Alternate World: I Started With Two SSS Templates

Vol 2 Chapter 142: Intermittent smugness (stop talking, look at me!!)


Big water!


When a few people who were not very sensitive were still wondering how their group came out, Zhu Yuan, Zhao Hao and others had already heard the roar of water coming from behind them, and turned their heads in disbelief. Nima!

I am Nima! Do you hear me, I'm Nima!

Then the surging tide drowned everything!

Lin Xuan rushed to the limit in eight steps, and came to the Lin sisters' side in an instant. He even took two pitiful angels under his arms, and then returned to the front of the base stone. It was too late to put them down. Throwing it away, the power of the giant doubled, turning into a burly little giant.

Foot on the ground, physical strength is unlimited, backed by the base stone, rooted with strength, never retreat, never fall.

Come on, torrents!

His eyes were firm and his hands were in the shape of an "X" in front of his chest, his head was slightly lowered, and he was ready to meet the huge waves in front of him!

The twenty or so people were all engulfed, without a single splash, and then with a monstrous force, they pointed directly at Lin Xuan.


Lin Xuan was directly submerged, and the terrifying impact force pulled his body desperately. At this moment, the endless physical strength rising from his feet was in a tug-of-war with the exhausted physical strength. You rise, I consume, that is, At this time, Lin Xuan vaguely felt the recovery speed of his endless stamina.

Fast, fast, very fast!

But natural disasters should not be underestimated!

It is also fortunate that Lin Xuan's body is strong enough. You must know that even "no injury" is invincible. In the face of natural disasters, it is also powerless. Maybe this natural disaster is not as powerful as the attacks of some powerful people on the ground, but It is so powerful in the word "day"!

There are four levels of ability, the sky and the earth are dark yellow, this "heaven" is also the sky of natural disasters!

Natural disasters, the power is not large, the energy level is not small, the priority is even higher than the supernatural power of the earth!

Therefore, Zhao Hao's natural disaster skills are so favored by Di Yi and the Zhao family!

Therefore, in the face of natural disasters and mountain torrents, Lin Xuan's "no injury" does not work at all. If he hadn't laid the foundation of the body of the King Kong, he would have dared to tear it apart in minutes!

The impact time of the big waves far exceeded Lin Xuan's expectations. One wave after another, it didn't stop at all. This was not a dammed lake, but several, or even dozens!

It's so outrageous, is it really a copy of natural disaster survival?

The highest good is like water, and water is good for all things without fighting.

Feeling his body being torn by the terrifying pulling force of the water, Lin Xuan grimaced. This water is not a good thing.

Water has no permanent shape, and it follows the trend and does what it wants without fighting for it.

After holding on for a few minutes, although Lin Xuan was beaten by iron, facing the softest water in the world, his iron-beaten body couldn't hold it, and his whole body made creaking noises. He got it!

Yinglong's bloodline endowed Lin Xuan with a strong affinity for "feng shui". For wind, he had already understood "sharp" and "floating", but for water, he still had nothing to gain, but today, inexplicably remembered The two sentences in the Tao Te Ching that I heard in my previous life seemed to be enlightened.

Go with the flow?

Go with the flow!

for what?

Water flow!

Just like the wind has its own flow, water also has its own flow path. This is the current of water, the flow of water. If it is slow, water drops will pass through the stone, and if it is fast, it will be cut by torrents.

Laozi Daozun, I understand!

Lin Xuan changed the flow path of the water for the first time. Gradually, the water flowed a few centimeters in front of Lin Xuan and divided into two sections. Lin Xuan, the two sisters behind him, his imperial beasts, and the base stone were finally no longer affected by the water flow. The impact is finally a little safer.

The base stone was also washed away by a lot of durability under the previous impact of the current, and after it was not impacted, it also began to recover slowly. It was at this time that Lin Xuan felt that three teams of people had already been attacked. Completely eliminated, the base stone durability is cleared, and all members are out.

After about half an hour, the torrent gradually subsided. Although there was still a lot of water on the ground, it was no longer a problem for those who were capable.

Zhu Yuan was paralyzed on the ground with the earth crown on his head, panting hard. Originally, his two teammates were also in the realm of the earth king, but I didn't expect this torrent to be so long-lasting. It was shameless and there was no way. We can only reduce the domain of the Earth King and leave him alone to save his life.

Zhao Hao was in a similar situation. He returned to Zhao's house yesterday and got the family heirloom "Fan Tianyin". If it hadn't been for a small piece of heaven and earth to be suppressed by Fantianyin, I'm afraid he would be gone.

That Xuanjie was a lot more embarrassed than the others, but they survived by their own means, rather than relying on external forces like the two of them.

As for the others, I don't know where they were rushed, and I haven't seen them for the time being.

"Yo, so embarrassed, Zhao Gongzi, Zhu Gongzi!"

Lin Xuan greeted the two young masters with a smile. Because he understood the reason why water is extremely flowing, he did not pay a small price like the others, although his body was indeed pulled at first. Light, but now nourished by vitality, has recovered.

"Lin, Lin Xuan, you are amazing, hehe, you won again!"

Zhu Yuan stood up and kept the Earth King's Domain to resist the impact of the mountain torrent, but he didn't **** him to the ground. He couldn't recover for a while, and he could only be slaughtered by others. Zhao Hao and the Xuanjie were also in the same situation.

"What do you mean I'm amazing, what you mean is, I'm not convinced!"

Lin Xuan is not happy to hear this. You think that it is easy for labor and capital to defend against torrents. If labor and capital are not smart enough to recall the few words of the Tao Te Ching, I am afraid that they will be like you.

However, even if you guys are in their prime, they won't be able to beat labor and capital!

Lin Xuan's eyes flickered, thinking about There was a saying in a previous life that "the villain dies with too many words". Obtained the status of the main force of the Diyi school team, with the blessing of the two captains, and become the captain of the Diyi school team!

But such a near-missed victory, does he want it?

Disdainful, but really delicious!

Qin Fen, now the captain of the Diyi school team, is known as the emperor's legend, the man who conquered all the people of the emperor's school team, and is recognized as the first person of the emperor's high school sophomore. His prestige in the school team is unparalleled. Members, no, every student in the second year of high school worships him immensely.


Because he was abruptly rising from the end, and he was invincible with one punch and one kick!

And what about Lin Xuan himself?

Can't beat it? Is it in poor condition? Still in a hurry?


Then take a moment to convince people with reason and convince them, okay?

Opened a new book "The Invincible Road Begins with the First School Team of the Emperor"!

Whoops, just kidding.

"Give you time to recover, and also give you time to shake people. I want to see if you group of stinky fish and rotten shrimps have some strength, can you follow labor and capital to fight in the league!"

Arrogant, domineering, and a little bit of middle school!

Behind him, Lin Zhenxing looked at Lin Xuan with a look of admiration, and Lin Zhenyue knew that their captain was ill and had intermittent complacency. There was no cure for this disease, just wait...

"The kid is arrogant, An dare to humiliate me..."

Zhu Yuan roared, and then took out the sound transmission stone, "Come here quickly!"

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