Alternate World: I Started With Two SSS Templates

Vol 2 Chapter 156: Climbing Mount Tai at night

After Rao Yuanxing gave instructions to the students, he waved his hand, saying that he could get out of the way, and don't disturb his interest in drinking.

And Lin Xuan and the others didn't care, instead, they started discussing where to look with great interest. Maybe there will be a chance... in case!

"Senior Qin, why don't we go to Mount Tai to play?"

Lin Xuan suggested and said that he would go today. The start date of the National High School League is three days away. Once the game starts, the members of the high school team will not have time to go out to play, so they must make a quick decision.

"Yes, but the scenery of Mount Tai is best at sunrise, followed by sunset. Why don't we go up the mountain overnight to see the big sun rising in the east tomorrow morning, how about it?"

Lin Xuan nodded again and again. Originally, he wanted to go up the mountain overnight, but considering that there was a "soft and cute little trash" among his teammates, it was not a good suggestion.

The two captains agreed. How could the two sisters, Yang Cheng and Su Tian refuse? Naturally, they nodded in agreement. At this time, members of the other high school teams also crowded in, "Wow with us, there are so many people, so many people. lively."

Qin Fen glanced at Lin Xuan and saw that he had no opinion, so naturally he had permission, and the other members also proposed to go up the mountain together.

"Okay, then go up the mountain overnight tonight!"

Qin Fen set the tone, then turned to look at the teacher, "Teacher, do you want to go together?"

Rao Yuanxing waved his hand, "I won't go, I don't know how many times I've watched it, and I'm tired of watching it, so just go by yourself."

"Okay, teacher, then we'll go by ourselves!" Qin Fen didn't ask for it, Rao Yuanxing was their bodyguard, but only outside the city, and inside the city, especially the Xidu where the undead Minghuang sat, as long as he returned Take a breath, it's hard to die.

The undead Minghuang is not only a powerful guardian, but also a warrior with the title of Overlord, and an auxiliary teacher with the title of Holy Mercy!

The trinity, powerful and unparalleled, ranking in the earth rank: the third in Taixia and the fifth in the world!

When night falls, the night in Xidu is a little quieter than in the imperial capital. Ordinary people also know the name of the ghost town in Xidu. At night, they try to stay at home, and rarely wander outside. go home.

The lively and noisy people are probably those who are capable. They know the origin of the name of the ghost town in the Western Capital, and they know that there are many ghosts and undead surrounded by the Western Capital. The difference is so big, but it doesn't matter. After so many years, there is nothing at all, so I can relax.

Lin Xuan and the others ate dinner and took a break. The field survival equipment purchased before was now in use, so there was no need to buy anything on purpose, just set off and climb Mount Tai!

After leaving the manor, turn left and walk straight, passing many guilds, and encountering a lot of capable people along the way, and some people raised their eyebrows when they saw the Diyi school uniform on them, although there was no words, but their eyes There are still some inexplicable meanings.

When going out, school uniforms are definitely a great deterrent. Many capable people in the society will never dare to come up to provoke and make fun of them when they see it. One is that they can't offend the school, and the other is that they can't offend the Tianjiao students who go out for a walk.

And those eyes with inexplicable meanings are probably students of some high schools, maybe not students of Xidu No. 1 Middle School, but no matter what, Xidu No. 1 Middle School is the leading high school in Xidu, and there are disputes of interests in peacetime, but when it comes to the whole country In the high school league, the high schools in Xidu are basically consistent with the outside world.

Xidu No. 1 Middle School is the face of Xidu!

I ignored them, and went all the way, and finally arrived at the Taishan Square at the foot of Mount Tai, where the lights are bright, and many businessmen set up stalls here, selling some necessary items for camping and mountaineering.

They are not the only team that wants to climb this evening. On the contrary, there are many. Some of them are local mountaineering groups in Xidu. They will come to Mount Tai at night every day. One is to exercise, and the other is to occasionally The Yan of Tarzan will appear.

In addition to the local mountaineering groups in Xidu, there are also college teams from other regions like Lin Xuan and others who came to participate in the competition, or ordinary people who came to Xidu to travel, capable people!

"Climbing Mount Taishan at night" is also quite famous in Taixia!

"Team Qin, long time no see!"

The two young men walked towards them, one holding a sword in his hand, his eyes half-closed and half-open, and the sword intent seemed to burst out from it. The darkness disappeared.

"Hey, it's Team Zhao and Team Xin, it's been a long time since I saw them." Qin Fen greeted them both, and then introduced to Lin Xuan and the others: "These are the two captains of the Second Demon, Zhao Lingyinlong. Captain Tiger, Sword of Good Swordsman, Captain Xin Deran Fengyun, the dark magic is perfect!"

"Where, where, it's not as good as Qin's team, Quan Qingdiyi, who is invincible!" Then Xin Deran also introduced to the team behind him: "This is Diyi's double-team captain, Qin Fen, one-handed boxing. Brilliant."

Zhao Lingyin held the sword in his arms, and his half-closed and half-open eyes seemed to be drowsy, falling into a state of half-sleep and half-awake. He met Lin Xuan who was looking at him.

"Hey, hello, I'm Lin Xuan!"

"Lin Xuan? It sounds familiar!" Zhao Lingyin recited it several times, but he still didn't recall that there was a strong man named Lin Xuan in the second year of the national high school, but it was really familiar, and it seemed that someone had mentioned it.

"Hey, Lin Xuan, Di Yi's deputy team! Your name has been so loud recently."

When Xin Deran heard Lin Xuan's introduction, he immediately remembered that the Magic II intelligence analyst mentioned that the Diyi school team selection competition just ended, it was a man named Lin Xuan who took off the title of the school team captain.

Another term of appointment!

It seems that next year's National High School League will be very exciting. Apart from Di Yi being the captain, Mo Er is also the captain. It is said that there is also a captain in Guangzhou.

Every captain of Taixia Ninth University is not a simple In the contempt chain of the nine college teams, the captain is standing at the top of the contempt chain, and the next is their ordinary captains .

It's a pity that Li Rui didn't come this time, otherwise, the two of them would meet... No, they will meet sooner or later!

Looking forward to it!

Xin Deran smiled friendly at Lin Xuan, and invited everyone from Di Yi to climb the mountain together.

There are many lively people, and it is inevitable, and you can also take a side view of the other party's preparations and the progress of the realm.

Mount Tai is not high, but it is not low either. The entire group is the arrogance of the Nine Great Tai Xia. Even if the power of the copy and the power of the exercises are not used, the basic physical fitness is also very good. Stop and go, talk and laugh Smile, it is quite easy to climb to the top of Mount Tai.

After setting up a tent, lighting a bonfire, and grilling some barbecue, a group of people sat on the edge of the cliff and looked at the sky.

The sun rises in the east, the sea of ​​golden clouds, the stars and rivers in the sky have not completely faded away, and there is still a small half-round waning moon hanging in the air. The moment the dark yellow sun rises and jumps out of the horizon, the dark yellow fades away, and it is replaced by the golden yellow of the whole body, gradually changing. cannot be seen directly.

Good fortune Zhong Shenxiu, Yin and Yang cut the dawn!

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