roughly divide the ghost mist into four areas. The east area is dominated by ghosts (casters) and zombies (fighters), which are quite difficult to mess with. The land is all in the southern area, and Guimenguan is also in the southern area. The western area is special. Some criminals in Western Europe will escape through some special channels to avoid being hunted. Most of them are vampires, werewolves, and the undead. See you next, Sansheng, little brother, even if you have the flame of Mount Tai, don't think about it."

"The Wangchuan River runs through the entire ghost mist, but it doesn't necessarily appear. If you want to cross the river, you must go to the Bridge of Life. Otherwise, the consequences will be unpredictable. Anyway, no one who descended the Wangchuan River will come back alive."

"If the target of my brother is mainly ghosts and ghosts, the southern area is more suitable. In addition to the gathering of a large number of ghosts in the ghost gate, there are several large and giant places where the ghost gathers, with a total number of nearly one billion."

"With the Yan of Mount Tai, my little brother doesn't need to worry about the ghost king of the earth, but he also has to maintain a certain respect for the strong."

"Finally, I just want to talk to the little brother about the benefits, whether it is the soul essence left after beheading the ghosts, ghosts and monsters, or the treasures of the heaven and earth, as long as the little brother brings it back, then let's Lao Song will definitely give you a good price!"

This is a verbal invitation and has no legal benefit, but it involves personal morality. For those who are capable, the law may have some ways to take advantage of the loopholes, but virtue is related to one’s behavior, and no one will cooperate with a capable person with a disadvantageous virtue. , unless you plan to cheat others in the first place.

Lin Xuan thought calmly, analyzed it a little, and nodded in agreement with Lao Song's invitation.

Again, no one would cooperate with a capable person with a disadvantaged virtue. If Lao Song dared to cheat him, then the Taixia Ninth Great Master behind Lin Xuan was not a vegetarian!

When Lao Song saw this, he laughed happily. The recent good things were really one after another. He didn't dare to delay. He called up the relevant routes from his own watch, and made detailed remarks for many places, and then there was an accompanying copy In addition, there is a relatively secret hunter safe house.

West is no better than other cities. There is no need to build a hunter town, because it is extremely dangerous to sleep in the shadows of ghosts. Therefore, you must leave the area covered by ghosts and ghosts before dark. Of course, if there is Mount Tai Zhi Yan doesn't need to be so troublesome!

Lin Xuan received all of them with the Diyi watch, but saw Lao Songzheng looking at the Diyi watch on Lin Xuan's wrist with envy, "As expected of the Tianjiao of Taixia Ninth University, this equipment is good."

Lin Xuan, who has never been in the circle of socially competent people, has no idea that the Diyi watch that he is accustomed to can still arouse the envy of a capable person, "It's okay, it's okay, then I'll go first and wait for me to come back. Find you again."

After walking out of the Capable People's Guild, Lin Xuan did not delay, and took a taxi directly to the South Gate of Xidu. This place is still a little far from the South Gate, and it took an hour to arrive.

The antique blue brick city wall, but now the beauty of the city wall is more important than the defense of the enemy, although each piece of blue brick is engraved with inexplicable Taoism, it seems to have the mighty power of warding off ghosts and subduing demons.

There are bright yellow flames lit on the city wall. I didn't know it before, but now I look at it, hey, isn't this the Yan of Mount Tai, my God, this, this number is indeed a bit large.

However, this is also consistent with Lin Xuan's previous guess. I am afraid that the flames of Mount Tai are not an extraordinary resource that was born naturally. There is a high probability that it is man-made, but only randomly appears on Mount Tai... It is self-evident who created these flames!

Immortal Minghuang!

There are guards patrolling the western capital around the city wall. They are a group of ordinary people, but they are carrying special muskets, which can not only pose a certain threat to those who are capable, but also cause a lot of damage to the undead.

Joining the army is also a way to become a capable person, but let’s not talk about it for now!

After Lin Xuan registered at the city gate, he walked straight to the deep mountains and dense forests shrouded in ghostly mist.

There is no environment for large-scale cultivation of spiritual food in Xidu. The ghosts and the weather and climate are not suitable for planting. Therefore, most of the food in Xidu is transported from outside. Of course, it is not suitable for it. Italian wheat is a specialty of Xidu.

Different from the hustle and bustle of the dense forests in other areas, this place is very quiet, no, it should be quiet, no chirping of insects and birds can be heard, and occasionally there is a shrill roar, which cannot be heard by living creatures.

The two strangely-shaped skeletons were walking staggeringly in the forest. They seemed to smell the scent of life, and they were quite excited and walked towards Lin Xuan.

Without disposing of these two skeletons, Lin Xuan scratched his head, took out the deodorant powder from his personal space and smeared it all over his body, but it was useless. For flesh-and-blood creatures, deodorant powder is still useful, but the undead creatures smell the breath of life. , unless Lin Xuan covered up the breath of life on his body or died...

This... I didn't expect to encounter problems as soon as I went out.

There are quite a few undead that will be encountered along the way. If you can't cover up your own soul, UU reading is afraid that it will cause a terrifying tide of undead.

"Hey, brother, this is my first time here in Xidu."

A big brother who looked like an old bird in Xidu smashed two skeletons with two sticks. Looking at Lin Xuan's distressed face, he pulled up two grasses from the ground with a smile and threw them to him, "Squeeze out the grass juice and rub it on. You'll be fine."

"Oh, brother, thank you, what kind of grass is this?"

"It doesn't have a name. We all call it rotten grass. It's everywhere. Your body's blood is a bit strong, remember to wipe it more."

The old man waved his hand and followed his own team towards the depths of the jungle.

Lin Xuan smiled, he was good at fighting, but he was really not clear about some tips, tricks, and local common sense.

He pulled out a lot of rotten grass, squeezed out the grass juice and rubbed it on his body, and then walked in the dense forest. Those undead never noticed him again, and it was quite practical.

Clicking on the map and comparing the directions, Lin Xuan walked towards the nearest medium-sized Yin Gathering place with about 10,000 Yin spirits.

Try it out first, then talk!

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